2013-11-12 11:23:29 UTC
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<font size=7 color=red>their...</font> <br>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related video:<br>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related story:<br>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click for related 0bama video:<br>
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<font size=6 color=red>This Thread Brought To You By The Letter P:</font>
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<font size=5 color=red>In Case You Missed It Dept.:</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>On ABC, Howard Dean said that Obamacare is "driving
the fly-by-night insurance companies out of the market." Unfortunately,
there won't be many "stay-all-day" ones left, either. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>In yet another Obamacare bungle, New York's Health
Department has mistakenly listed numerous non-health-related business as
enrollment sites — including a Brooklyn cupcake shop. Apparently a lot of
folks were confused when asked if they wanted sprinkles with their policy.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Google Inc. and other technology companies are
contributing dozens of computer engineers and programmers to help the Obama
administration fix HealthCare.gov So, king's horses & men, how's Mr. Dumpty
doing? </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>CBS News reports that early tests of the Obamacare
website in September were all unsuccessful. Ah... I see they operate under
the Wile. E. Coyote school of project management. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The Mayor of Toronto admitted that he smoked crack,
but said it was while he was in a drunken stupor. Finally - a plausible
excuse Obama could try for his decision to rollout Obamacare. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>A new poll shows that more people believe in Bigfoot
than believe the Obamacare rollout has gone well. Well, there HAVE been more
Bigfoot sightings than successful enrollees. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House described the rash of insurance
policies cancellations as "normal turnover in the insurance market". Sure...
"he didn't get pushed down the stairs, that's just normal turnover". </font>
<font size=5 color=red>In California, a highway had to be shut down after
2,000 used hypodermic needles spilled onto the road. Motorists reported
being confused, saying they thought it was just a new Obamacare clinic
opening. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>A new report shows that America will have a shortage
of 52,000 doctors by 2025. The good news is they expect no shortage of
bureaucrats telling the remaining doctors how to run their practices.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Fred Thompson</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House ruled all health care plans must
equal ObamaCare coverage. These cover men for pap smears and women for
prostate exams. It took five years, a Supreme Court decision and a U.S.
government shutdown but Chas Bono is finally covered either way. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>House Republicans took turns blasting away at
Kathleen Sibelius over the ObamaCare rollout fiasco Wednesday. They should
relax. If Republicans really want to get rid of Obamacare they should
endorse it as a conservative non-profit and let the IRS take it down.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>NSA former monitor Ed Sbowden released evidence that
the NSA monitored German, Spanish, Mexican and Brazilian leaders. Some
people have a lot of nerve. The U.S. government indicted Ed Snowden for
spying and stealing the data we stole through spying. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The Washington D.C. City Council ordered the police
to set up prostitution-free zones in ten city blocks during major U.S.
government events and protest rallies. You can't make it up. Washington is
so corrupt we just rope off areas where people actually follow the law.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The U.S. said four million Americans went on the
ObamaCare website on the first day and six people bought policies. That's
six sales in four million sales pitches to the private sector. Jehovah's
Witnesses just sent a telegram to Uncle Sam saying welcome to our world.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House insisted Friday President Obama didn’t
know about the health care website mess or the NSA spying on allies. He also
didn't know about Benghazi or the IRS targeting the Tea Party. It just
proves the truth in the saying that ignorance is re-election. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House admitted Thursday that ObamaCare will
be more expensive than it was originally projected. Also, patients won't be
given much time for their medical examination. If you want a second opinion,
the doctor goes out the door and comes in again. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The NSA chief told Congress Thursday that NSA
wiretaps are done only on terrorist suspects. That's true to a point. If you
call the NSA, the telephone recording tells you to press one to listen to
the French leaders, press two to listen to Germany's leaders, and if you
have any dirt on the Republicans, please hold and the president will be
right with you. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>President Obama was ripped for claiming ObamaCare
would let you keep the health plan you've got. Early today he said to read
his lips, no new taxes and he did not have sex with that woman. Like all
great performers, he warms up in the shower every morning. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Lindsay Graham vowed to hold Obama's nominees if the
victims of al-Qaeda's attack in Benghazi aren't allowed to testify. The
jihaddists overran the U.S. consulate and they overran the annex. It does
support Barack Obama's claim that he's got al-Qaeda on the run. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The Pentagon cleaned up a security breach involving
President Obama's command over national defense. It's vital. Everywhere the
president goes, he is followed by a U.S. general who carries a briefcase
containing the codes to the latest ObamaCare explanation. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Kathleen Sebelius said ObamaCare may employ felons as
website navigators. They'll make great life coaches. You apply as a slim,
healthy adult with normal blood pressure and if the Canadian system is any
guide, you end up fat, coked up and the Mayor of Toronto. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>President Obama apologized in a NBC interview for
lying to Americans about ObamaCare. His antenna is good. To improve his poll
numbers he lit up a bowl of crack and defended Richie Incognito's right to
use the N-word on a Miami teammate who'd gone soft. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Argus Hamilton</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Six kids showed up for Halloween with no costumes at
all, just dressed like ordinary people. They said, "We're the six people who
signed up for Obamacare on the first day." </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>According to CBS News, only six people enrolled in
Obamacare on the first day of the rollout. Six! That means more people have
walked on the moon than have signed up for Obamacare. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>This is my favorite part. Hand to God, this is the
absolute truth. The White House said that the number six is not official.
