11/3/14 Toons+
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2014-11-03 11:12:48 UTC
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<font size=6 color=red>This Thread Brought To You By The Number 0:</font>
<img src="Loading Image..."> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>In Case You Missed It Dept.:</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>A new report shows that illegal poppy farming in
Afghanistan is at an "all time high", despite the US spending $7.6 billion
trying to stop it. Maybe we should subsidize it instead. Stopped Solyndra
cold. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>An undercover video has surfaced showing deliberate
voter fraud in Colorado. Which will probably end up being sold in Chicago as
a training DVD. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>France is continuing to be plagued by a rash of
"scary clowns" running around frightening people. They're lucky. In America,
we have to put up with them regulating our healthcare. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black> -- Fred Thompson</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>White House Ebola Czar Ron Klain took office
Wednesday, tasked with keeping Ebola out of the U.S. His first task is to
get the Obama administration's stories straight. Last week they were
claiming you have as much a chance of catching Ebola as there being a
Canadian terrorist. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>Canadian and U.S. officers last week surveilled
Islamic converts prone to join ISIS whom profilers had refused exit
passports. It's a dilemma. North America is full of young men who want to
join the violent armed group with no respect for Western laws, but the IRS
is not hiring. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>The White House sent a thousand more U.S. troops to
West Africa Friday to help the locals deal with Ebola epidemic. It's a scary
mission. Back when Barack Obama campaigned for president on bringing the
country free health care, he didn't mention that the country is Liberia.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>Republicans in Congress reacted angrily to the
terrorist attack in Canada's Parliament building Friday and ripped President
Obama for saying that Islam has done much to shape America. However the
statement is true. New York used to be a little taller than it is right now.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>The Secret Service provided video of the Belgian
guard dogs that caught the White House fence jumper on the North Lawn
Thursday. The dogs work much harder than the Secret Service agents do.
That's because the dogs know the president never ate Secret Service agents
as a boy. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>The U.S. Senate races across the country tightened
over the weekend, making both parties nervous about mid-terms. It could be
very close. The pollsters say the Senate is the Republicans to lose, and if
anyone knows how to lose something that was theirs to lose, it's the
Republicans. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>Hillary Clinton fired up a a Democratic rally
Sunday by declaring that businesses don't create jobs before recanting it
the next day. She strayed from her Goldwater Girl-Methodist-Tory true self
to try to sound like a leftist. Nevertheless, Hillary can deliver the woman
vote, and Bill can deliver the other-woman vote, and between the two of
them, that's a lot of women. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>President Obama hit the trail to try to get out the
black vote for Tuesday's mid-terms. It's up to him alone. The last time Joe
Biden tried to inspire a black audience to get out and vote, he mentioned
Malcolm X three times in his speech and called him Malcolm the Tenth each
time. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>U.S.-Israel relations teetered on the brink
Wednesday after Obama officials were quoted in the Atlantic calling Benjamin
Netanyahu a coward and chicken excrement. Israel is very mad. Susan Rice
immediately went on a talk show and blamed the attack on a Mel Gibson video.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>President Obama was reportedly considering flying
Ebola-infected Africans into America for hospital treatment Tuesday. You
can't make it up. After five years in Iraq, the Americans couldn't find any
leader willing to attack the U.S. with biological weapons, so we had to
elect one. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>President Obama hugged Ebola-treating nurses back
from Africa a day before he kissed a nurse who'd just recovered from Ebola.
This is dangerous. In days past the Secret Service agents would have jumped
in and taken a nurse for the president, but they forgot to bring cash.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>The Wall Street Journal predicted the GOP could
rack up historic gains due to President Obama's unpopularity. He departed
the White House Thursday to campaign for Democratic Congress candidates
who'd asked for his help. He was back at the White House in about an hour.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>Hillary Clinton caused a firestorm last week when
she declared onstage that businesses and corporations don't create jobs. It
made no sense at all. Bill Clinton didn't help when he defended what Hillary
said, saying that it all depends on what your definition of the word job is.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>Fox News reports fifty voters in Maryland
complained their votes for Republicans were switched to Democrats by voting
machines. Vote stealing is part of our cherished heritage. The most popular
inscription on tombstones in Chicago is a bumper sticker that reads I Voted.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black> -- Argus Hamilton</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>During a campaign event, former presidential
nominee Bob Dole told the crowd that Mitt Romney should run for president in
2016. If there's anyone who knows that the third time is a charm, it's a guy
who lost three times. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black> -- Jimmy Fallon</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said today that he
has not yet decided whether he will run for president in 2016 — at which
point Hillary Clinton took her foot off of his neck. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>While Mitt Romney was in Nebraska at a campaign
rally to support a local Senate candidate this week, the crowd started
chanting, "Run, Mitt, Run." And now, nobody can find Mitt Romney. </font>
<font size=5 color=black> -- Seth Meyers</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>If you think there's a lot of people trying to get
into the White House now, just wait about a year. </font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>People running for re-election are distancing
themselves from President Obama. He's very lonely. He has no close friends
in the White House. In fact, an intruder hopped the fence on Sunday, made it
all the way to White House, and Obama begged him to stay and watch football.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black> -- Letterman</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black>BREAKING NEWS: Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells
reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time.
</font> <p>
<font size=5 color=black> -- Stilton Jarlsberg</font>
MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2014-11-03 11:50:58 UTC
Hello and welcome to TAKOS TUESDAY.
Don't worry about that big black monolith thing blocking out the sun.

