More Offensive: Confederate Flag or Illegals Flying Mexican Flag? (Ask a liberal bigot in LaLaLand
(too old to reply)
2014-05-06 19:18:19 UTC
One of the most repulsive truths about liberal bigots is their insatiable
appetite for tearing down anything American in order to build up anti-
American hatred.
The issue over the Confederate Flag is an excellent example.
For instance, in liberal-infested California, unglued politicians
recently passed a bill prohibiting the sale or display of the Confederate
California state government departments will be prohibited from
selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate flag under a
bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
But ONLY ON STATE PROPERTY. "AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton,
is headed to the Senate after passing on a 72-1 vote." Compton is
NIGGERTOWN. It is so broke and corrupt that its police department was
disbanded and handed over to the county sheriff. "Hall introduced the bill
after his mother saw replica Confederate money being sold at the state
Capitol gift shop, which no longer stocks the item." Typical libturd
niggerwhine cave-in...
California bill passes to ban state sales of Confederate flag items

Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 12:14 PM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California state government departments will be
prohibited from selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate
flag under a bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.

AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton, is headed to the Senate after
passing on a 72-1 vote. Hall introduced the bill after his mother saw
replica Confederate money being sold at the state Capitol gift shop, which
no longer stocks the item.

He called the image a symbol of racism meant to intimidate.

"Its symbolism in history is directly linked to the enslavement, torture and
murder of millions of Americans," Hall said of the Confederate flag. "The
state of California should not be in the business of promoting hate toward

The only lawmaker to vote against the bill was Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, the
leading Republican candidate for governor.

"We shouldn't be here picking the kind of speech we like," he said. "I am
not standing here defending the symbol. I am standing here defending the
principle that the First Amendment principles should apply in all state
buildings, of all places."

The bill originally banned all sales of Confederate flag memorabilia on
state property. In explaining that provision, Hall noted a sign sold at the
state fairgrounds depicting a Confederate flag with the phrase "It's still
my American flag."

He amended the bill to exclude nongovernment employees and businesses from
the ban to avoid violating constitutional free speech protections.

Courts have upheld the rights of individuals to display the Confederate flag
while also upholding the rights of government agencies to limit what they

"We aren't stifling free speech here," said Assemblyman Donald Wagner,
R-Irvine, calling on Republicans who oppose flag burning to understand the
symbolic implications of the Confederate flag. "Here is a symbol that's so
vile, that carries such connotations, that we in the state do not want to be
associated with it."

The legislation would not prohibit Confederate flag images from appearing in
educational or historical contexts, such as in textbooks or museums.

Some states have gone the other direction: Earlier this year, Georgia
approved a specialty license plate featuring the Confederate flag.