Really, aren't they better off saying nothing? Not official? What, if we
wait it could go as high as seven? </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Did you all turn your clocks back an hour over the
weekend? It is easy to remember "spring ahead, fall back." It's like trying
to log on to Obamacare. You spring ahead, make a little progress, then you
fall back. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>According to CBS news, on the first day of open
enrollment for Obamacare, only six people signed up. Today they released
their names: They are Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, and Doc. That’s
according to the creator of the website: Dopey. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>NSA leaker Edward Snowden got a new job in Moscow.
Not only that, but he was also able to sign up for "PutinCare." </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>I was thinking about Thanksgiving and I realized who
we should put in charge of the Obamacare website — the Butterball hotline
people. Have you ever called them? They always pick up. They're friendly.
They have all of the information you need. And they're used to dealing with
big turkeys. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>According to CNN, they're now developing a new spy
plane that can travel six times the speed of sound and can launch missiles.
They said it could really help us with our spying. In fact, this plane is so
good President Obama is already denying knowing anything about it. </font>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Leno</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>In New York they elected a new mayor. He is Bill de
Blasio, the first Democrat mayor in 20 years. Now 20 years ago Times Square
was filled with strip clubs and porno theaters. So I'm counting on the new
mayor to restore it to its former glory. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Craig Ferguson</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>One year ago today President Obama won re-election.
And it's been smooth sailing ever since. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Letterman</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The new mayor of New York City is a progressive
Democrat with an African-American wife who used to be a lesbian. Or as Fox
News reported, the apocalypse is upon us. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The new mayor is married to a woman who used to be a
lesbian. His campaign slogan: “If I turned her around, imagine what I can do
for New York City!” </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Conan</font>
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<font size=7 color=blue>Click below for related video:<br>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related video:<br>
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<font size=7 color=red>their...</font> <br>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related video:<br>
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<img src="Loading Image...
<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related story:<br>
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<img src="Loading Image...
<font size=7 color=red>Click for related 0bama video:<br>
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<font size=6 color=red>This Thread Brought To You By The Letter P:</font>
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<font size=5 color=red>In Case You Missed It Dept.:</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>On ABC, Howard Dean said that Obamacare is "driving
the fly-by-night insurance companies out of the market." Unfortunately,
there won't be many "stay-all-day" ones left, either. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>In yet another Obamacare bungle, New York's Health
Department has mistakenly listed numerous non-health-related business as
enrollment sites — including a Brooklyn cupcake shop. Apparently a lot of
folks were confused when asked if they wanted sprinkles with their policy.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Google Inc. and other technology companies are
contributing dozens of computer engineers and programmers to help the Obama
administration fix HealthCare.gov So, king's horses & men, how's Mr. Dumpty
doing? </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>CBS News reports that early tests of the Obamacare
website in September were all unsuccessful. Ah... I see they operate under
the Wile. E. Coyote school of project management. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The Mayor of Toronto admitted that he smoked crack,
but said it was while he was in a drunken stupor. Finally - a plausible
excuse Obama could try for his decision to rollout Obamacare. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>A new poll shows that more people believe in Bigfoot
than believe the Obamacare rollout has gone well. Well, there HAVE been more
Bigfoot sightings than successful enrollees. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House described the rash of insurance
policies cancellations as "normal turnover in the insurance market". Sure...
"he didn't get pushed down the stairs, that's just normal turnover". </font>
<font size=5 color=red>In California, a highway had to be shut down after
2,000 used hypodermic needles spilled onto the road. Motorists reported
being confused, saying they thought it was just a new Obamacare clinic
opening. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>A new report shows that America will have a shortage
of 52,000 doctors by 2025. The good news is they expect no shortage of
bureaucrats telling the remaining doctors how to run their practices.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Fred Thompson</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House ruled all health care plans must
equal ObamaCare coverage. These cover men for pap smears and women for
prostate exams. It took five years, a Supreme Court decision and a U.S.