What you need to worry about is this question I'm going to ask you:
Who wants a TAKOS?

spaceship. Spaceship. SPACESHIP. BOOM.
-- Sir Richard Branson, that 70's Space Guy.

You've heard it said that:

The only thing necessary for Evil to prosper
is for Good Men to do Absolutely Nothing.

And that:

A Value illicitly obtained retains no Value.

the Unearned cannot be ceded nor the Undeserved seized.

Why then should Good Men expect Freedom just for doing Absolutely Nothing?

Doing Absolutely Nothing as the Venal and the WEAK abet the Desperate and
Deliberately Guilty, the Shameless Retail Politico's who are quite
literally gunning you down and setting fire to your children as
they take 'things' from you in the name of the "Common Good"?

This is how, suddenly a society wakes up and discovers
men with guns forcing you to wear a burka and threatening
you with being imprisoned, dispossessed and flayed alive for having a beer

Why did Spartans, Persians, Macedonians and Romans fight?
What motivated Bonaparte to take on the Austrians, the Ottomans,
the Russians and the English? What caused Imperial Japan to attempt
to conquer Asia?

Almost a thousand years ago, Genghis Khan provided a candid and classic
answer: “Man's highest joy is victory: to conquer his enemies;
to pursue them; to deprive them of their possessions; to make their
beloved weep; to ride on their horses; and to embrace their wives
and daughters.”

This *IS* the only common ground that TRUELY EVIL believe in.
It is the Shameless Retail Politico's who Proudly do unto their
own PRECISELY what they forbid us to do to our Adversaries who give
the TRUELY EVIL license to sacrifice the Innocent to the Guilty,
the Good to the Evil, the Unknowing to the Theatrically Villanous.

This is Clinton's Bridge to the 21st Century.
Where Terrorists and their Terror are granted Worldwide Coverage
while legitimate business is put into Court under legal bombardment.

If you expect Freedom as a value in your life, you must earn it
or live with the vain hope that the tender mercies of the
society within which you live lets you do as you please.

We can't be so fixed on our desire to preserve
the rights of ordinary Americans..."
Arch-traitor Bill Clinton'93

It is these very basic Freedoms that are under assault today.
which if you do Absolutely Nothing gives the Venal and the WEAK
Absolutely Power to take away your freedoms
-- take them at their word.

"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"
-- Shameless Politico THUG, Nancy Pelosi'09

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
-- Hillary.

"We have a simpler, clearer path to the future
than we did when I was there"
Bill Clinton'09

Visualize World Death in His Name.
This is Clinton's Bridge to the 21st Century.
A Bridge which is NO BRIDGE because it span no River.
A Legacy which is NO LEGACY because it embody no Legitimacy.
A World Safe for Socialism in his his image which is NO WORLD
because NO ONE's Rights are secure.

"We'll actually have to work very hard to kill
as many people in the 21st century.
What's the difference?
This time, you think the victim could be you,"

For his part, OBAMA has merely put Clinton to shame
in showing us all how actually-easy it was to do.

To abandon this area now -- and to rely only on efforts against
alQaeda from a distance -- would significantly hamper our ability to
keep the pressure on al Qaeda, and create an unacceptable risk of
additional attacks on our homeland and our allies.
-- OBAMA'09

"to leave now we would send a message to terrorists
and other potential adversaries around the world that
they can change our policies by killing our people.
It would be open season on Americans."
-- Bill Clinton '93
just before he pulled out of Somalia.