2014-05-06 19:29:32 UTC
One of the most repulsive truths about liberal bigots is their insatiable
appetite for tearing down anything American in order to build up anti-
American hatred.
Inbred Peckerwoods Love Fuking their Fist over Kiddie Pornography
43 Stark County man sentenced for child pornography
A former Hartville resident has been sentenced to 14 years in
federal prison for having child pornography and sexual involvement
with minors, according to a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office
in Cleveland.
Mark. A. Steffee, 43, was arrested on March 27, 2013, in the Parma
area after police said he solicited a 14-year-old girl to make adult
movies. Police say he went to Parma to pick up the girl, but was met
instead by police and agents with the Ohio Internet Crimes Against
Children Task Force.
Investigators later discovered child pornography on his computer
and, according to court records, Steffee later disclosed having a
sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl in 2005.
Steffee was sentenced Wednesday in U.S. District Court in
Cleveland. He pleaded guilty in February to federal charges of having
child pornography and coercion or enticement of a female
Steffee had kept his behavior hidden from his family for years,
accepted responsibility for his actions and underwent intensive
counseling to better understand his problem, his attorney said in
pre-sentencing court filings.
The issue over the Confederate Flag is an excellent example.
For instance, in liberal-infested California, unglued politicians
recently passed a bill prohibiting the sale or display of the Confederate
California state government departments will be prohibited from
selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate flag under a
bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
But ONLY ON STATE PROPERTY. "AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton,
is headed to the Senate after passing on a 72-1 vote." Compton is
NIGGERTOWN. It is so broke and corrupt that its police department was
disbanded and handed over to the county sheriff. "Hall introduced the bill
after his mother saw replica Confederate money being sold at the state
Capitol gift shop, which no longer stocks the item." Typical libturd
niggerwhine cave-in...
California bill passes to ban state sales of Confederate flag items
Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 12:14 PM
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California state government departments will be
prohibited from selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate
flag under a bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton, is headed to the Senate after
passing on a 72-1 vote. Hall introduced the bill after his mother saw
replica Confederate money being sold at the state Capitol gift shop, which
no longer stocks the item.
He called the image a symbol of racism meant to intimidate.
"Its symbolism in history is directly linked to the enslavement, torture and
murder of millions of Americans," Hall said of the Confederate flag. "The
state of California should not be in the business of promoting hate toward
The only lawmaker to vote against the bill was Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, the
leading Republican candidate for governor.
"We shouldn't be here picking the kind of speech we like," he said. "I am
not standing here defending the symbol. I am standing here defending the
principle that the First Amendment principles should apply in all state
buildings, of all places."
The bill originally banned all sales of Confederate flag memorabilia on
state property. In explaining that provision, Hall noted a sign sold at the
state fairgrounds depicting a Confederate flag with the phrase "It's still
my American flag."
He amended the bill to exclude nongovernment employees and businesses from
the ban to avoid violating constitutional free speech protections.
Courts have upheld the rights of individuals to display the Confederate flag
while also upholding the rights of government agencies to limit what they
"We aren't stifling free speech here," said Assemblyman Donald Wagner,
R-Irvine, calling on Republicans who oppose flag burning to understand the
symbolic implications of the Confederate flag. "Here is a symbol that's so
vile, that carries such connotations, that we in the state do not want to be
associated with it."
The legislation would not prohibit Confederate flag images from appearing in
educational or historical contexts, such as in textbooks or museums.
Some states have gone the other direction: Earlier this year, Georgia
approved a specialty license plate featuring the Confederate flag.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2014-05-06 22:08:53 UTC
Post by Byker
California state government departments will be prohibited from
selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate flag under a
bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
But ONLY ON STATE PROPERTY. "AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton,
is headed to the Senate after passing on a 72-1 vote." Compton is
And that pretty much makes you a sleazy, dimwitted racist---proven by
your own words.

2014-05-06 22:28:47 UTC
Post by Y***@Jurgis.net
And that pretty much makes you a sleazy, dimwitted racist---proven by
your own words.
You got a problem with that? I don't.

I learned all about racism from the likes of Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael,
Eldrige Cleaver, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Angela Davis, Jesse Jackson, Al
Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Johnnie Cochran, Spike Lee, Julianne Malvaux,
Sheila Jackson Lee, Derrick Bell, Oprah Winfrey, bell hooks, Kwiese Mfume,
Louis Farrakhan, Marion Barry, Kwame Kilpatrick, Cornell West, Melissa
Harris-Perry, Touré, Ben Jealous, Joy Reid, Leo Terrell, Eric Dyson, Tavis
Smiley, the NAACP, the SPLC, the Congressional Black Caucus, and about 90%
of the "black leadership." They taught me REAL well.
2014-05-06 22:45:43 UTC
On Tue, 6 May 2014 17:28:47 -0500, "Byker" <***@do~rag.net> wrote:

Homosexual Peckerwood 53 St. Tammany Educator arrested and caged for
Molesting a Peckerwood Buck 10


SLIDELL, LA (WVUE) - A former school employee in St. Tammany Parish is
under arrest for allegedly molesting a 10-year-old boy.

