(too old to reply)
2014-03-27 16:36:17 UTC
< You've got to hand it to George W. Bush. He's STILL making money. < The former president, now 67, has been hired to teach public speaking at the Harvard University School of Communication in Cambridge, Mass. < The board of trustees approved his hiring in a unanimous vote and said in a joint statement that it was "delighted to have him aboard." < Bush's salary was kept confidential but Fox News has learned from a confidential source that it's "a pretty penny." Bush, who served as the 43rd chief executive from 1901 to 1909, had delivered many memorable speeches while in office. < Here, former U.S. President Merkin Muffley, currently president of Harvard, phones Georgie's daddy to convey the good news. < Loading Image... <
< http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushism-wings.htm < http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushism-foolme.htm <
< http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bushharmamerica.htm < http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushism-tickertcounter.htm < http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushism-piehigher.htm < http://youtu.be/-ej7ZEnjSeA < < ========================= < < RARE PHOTO OF CHARLES DARWIN < This is a color-enhanced photograph of Charles Darwin while he was taking a break from his research in the Galapagos Islands in 1834. < Loading Image... < < CRIME IN RHYME Evolutionists, their interests so vested And Poor Truth, for too long molested. Their deceit and deception Near the point of perfection If it were my call, they'd ALL be arrested < =============== < Never in the history of History has as much physical evidence existed to debunk and destroy an existing scientific theory. < But it certainly DOES EXIST -- in spades -- concerning the theory of man's evolution -- and other creatures, for that matter. < The discovery of thousands upon thousands of petrified bones, teeth and even soft organs -- SOME HUMAN -- between coal veins has proven that Charles Darwin's fable, "Origin of Species," isn't worth the papyrus it was written on. < It means that man, in almost our present form, had existed while coal was being formed -- perhaps even before -- and the most golden rule of geology is that anthracite dates back at least 280 million years. < Therefore, these discoveries certainly offer the undeniable evidence that the majority of evolutionists, atheists and physical anthropologists continue to play a con game with their fellow man. < They are guilty of willful participation in a monumental conspiracy against mankind. < ======================= < Loading Image... < < ========================= < MAN AS OLD AS COAL < WHAT HONEST SCIENCE LOOKS LIKE Loading Image... < State-of-the-art testing by American Medical Laboratories revealed that at least six of Ed Conrad's fossils, all bearing a distinct resemblance to human bones via human comparative anatomy, contain dried blood and, in some cases, other relative components. < This offers state-of-the-art scientific evidence that Ed Conrad is right and the arrogant, ignorant, pompous buffoons wearing the white coats and dunce hats are dead wrong. < ======================= < The really scary part in all of this is how the bones, teeth and even soft organs got broken and petrified. < It can mean only one thing: The humans and animals that existed on earth eons ago were destroyed in an earth-shattering catastrophe. < Anyone -- and I certainly mean ANYONE -- who doubts that I have discovered thousands upon thousands of petrified remains of man and animals is a fraud and a phony. < The list includes the so-called "experts" at the Smithsonian Institution, the University of California at Berkeley, Harvard University, the U.S. Geological Survey, Penn State University, the Paleontological Research Institution, the University of Pennsylvania and tenured-fossil professors of anthropology, paleontology and geology -- to mention just a few -- in America's universities. < I can ask "Why?" But I don't have to since I KNOW why this hoax has long been perpetrated against mankind. < It boils down to the protection of vested interests. The Scoundrels of Science are fully aware that siding with Truth can adversely affect their careers, their lucrative weekly paychecks and their cushy positions. < God forbid, they dare not make any waves. So the mind-boggling lie has gone on and on and on. < ====================== < Loading Image... < < ===================== < PETRIFIED BONES, TEETH, SOFT ORGANS -- SOME HUMAN -- FOUND BETWEEN COAL VEINS < Loading Image... Loading Image... Loading Image... < Loading Image... < HUMAN CRANIUM EMBEDDED IN A BOULDER Loading Image... < Loading Image... < Loading Image... A FEW OTHER DISCOVERIES Loading Image... Loading Image... Loading Image... Loading Image... Loading Image... Loading Image... < ======================= < A variety of state-of-the-art testing has confirmed that these mind-boggling discoveries are neither rocks nor concretions but fossils of creatures that once lived. < They included testing for the presence of Haversian canals (the tell-tale sign of bone), CAT-scans and SEM (scanning electronic microscope) investigation, to mention just a few. < And let's NOT FORGET that the late Wilton M. Krogman, one of the world's foremost human anatomists and author of the book, "The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine," personally had examined several specimens and determined that one is a a calvarium (a human skull with the eye sockets broken off), another a tibia and a third a portion of a giant prehistoric scorpion. < Scrapings from the cranium-like specimen embedded in the 650-pound boulder were tested by American Medical Laboratories in Chantilly, Va. -- considered the most prestigious medical laboratory in the world -- which documented, in writing, that they contain DRIED BLOOD. < AML had performed testing on at least a half-dozen key specimens via Calculus Analysis by Crystallography and the presence of blood was confirmed in an official "Final Report" authorized by Dr. Nathan Sherman, director of laboratories. < Blood not only was found in the skull-like object embedded in the boulder but in the specimen that Krogman identified as a calvarium. (a human skull with the eye sockets broken off); the fossil that he identified as a tibia; two specimens that appear to be human jawbones, and in others. < It's also important to note that highly respected Dr. Geoffrey Bourne, who had served as director of Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center for many years, had tested one of the discoveries between coal veins and identified it as B-O-N-E in written correspondence. < ============================== < KROGMAN IDENTIFIED THIS FOSSIL AS A TIBIA < http://www.edconrad.com/pics/newtibia.jpg Loading Image... < ======================= < Here's a petrified dinosaur foot still embedded in slate. Loading Image... < Here are several views of a portion of a giant prehistoric scorpion identified as such by Krogman. , Loading Image... < http://www.edconrad.com/pics/MoreFossils.jpg < Loading Image... Show trimmed content Click here to Reply Previous Previous Page 1 NextNext
2014-03-30 00:40:07 UTC
I was rather astonished while reading the above article.

I really thought the stupid bastard had expired some
five-six years ago.