Conduct Unbecoming Part I

Over the next two years, however, my experiences in the Clinton White
House turned my gratitude and awe into shock, revulsion, and sorrow as
I experienced the cavalier and self-serving way Clinton went about the
business of running our country. I wrote my first book, Dereliction of
Duty, documenting our former President's contempt for the military, his
indifference to important issues except insofar as they served his own
political or personal purposes, and his failure to accept his
responsibilities as our commander-in-chief. Indeed, it is my sincere
belief that the dereliction of duty and negligence of Bill Clinton
paved the way for the tragic events and deaths of September 11, 2001.

Obama’s Secret Link to Hamas, Part II

At the time I left my position in the Clinton White House I certainly
couldn’t have imagined we’d elect anyone more inept than Bill Clinton.
Nor could I have predicted that just seven years after we’d been
attacked and gone to war, we’d elect the most radical left-wing
president in our nation’s history. Few seem to have noticed, until
recently, that Barack Obama is inclined to dispense with the key
precepts our forefathers valued: a robust defense of American
sovereignty and our national interest for one; limited government for
another; fiscal prudence for a third.

And what of the Great Man?
and his even Greater Legacy?
Something about his Mom and a Cigar?
Loading Image...

This is the horrifying obviousness of the
Truth that LIBs cannot have you realize, that
they follow a leadership that is not just Mistaken, but EVIL.

Putting Bill Clinton On the Couch

Monica Lewinsky represented something very important to Clinton
psychologically. She looked like his mother, Virginia, who had
recently died. Clinton kept saying how much she reminded him of
his mother.

Monica kept saying she felt like she was having a relationship with a
lost little boy. This is the President of the United States. She was an
intern. Yet she felt maternal in her relationship with him.

Thank YOU! Mr. President.
For Being There at the Pinnacle of our Civilization to PISS IT ALL AWAY.

GAIUS BALTAR in the service unstoppable
killing machines who promise to (perhaps) murder you last.

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Loading Image...
MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2014-11-03 11:51:52 UTC
Hello and welcome to TAKOS TUESDAY.
Don't worry about that big black monolith thing blocking out the sun.

What you need to worry about is this question I'm going to ask you:
Who wants a TAKOS?

spaceship. Spaceship. SPACESHIP. BOOM.
-- Sir Richard Branson, that 70's Space Guy.

You've heard it said that:

The only thing necessary for Evil to prosper
is for Good Men to do Absolutely Nothing.

And that:

A Value illicitly obtained retains no Value.

the Unearned cannot be ceded nor the Undeserved seized.

Why then should Good Men expect Freedom just for doing Absolutely Nothing?

Doing Absolutely Nothing as the Venal and the WEAK abet the Desperate and
Deliberately Guilty, the Shameless Retail Politico's who are quite
literally gunning you down and setting fire to your children as
they take 'things' from you in the name of the "Common Good"?

This is how, suddenly a society wakes up and discovers
men with guns forcing you to wear a burka and threatening
you with being imprisoned, dispossessed and flayed alive for having a beer

Why did Spartans, Persians, Macedonians and Romans fight?
What motivated Bonaparte to take on the Austrians, the Ottomans,
the Russians and the English? What caused Imperial Japan to attempt
to conquer Asia?

Almost a thousand years ago, Genghis Khan provided a candid and classic
answer: “Man's highest joy is victory: to conquer his enemies;
to pursue them; to deprive them of their possessions; to make their
beloved weep; to ride on their horses; and to embrace their wives
and daughters.”

This *IS* the only common ground that TRUELY EVIL believe in.
It is the Shameless Retail Politico's who Proudly do unto their
own PRECISELY what they forbid us to do to our Adversaries who give
the TRUELY EVIL license to sacrifice the Innocent to the Guilty,
the Good to the Evil, the Unknowing to the Theatrically Villanous.

This is Clinton's Bridge to the 21st Century.
Where Terrorists and their Terror are granted Worldwide Coverage
while legitimate business is put into Court under legal bombardment.

If you expect Freedom as a value in your life, you must earn it
or live with the vain hope that the tender mercies of the
society within which you live lets you do as you please.

