2008-08-31 11:59:40 UTC
Just in case that smug, sanctimonious, lying hypocrite Matt "glug,
glug, glug" Roloff and/or TLC use their muscle to get this person's
blog deleted, I'll copy and past the story for archival sake.
'Little People, Big World'
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Jeremy Roloff National Enquirer Article
I know I'm going to receive comments from people asking me about the
National Enquirer story about Jeremy, so here is most of it. It was
actually a wonderful article, don't let their reputation fool you.
Jeremy should be forced to read it over time and time again until
something sinks in about what he has done.
The Sept. 1st issue of the National Enquirer. I encourage everyone to
buy it, it's a great article.
A Big Bigot In The Land of The Little People
Normal-sized son in reality TV family is racist gay-basher on Myspace
There's a nasty little secret behind the TV show Little People, Big
World. Series star Jeremy James Roloff -- who preaches with his family
about diversity and tolerance - is a racist gay-basher and hypocrite,
charge outraged sources.
Three of the six members of the Roloff family - including parents Matt
and Amy and Jeremy's fraternal twin brother Zach - are dwarves, and
they often give lectures about the importance of being sensitive to
others. The Roloff family wrote a book titled "Little Family, Big
Values: Lessons in Love, Respect and Understanding for Families of Any
But what most fans don't know is that 18-year-old Jeremy commonly uses
derogatory and racist language - and The Enquirer has some of his
Myspace blogs to prove it.
The show is a complete disgrace," a childhood friend of Jeremy told
The Enquirer. "The Roloffs give speeches about respecting all minority
groups, yet their own son uses racial slurs and mocks gay people all
the time."
Although many of Jeremy's offensive comments have since been deleted,
The Enquirer obtained transcripts and online video grabs, which
confirm his shocking remarks. Among them:
*Bud, lets get it on during spring break sometime, are u in that
beaner place called mexico all spring break?
*Jake, u make me gay...ha. k get back to me (N-word)
*Shute dog (N-word), i thought u were starting to play, sheeit
man...we have an asian section at our school now...
Soon after The Enquirer began its investigation, Jeremy's Myspace went
"private, restricting access to the public.
"I don't think Jeremy is malicious or hateful - just ignorant," said
the friend. "In spite of those values his parents are trying to
instill in him, he's being raised in a very sheltered world, and is
not surrounded by a lot of minorities.
"But that's no excuse for the things he says...for being a hypocrite."
Dr. Boyce Watkins, a Syracuse University professor and leading
commentator on African-American issues told The Enquirer:
"This kid needs to realize the damage he's doing. He needs to think
about what he said about minorities and gay people, and he needs to
remember how he feels the next time someone calls his mom a midget. I
learned from watching their show that 'midget', is a derogatory term
and that they want to be called 'little people.' "If you want people
to be sensitive to your needs, then you have to show sensitivity to
the world around you."
Posted by Spiritswander at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jeremy Roloff National Enquirer Little People Big World
+++ ntv/nat media +++
Jeremy Roloff Scandal - how it has played out
I've had a lot of people ask me about what is going on with this
Jeremy Roloff scandal. I've followed it like anybody else interested
in the show. For people that haven't followed it as closely as I have,
I will give an update and my opinions on what has happened.
For starters, I'm so disappointed in Jeremy and the Roloffs. I was
remembering back to when I first began watching Little People, Big
World, how much I enjoyed them, how refreshing it was. They struck me
as good people.
From where I left off in my last blog about the 'Jeremy scandal' - the
rumors of Jeremy using hate speech and generally acting like an
insensitive, mouthy jerk were proven true.
The website had all the information on it along with pictures of
Jeremy's comments with his friends. When you get to be my age,
something kicks in called common sense and you can tell when something
is true or not. This is without a doubt, true.
When I read people that don't want to believe information deny things,
I just shake my head. There is no logical way to explain all that
implicates Jeremy James Roloff in this debacle.