Slidell Police arrested 53-year-old Wendell Troullier, a former
paraeducator at Bonne Ecole Elementary School, after the alleged
victim's mother called and reported the crime.

According to police, the alleged victim was playing at Troullier's
house and came home visibly upset. The 10-year-old said that Troullier
touched him in his "private area" through the outside and inside his

After the alleged victim's mother contacted police, investigators
found out Troullier worked in the St. Tammany Parish School System and
immediately notified the school board. School administrators
immediately removed him from the school. Police say the alleged crime
did not take place at the school or involved on of its students.

Troullier is charged with molestation of a juvenile and is currently
in the St. Tammany Parish Jail.

Police say the investigation is ongoing and are not ruling out the
possibility of other victims.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2014-05-06 22:43:21 UTC
Inbred Peckerwoods Love Fuking their Fist over Kiddie Pornography
43 Stark County man sentenced for child pornography
A former Hartville resident has been sentenced to 14 years in
federal prison for having child pornography and sexual involvement
with minors, according to a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office
in Cleveland.
Mark. A. Steffee, 43, was arrested on March 27, 2013, in the Parma
area after police said he solicited a 14-year-old girl to make adult
movies. Police say he went to Parma to pick up the girl, but was met
instead by police and agents with the Ohio Internet Crimes Against
Children Task Force.
Investigators later discovered child pornography on his computer
and, according to court records, Steffee later disclosed having a
sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl in 2005.
Steffee was sentenced Wednesday in U.S. District Court in
Cleveland. He pleaded guilty in February to federal charges of having
child pornography and coercion or enticement of a female
Steffee had kept his behavior hidden from his family for years,
accepted responsibility for his actions and underwent intensive
counseling to better understand his problem, his attorney said in
pre-sentencing court filings.
Post by Byker
California state government departments will be prohibited from
selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate flag under a
bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
But ONLY ON STATE PROPERTY. "AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton,
is headed to the Senate after passing on a 72-1 vote." Compton is
And that pretty much makes you a sleazy, dimwitted racist---proven by
your own words.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
Pelosi Integrity Institute
2014-05-07 03:55:35 UTC
Post by Byker
One of the most repulsive truths about liberal bigots is their insatiable
appetite for tearing down anything American in order to build up anti-
American hatred.
The issue over the Confederate Flag is an excellent example.
For instance, in liberal-infested California, unglued politicians
recently passed a bill prohibiting the sale or display of the Confederate
California state government departments will be prohibited from
selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate flag under a
bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
But ONLY ON STATE PROPERTY. "AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton,
is headed to the Senate after passing on a 72-1 vote." Compton is
NIGGERTOWN. It is so broke and corrupt that its police department was
disbanded and handed over to the county sheriff. "Hall introduced the bill
after his mother saw replica Confederate money being sold at the state
Capitol gift shop, which no longer stocks the item." Typical libturd
niggerwhine cave-in...
The coons are being kicked out of Compton by the Mexicans.
Post by Byker
California bill passes to ban state sales of Confederate flag items
Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 12:14 PM
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - California state government departments will be
prohibited from selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate
flag under a bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.
AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton, is headed to the Senate after
passing on a 72-1 vote. Hall introduced the bill after his mother saw
replica Confederate money being sold at the state Capitol gift shop, which
no longer stocks the item.
He called the image a symbol of racism meant to intimidate.
Isadore Hall, Doctorates in Theology and Religious Studies from
Next Dimension Bible College.

Apparently intelligence is not a requirement at that institution
of racism.
Post by Byker
"Its symbolism in history is directly linked to the enslavement, torture and
murder of millions of Americans," Hall said of the Confederate flag. "The
state of California should not be in the business of promoting hate toward
The only lawmaker to vote against the bill was Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, the
leading Republican candidate for governor.
"We shouldn't be here picking the kind of speech we like," he said. "I am
not standing here defending the symbol. I am standing here defending the
principle that the First Amendment principles should apply in all state
buildings, of all places."