We can't be so fixed on our desire to preserve
the rights of ordinary Americans..."
Arch-traitor Bill Clinton'93

It is these very basic Freedoms that are under assault today.
which if you do Absolutely Nothing gives the Venal and the WEAK
Absolutely Power to take away your freedoms
-- take them at their word.

"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"
-- Shameless Politico THUG, Nancy Pelosi'09

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
-- Hillary.

"We have a simpler, clearer path to the future
than we did when I was there"
Bill Clinton'09

Visualize World Death in His Name.
This is Clinton's Bridge to the 21st Century.
A Bridge which is NO BRIDGE because it span no River.
A Legacy which is NO LEGACY because it embody no Legitimacy.
A World Safe for Socialism in his his image which is NO WORLD
because NO ONE's Rights are secure.

"We'll actually have to work very hard to kill
as many people in the 21st century.
What's the difference?
This time, you think the victim could be you,"

For his part, OBAMA has merely put Clinton to shame
in showing us all how actually-easy it was to do.

To abandon this area now -- and to rely only on efforts against
alQaeda from a distance -- would significantly hamper our ability to
keep the pressure on al Qaeda, and create an unacceptable risk of
additional attacks on our homeland and our allies.
-- OBAMA'09

"to leave now we would send a message to terrorists
and other potential adversaries around the world that
they can change our policies by killing our people.
It would be open season on Americans."
-- Bill Clinton '93
just before he pulled out of Somalia.

Conduct Unbecoming Part I

Over the next two years, however, my experiences in the Clinton White
House turned my gratitude and awe into shock, revulsion, and sorrow as
I experienced the cavalier and self-serving way Clinton went about the
business of running our country. I wrote my first book, Dereliction of
Duty, documenting our former President's contempt for the military, his
indifference to important issues except insofar as they served his own
political or personal purposes, and his failure to accept his
responsibilities as our commander-in-chief. Indeed, it is my sincere
belief that the dereliction of duty and negligence of Bill Clinton
paved the way for the tragic events and deaths of September 11, 2001.

Obama’s Secret Link to Hamas, Part II

At the time I left my position in the Clinton White House I certainly
couldn’t have imagined we’d elect anyone more inept than Bill Clinton.
Nor could I have predicted that just seven years after we’d been
attacked and gone to war, we’d elect the most radical left-wing
president in our nation’s history. Few seem to have noticed, until
recently, that Barack Obama is inclined to dispense with the key
precepts our forefathers valued: a robust defense of American
sovereignty and our national interest for one; limited government for
another; fiscal prudence for a third.

And what of the Great Man?
and his even Greater Legacy?
Something about his Mom and a Cigar?

This is the horrifying obviousness of the
Truth that LIBs cannot have you realize, that
they follow a leadership that is not just Mistaken, but EVIL.

Putting Bill Clinton On the Couch

Monica Lewinsky represented something very important to Clinton
psychologically. She looked like his mother, Virginia, who had
recently died. Clinton kept saying how much she reminded him of
his mother.

Monica kept saying she felt like she was having a relationship with a
lost little boy. This is the President of the United States. She was an
intern. Yet she felt maternal in her relationship with him.

Thank YOU! Mr. President.
For Being There at the Pinnacle of our Civilization to PISS IT ALL AWAY.

GAIUS BALTAR in the service unstoppable
killing machines who promise to (perhaps) murder you last.

MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE
2014-11-03 11:52:14 UTC
Hello and welcome to TAKOS TUESDAY.
Don't worry about that big black monolith thing blocking out the sun.

What you need to worry about is this question I'm going to ask you:
Who wants a TAKOS?

spaceship. Spaceship. SPACESHIP. BOOM.
-- Sir Richard Branson, that 70's Space Guy.

You've heard it said that:

The only thing necessary for Evil to prosper
is for Good Men to do Absolutely Nothing.

And that:

A Value illicitly obtained retains no Value.

the Unearned cannot be ceded nor the Undeserved seized.

Why then should Good Men expect Freedom just for doing Absolutely Nothing?

Doing Absolutely Nothing as the Venal and the WEAK abet the Desperate and
Deliberately Guilty, the Shameless Retail Politico's who are quite
literally gunning you down and setting fire to your children as
they take 'things' from you in the name of the "Common Good"?

This is how, suddenly a society wakes up and discovers
men with guns forcing you to wear a burka and threatening
you with being imprisoned, dispossessed and flayed alive for having a beer

Why did Spartans, Persians, Macedonians and Romans fight?
What motivated Bonaparte to take on the Austrians, the Ottomans,
the Russians and the English? What caused Imperial Japan to attempt
to conquer Asia?