After the website was up, information quickly spread to the message
boards. Television Without Pity (a nasty name, but there are some
intelligent people there), IMDB, TLC, and even Matt Roloff.com.
Jeremy Roloff and his friends, all of a sudden turn their pages
private, for those of us not familiar with these things called
Myspace, I've been given lectures about it. lol. A user as the option
just like with Blogs of being public or private. Public means anybody
can read, private means only people you select as friends can read.
Your friends leave comments on your page. So when Jeremy's page was
public, anybody could read his page and see his friends comments and
vice versa. After this website opened, Jeremy and his friends turned
their page private to conceal the comments.
They didn't deny that what the website was true. They just hid it.
They haven't said one word publicly.
Matt Roloff.com deleted talk about it within the day. TLC deleted it
within 2 days without explanation.
Then the site was shut down. Supposedly and common sense points
towards the Roloffs and TLC being responsible.
That really ticked me off. It's a matter of right or wrong, truth and
lies and our first amendment right.
The information was true. Jeremy is the one responsible for the
respect that he's lost and the hurt that he caused. They're on a TV
show. They wrote a book. People pay money to hear them speak (I would
have been in that line not too long ago).
Jeremy behaves like a jackass on the internet with his gang of
buddies, using slurs and mocking people of different sexual
orientations and people with physical disabilities (there were some
nasty things Jeremy's best friend, that kid Mueller, said about Down
Syndrome and deaf people)....But someone gathers it up and tells
people about it and they are smothered and shut down by the Roloffs
and their money and a television network making millions of dollars.
Oh, the irony that the Roloffs are 'little people'. This is a case of
the 'little people' meaning joe public being bullied by Big Business
(the Roloff Family and TLC).
So that's the way it goes. The Rich and Famous live a lie, tell lies
on TV, pretend to be Christian and have values, they have a 18 year
old child with a nasty mouth using slurs, that they portray on the
show as lecturing against using slurs and being a good Christian with
values. But the truth just can't be talked about.
Fortunately the National Enquirer which has really redeemed themselves
in the last several years, seems to be one of the only papers still
doing what Newspapers are supposed to do. Report the truth.
They confirmed all the information. They spoke with one of Jeremy's
childhood friends and the article is currently on a newstands now on
Page 51. I have my copy!
Once again, TLC and Matt Roloff deleted the talk off their sites, but
millions of people now know that Jeremy is a hypocrite using slurs and
the show is essentially a lie.
What do I make of all this? Getting away from the angle of Big
Business trying to hide truth, I am so disappointed in the Roloffs.
This is proof to me that the show has harmed those kids. It goes even
deeper than all the nasty things Jeremy has said and done with his
friends. It's about what the Roloffs are teaching Jeremy and his
siblings in how they're handling this.
They haven't denied it. They tried to bury it. Jeremy hasn't
apologized. He hasn't expressed remorse. He hasn't tried to redeem his
character. He hasn't accepted responsibility. They simply aren't
dealing with it in the name of the Almight Dollar because they want
the audience to believe the premise of the show, that the Roloffs are
a nice family with good values and tolerant people. Finding out that
Jeremy uses words like the N word, calls Mexico "that beaner place",
calls people "faggits" and mocks gay people makes the whole thing a
One of the most disappointing things about Jeremy's behavior is that
he grew up in a family with very obvious visible differences. If there
is anyone that should be sensitive and have empathy for people that
are ridiculed, it should be a Roloff family member. Apparently all
that Jeremy has taken from his life experience is that it's bad for
people to say things that hurt him and his family, but he can demean
everybody else. Breaking someone's spirit is the worst crime of all,
and that's what Jeremy and his gang of buddies do when they talk the
way they do.
It's all so disappointing. I expected so much more from Amy. I had so
much respect for her. I also had the most respect for Matt's mother,
Peggy. They seemed like genuinely good moral people. Something should
have been passed down to Jeremy. It obviously wasn't. The way the
Roloff family has dealt with this is just reprehensible.