government shutdown but Chas Bono is finally covered either way. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>House Republicans took turns blasting away at
Kathleen Sibelius over the ObamaCare rollout fiasco Wednesday. They should
relax. If Republicans really want to get rid of Obamacare they should
endorse it as a conservative non-profit and let the IRS take it down.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>NSA former monitor Ed Sbowden released evidence that
the NSA monitored German, Spanish, Mexican and Brazilian leaders. Some
people have a lot of nerve. The U.S. government indicted Ed Snowden for
spying and stealing the data we stole through spying. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The Washington D.C. City Council ordered the police
to set up prostitution-free zones in ten city blocks during major U.S.
government events and protest rallies. You can't make it up. Washington is
so corrupt we just rope off areas where people actually follow the law.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The U.S. said four million Americans went on the
ObamaCare website on the first day and six people bought policies. That's
six sales in four million sales pitches to the private sector. Jehovah's
Witnesses just sent a telegram to Uncle Sam saying welcome to our world.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House insisted Friday President Obama didn’t
know about the health care website mess or the NSA spying on allies. He also
didn't know about Benghazi or the IRS targeting the Tea Party. It just
proves the truth in the saying that ignorance is re-election. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The White House admitted Thursday that ObamaCare will
be more expensive than it was originally projected. Also, patients won't be
given much time for their medical examination. If you want a second opinion,
the doctor goes out the door and comes in again. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The NSA chief told Congress Thursday that NSA
wiretaps are done only on terrorist suspects. That's true to a point. If you
call the NSA, the telephone recording tells you to press one to listen to
the French leaders, press two to listen to Germany's leaders, and if you
have any dirt on the Republicans, please hold and the president will be
right with you. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>President Obama was ripped for claiming ObamaCare
would let you keep the health plan you've got. Early today he said to read
his lips, no new taxes and he did not have sex with that woman. Like all
great performers, he warms up in the shower every morning. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Lindsay Graham vowed to hold Obama's nominees if the
victims of al-Qaeda's attack in Benghazi aren't allowed to testify. The
jihaddists overran the U.S. consulate and they overran the annex. It does
support Barack Obama's claim that he's got al-Qaeda on the run. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The Pentagon cleaned up a security breach involving
President Obama's command over national defense. It's vital. Everywhere the
president goes, he is followed by a U.S. general who carries a briefcase
containing the codes to the latest ObamaCare explanation. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Kathleen Sebelius said ObamaCare may employ felons as
website navigators. They'll make great life coaches. You apply as a slim,
healthy adult with normal blood pressure and if the Canadian system is any
guide, you end up fat, coked up and the Mayor of Toronto. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>President Obama apologized in a NBC interview for
lying to Americans about ObamaCare. His antenna is good. To improve his poll
numbers he lit up a bowl of crack and defended Richie Incognito's right to
use the N-word on a Miami teammate who'd gone soft. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Argus Hamilton</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Six kids showed up for Halloween with no costumes at
all, just dressed like ordinary people. They said, "We're the six people who
signed up for Obamacare on the first day." </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>According to CBS News, only six people enrolled in
Obamacare on the first day of the rollout. Six! That means more people have
walked on the moon than have signed up for Obamacare. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>This is my favorite part. Hand to God, this is the
absolute truth. The White House said that the number six is not official.
Really, aren't they better off saying nothing? Not official? What, if we
wait it could go as high as seven? </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Did you all turn your clocks back an hour over the
weekend? It is easy to remember "spring ahead, fall back." It's like trying
to log on to Obamacare. You spring ahead, make a little progress, then you
fall back. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>According to CBS news, on the first day of open
enrollment for Obamacare, only six people signed up. Today they released
their names: They are Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy, and Doc. That’s
according to the creator of the website: Dopey. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>NSA leaker Edward Snowden got a new job in Moscow.
Not only that, but he was also able to sign up for "PutinCare." </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>I was thinking about Thanksgiving and I realized who
we should put in charge of the Obamacare website — the Butterball hotline
people. Have you ever called them? They always pick up. They're friendly.
They have all of the information you need. And they're used to dealing with
big turkeys. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>According to CNN, they're now developing a new spy
plane that can travel six times the speed of sound and can launch missiles.
They said it could really help us with our spying. In fact, this plane is so
good President Obama is already denying knowing anything about it. </font>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Leno</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>In New York they elected a new mayor. He is Bill de
Blasio, the first Democrat mayor in 20 years. Now 20 years ago Times Square
was filled with strip clubs and porno theaters. So I'm counting on the new
mayor to restore it to its former glory. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Craig Ferguson</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>One year ago today President Obama won re-election.
And it's been smooth sailing ever since. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Letterman</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The new mayor of New York City is a progressive
Democrat with an African-American wife who used to be a lesbian. Or as Fox
News reported, the apocalypse is upon us. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The new mayor is married to a woman who used to be a
lesbian. His campaign slogan: “If I turned her around, imagine what I can do
for New York City!” </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Conan</font>