Almost a thousand years ago, Genghis Khan provided a candid and classic
answer: “Man's highest joy is victory: to conquer his enemies;
to pursue them; to deprive them of their possessions; to make their
beloved weep; to ride on their horses; and to embrace their wives
and daughters.”

This *IS* the only common ground that TRUELY EVIL believe in.
It is the Shameless Retail Politico's who Proudly do unto their
own PRECISELY what they forbid us to do to our Adversaries who give
the TRUELY EVIL license to sacrifice the Innocent to the Guilty,
the Good to the Evil, the Unknowing to the Theatrically Villanous.

This is Clinton's Bridge to the 21st Century.
Where Terrorists and their Terror are granted Worldwide Coverage
while legitimate business is put into Court under legal bombardment.

If you expect Freedom as a value in your life, you must earn it
or live with the vain hope that the tender mercies of the
society within which you live lets you do as you please.

We can't be so fixed on our desire to preserve
the rights of ordinary Americans..."
Arch-traitor Bill Clinton'93

It is these very basic Freedoms that are under assault today.
which if you do Absolutely Nothing gives the Venal and the WEAK
Absolutely Power to take away your freedoms
-- take them at their word.

"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory"
-- Shameless Politico THUG, Nancy Pelosi'09

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
-- Hillary.

"We have a simpler, clearer path to the future
than we did when I was there"
Bill Clinton'09

Visualize World Death in His Name.
This is Clinton's Bridge to the 21st Century.
A Bridge which is NO BRIDGE because it span no River.
A Legacy which is NO LEGACY because it embody no Legitimacy.
A World Safe for Socialism in his his image which is NO WORLD
because NO ONE's Rights are secure.

"We'll actually have to work very hard to kill
as many people in the 21st century.
What's the difference?
This time, you think the victim could be you,"

For his part, OBAMA has merely put Clinton to shame
in showing us all how actually-easy it was to do.

To abandon this area now -- and to rely only on efforts against
alQaeda from a distance -- would significantly hamper our ability to
keep the pressure on al Qaeda, and create an unacceptable risk of
additional attacks on our homeland and our allies.
-- OBAMA'09

"to leave now we would send a message to terrorists
and other potential adversaries around the world that
they can change our policies by killing our people.
It would be open season on Americans."
-- Bill Clinton '93
just before he pulled out of Somalia.

Conduct Unbecoming Part I

Over the next two years, however, my experiences in the Clinton White
House turned my gratitude and awe into shock, revulsion, and sorrow as
I experienced the cavalier and self-serving way Clinton went about the
business of running our country. I wrote my first book, Dereliction of
Duty, documenting our former President's contempt for the military, his
indifference to important issues except insofar as they served his own
political or personal purposes, and his failure to accept his
responsibilities as our commander-in-chief. Indeed, it is my sincere
belief that the dereliction of duty and negligence of Bill Clinton
paved the way for the tragic events and deaths of September 11, 2001.

Obama’s Secret Link to Hamas, Part II

At the time I left my position in the Clinton White House I certainly
couldn’t have imagined we’d elect anyone more inept than Bill Clinton.
Nor could I have predicted that just seven years after we’d been
attacked and gone to war, we’d elect the most radical left-wing
president in our nation’s history. Few seem to have noticed, until
recently, that Barack Obama is inclined to dispense with the key
precepts our forefathers valued: a robust defense of American
sovereignty and our national interest for one; limited government for
another; fiscal prudence for a third.

And what of the Great Man?
and his even Greater Legacy?
Something about his Mom and a Cigar?

This is the horrifying obviousness of the
Truth that LIBs cannot have you realize, that
they follow a leadership that is not just Mistaken, but EVIL.

Putting Bill Clinton On the Couch

Monica Lewinsky represented something very important to Clinton
psychologically. She looked like his mother, Virginia, who had
recently died. Clinton kept saying how much she reminded him of
his mother.

Monica kept saying she felt like she was having a relationship with a
lost little boy. This is the President of the United States. She was an
intern. Yet she felt maternal in her relationship with him.

Thank YOU! Mr. President.
For Being There at the Pinnacle of our Civilization to PISS IT ALL AWAY.

GAIUS BALTAR in the service unstoppable
killing machines who promise to (perhaps) murder you last.


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