Jeremy should be apologizing. Matt and Amy should be besides
themselves with disappointment and explaining how they plan to punish/
correct the problem with Jeremy - whatever it is within him that makes
him think it's acceptable behavior. TLC should not be protecting him.
They should make a firm statement against what Jeremy did.
The lack of morals in all of this is just disgusting.
Finally, a few little birdies have told me that some people don't feel
comfortable posting public comments, so if you want to discuss this,
feel free to email me at
Posted by Spiritswander at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jeremy James Roloff Amy Peggy Little People Big World hate
glug, glug" Roloff and/or TLC use their muscle to get this person's
blog deleted, I'll copy and past the story for archival sake.
'Little People, Big World'
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Jeremy Roloff National Enquirer Article
I know I'm going to receive comments from people asking me about the
National Enquirer story about Jeremy, so here is most of it. It was
actually a wonderful article, don't let their reputation fool you.
Jeremy should be forced to read it over time and time again until
something sinks in about what he has done.
The Sept. 1st issue of the National Enquirer. I encourage everyone to
buy it, it's a great article.
A Big Bigot In The Land of The Little People
Normal-sized son in reality TV family is racist gay-basher on Myspace
There's a nasty little secret behind the TV show Little People, Big
World. Series star Jeremy James Roloff -- who preaches with his family
about diversity and tolerance - is a racist gay-basher and hypocrite,
charge outraged sources.
Three of the six members of the Roloff family - including parents Matt
and Amy and Jeremy's fraternal twin brother Zach - are dwarves, and
they often give lectures about the importance of being sensitive to
others. The Roloff family wrote a book titled "Little Family, Big
Values: Lessons in Love, Respect and Understanding for Families of Any
But what most fans don't know is that 18-year-old Jeremy commonly uses
derogatory and racist language - and The Enquirer has some of his
Myspace blogs to prove it.
The show is a complete disgrace," a childhood friend of Jeremy told
The Enquirer. "The Roloffs give speeches about respecting all minority
groups, yet their own son uses racial slurs and mocks gay people all
the time."
Although many of Jeremy's offensive comments have since been deleted,
The Enquirer obtained transcripts and online video grabs, which
confirm his shocking remarks. Among them:
*Bud, lets get it on during spring break sometime, are u in that
beaner place called mexico all spring break?
*Jake, u make me gay...ha. k get back to me (N-word)
*Shute dog (N-word), i thought u were starting to play, sheeit
man...we have an asian section at our school now...
Soon after The Enquirer began its investigation, Jeremy's Myspace went
"private, restricting access to the public.
"I don't think Jeremy is malicious or hateful - just ignorant," said
the friend. "In spite of those values his parents are trying to
instill in him, he's being raised in a very sheltered world, and is
not surrounded by a lot of minorities.
"But that's no excuse for the things he says...for being a hypocrite."
Dr. Boyce Watkins, a Syracuse University professor and leading
commentator on African-American issues told The Enquirer:
"This kid needs to realize the damage he's doing. He needs to think
about what he said about minorities and gay people, and he needs to
remember how he feels the next time someone calls his mom a midget. I
learned from watching their show that 'midget', is a derogatory term
and that they want to be called 'little people.' "If you want people
to be sensitive to your needs, then you have to show sensitivity to
the world around you."
Posted by Spiritswander at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jeremy Roloff National Enquirer Little People Big World
+++ ntv/nat media +++
Jeremy Roloff Scandal - how it has played out
I've had a lot of people ask me about what is going on with this
Jeremy Roloff scandal. I've followed it like anybody else interested
in the show. For people that haven't followed it as closely as I have,
I will give an update and my opinions on what has happened.
For starters, I'm so disappointed in Jeremy and the Roloffs. I was
remembering back to when I first began watching Little People, Big
World, how much I enjoyed them, how refreshing it was. They struck me
as good people.
From where I left off in my last blog about the 'Jeremy scandal' - the
rumors of Jeremy using hate speech and generally acting like an
insensitive, mouthy jerk were proven true.
