4/29/13 Toons+
(too old to reply)
2013-04-29 19:36:57 UTC
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for Tony’s toons:<br>
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<font size=6 color=red>This Thread Brought To You By The Number 0:</font>
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<font size=5 color=red>In Case You Missed It Dept.: </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>President Obama's new budget contains cuts to the tax
deduction for charitable contributions. Sure. Why pussyfoot around with sin
taxes when you can tax virtue? </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>A new study shows that California's planned
high-speed rail system will lose $300 million per year. The new California
reverse gold rush: throwing money INTO a hole. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>During a recent hearing, John Kerry said of Benghazi,
"we got a lot more important things to move on to". Like what? The statute
of limitations? </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>After the gun control bill was defeated, President
Obama said, "the gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill".
Huh. I was waiting for him to blame it on a YouTube video. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Fred Thompson</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>President Obama offered to wash U.S. senators' cars
if they will pass the immigration bill. He wasn't kidding. The position of
car washer in the U.S. government pays a hundred eighty grand a year and you
only have to do it for two months to qualify for a full pension. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Boston police tracked down and killed one of the two
bombing supects Friday as the brother got away. It was a long night. The
cops asked Twitter to stop giving tips to the suspect by revealing the
police's whereabouts, but they thanked CNN for throwing him off. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The FBI dug into the past of the Boston bombers to
see if were they radicalized in U.S. mosques. The nineteen-year-old was fine
until he went to college. That's how student loans affect people when they
find out they can't get in-state tuition like the Mexicans do. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>George W. Bush will host his father George H.W. Bush,
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama at the dedication of his
presidential library at SMU in Dallas Thursday. Imagine the five living
president side-by-side together. If they were cards, you would fold. </font>
<font size=5 color=red>Boston bomber Djhokhar Tsarnaev was discovered in a
backyard boat by the owner Friday. The guy's wife had ordered him to go
outside to smoke. It's the first time since World War II that tobacco
companies have been able to credibly argue that smoking saves lives. </font>
<font size=5 color=red>Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was taken by
ambulance to Beth-Israel hospital in Boston after his discovery. He's a
Muslim terrorist who's recovering in a Jewish hospital. The Jewish people
have survived for five thousand years but no one can figure out how. </font>
<font size=5 color=red>Russian intel confirmed Monday it warned the FBI
several years ago that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a Chechen-trained terrorist.
It's not like the information wasn't used. The TSA was put on alert to watch
for women who might have a Chechen concealed in their bra. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Russia offered the West help in tracking Chechen
terrorists after last week's Boston bombings. It has to be a group effort.
Within days the U.S. had tracked down the bombers, Britain beefed up
security for the London Marathon, and France surrendered to Chechnya.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>The AP was hit by a hacker Tuesday who tweeted under
the AP byline that the White House had been bombed. It was obviously a hoax.
Under the the new AP stylebook, reporters are not allowed to use the word
bomb, they have to say undocumented boom box. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Bill and Hillary Clinton will be in Arkansas next
week for the dedication of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport in Little
Rock. It's a tribute to both their careers. Half of the airport is a
mile-high club and half of the airport is a coin-operated money laundry.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>Canadian Mounties foiled an al-Qaeda plot to blow up
a passenger train traveling to Toronto from New York. Everyone shuddered.
Trains are so susceptible to terrorist attack that we're allowing knives on
airplanes just to try to lure al-Qaeda back to the airports. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Argus Hamilton</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>All five living presidents will gather for the
opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library. President Obama says he
hopes he can pick up some ideas for when he builds his. It's going to be
called the “Blame George W. Bush Presidential Library.” </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> -- Leno</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>A new report found that the worst job in the U.S. is
being a newspaper reporter. They say it's better for writers to just focus
on fiction and become a CNN reporter. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red> – Jimmy Fallon</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>----------------------------------------------</font>
<font size=5 color=red>An elderly man had a massive stroke & the family
drove him to the emergency room.</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>After awhile, the ER doctor appeared wearing a long
face.</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>”I’m afraid Grandpa is brain dead, but his heart is
still beating.” </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=red>”Oh dear God,” cried his wife, “we’ve never had a
liberal in the family before!”</font>
Ramon F. Herrera
2013-04-29 21:26:16 UTC
This has to be the most calumnious cartoon in a very long time:


Let's review some FACTS, shall we?


The following conversation is part of the PUBLIC RECORD, it is an Oval
Office phone recording, after a South Vietnam leader was assassinated:

President Nixon: "Is there any way that we can blame this on Ted

Attorney General: "But, Mr. President, there is no evidence..."

President Nixon: "I don't give a DAMN about EVIDENCE!!!!"

MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2013-04-29 21:36:43 UTC
Clinton Lawyers: Mohamed Atta Off-Limits

A year before the 9/11 attacks, Clinton administration lawyers told
a group of military intelligence officers that information they had
developed on 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta could not be shared with
the FBI, saying of Atta himself:
"You can't even touch him
- it doesn't matter what information you have."

Those same Clinton Lawyers
had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM wiretapping Princess Diana.

"What difference does it make?"
-- CTHILLARY's bon mot, 2013
Denying that Benghazi evidence points to her.

A: What difference does it make?

Had Bill Clinton done back in '93, in Mogadishu,
what Ethiopia in a SINGLE WEEK nearly a decade later
there factually would have been no OBL, no AlQaeda, no 911,
no Endless Wars, NO OBAMA!

LIBs. What PRICE their Vision?
While President Obama and the left like to pretend that they oppose
bullying with all their hearts and souls, the truth is far darker: the
left is the greatest purveyor of bullying in modern American history.
Bullying has morphed into the left’s go-to tactic, as they attempt to
quash their opponents through fear, threat of force, violence, and
rhetorical intimidation on every major issue facing America today.

Ben Shapiro uncovers the simple strategy used by liberals and their
friends in the media: bully the living hell out of conservatives. Play the
race card, the class card, the sexism card. Use any and every means at
your disposal to demonize your opposition—to shut them up. Then pretend
that such bullying is justified, because, after all, conservatives are the
true bullies, and need to be taught a lesson for their intolerance. Hidden
beneath the left’s supposed hatred of bullying lies a passionate love of
its vulgar tactics.

The left has created a climate of fear wherein ordinary Americans must
abandon their principles, back abhorrent causes, and remain silent. They
believe America is a force for evil, that our military is composed of war
criminals, and that patriotism is the deepest form of treason. They incite
riots and threaten violence by playing the race card, then claim they’re
advocates for tolerance. Disagree with Obama? You must be a racist. They
send out union thugs and Occupy Wall Street anarchists to destroy
businesses and redistribute the wealth of earners and job creators. No
target is off limits as liberal feminists declare war against stay-at-home
moms, and gay activists out their enemies, destroy careers, and desecrate
personal privacy.

These are the most despicable people in America, bullying their opponents
while claiming to be the victims. Shapiro takes on the leftist bullies,
exposes their hypocrisy, and offers conservatives a reality check in the
face of what has become the gravest threat to American liberty: the left’s
single-minded focus on ending political debate through bully tactics.
Ramon F. Herrera
2013-04-30 01:40:06 UTC
This has to be the most calumnious cartoon in a very long time:


Let's review some FACTS, shall we?


The following conversation is part of the PUBLIC RECORD, it is an Oval
Office phone recording, after a South Vietnam leader was assassinated:

President Nixon: "Is there any way that we can blame this on Ted

Attorney General: "But, Mr. President, there is no evidence..."

President Nixon: "I don't give a DAMN about EVIDENCE!!!!"