The website had all the information on it along with pictures of
Jeremy's comments with his friends. When you get to be my age,
something kicks in called common sense and you can tell when something
is true or not. This is without a doubt, true.
When I read people that don't want to believe information deny things,
I just shake my head. There is no logical way to explain all that
implicates Jeremy James Roloff in this debacle.
After the website was up, information quickly spread to the message
boards. Television Without Pity (a nasty name, but there are some
intelligent people there), IMDB, TLC, and even Matt Roloff.com.
Jeremy Roloff and his friends, all of a sudden turn their pages
private, for those of us not familiar with these things called
Myspace, I've been given lectures about it. lol. A user as the option
just like with Blogs of being public or private. Public means anybody
can read, private means only people you select as friends can read.
Your friends leave comments on your page. So when Jeremy's page was
public, anybody could read his page and see his friends comments and
vice versa. After this website opened, Jeremy and his friends turned
their page private to conceal the comments.
They didn't deny that what the website was true. They just hid it.
They haven't said one word publicly.
Matt Roloff.com deleted talk about it within the day. TLC deleted it
within 2 days without explanation.
Then the site was shut down. Supposedly and common sense points
towards the Roloffs and TLC being responsible.
That really ticked me off. It's a matter of right or wrong, truth and
lies and our first amendment right.
The information was true. Jeremy is the one responsible for the
respect that he's lost and the hurt that he caused. They're on a TV
show. They wrote a book. People pay money to hear them speak (I would
have been in that line not too long ago).
Jeremy behaves like a jackass on the internet with his gang of
buddies, using slurs and mocking people of different sexual
orientations and people with physical disabilities (there were some
nasty things Jeremy's best friend, that kid Mueller, said about Down
Syndrome and deaf people)....But someone gathers it up and tells
people about it and they are smothered and shut down by the Roloffs
and their money and a television network making millions of dollars.
Oh, the irony that the Roloffs are 'little people'. This is a case of
the 'little people' meaning joe public being bullied by Big Business
(the Roloff Family and TLC).
So that's the way it goes. The Rich and Famous live a lie, tell lies
on TV, pretend to be Christian and have values, they have a 18 year
old child with a nasty mouth using slurs, that they portray on the
show as lecturing against using slurs and being a good Christian with
values. But the truth just can't be talked about.
Fortunately the National Enquirer which has really redeemed themselves
in the last several years, seems to be one of the only papers still
doing what Newspapers are supposed to do. Report the truth.
They confirmed all the information. They spoke with one of Jeremy's
childhood friends and the article is currently on a newstands now on
Page 51. I have my copy!
Once again, TLC and Matt Roloff deleted the talk off their sites, but
millions of people now know that Jeremy is a hypocrite using slurs and
the show is essentially a lie.
What do I make of all this? Getting away from the angle of Big
Business trying to hide truth, I am so disappointed in the Roloffs.
This is proof to me that the show has harmed those kids. It goes even
deeper than all the nasty things Jeremy has said and done with his
friends. It's about what the Roloffs are teaching Jeremy and his
siblings in how they're handling this.
They haven't denied it. They tried to bury it. Jeremy hasn't
apologized. He hasn't expressed remorse. He hasn't tried to redeem his
character. He hasn't accepted responsibility. They simply aren't
dealing with it in the name of the Almight Dollar because they want
the audience to believe the premise of the show, that the Roloffs are
a nice family with good values and tolerant people. Finding out that
Jeremy uses words like the N word, calls Mexico "that beaner place",
calls people "faggits" and mocks gay people makes the whole thing a
One of the most disappointing things about Jeremy's behavior is that
he grew up in a family with very obvious visible differences. If there
is anyone that should be sensitive and have empathy for people that
are ridiculed, it should be a Roloff family member. Apparently all
that Jeremy has taken from his life experience is that it's bad for
people to say things that hurt him and his family, but he can demean
everybody else. Breaking someone's spirit is the worst crime of all,
and that's what Jeremy and his gang of buddies do when they talk the
way they do.
It's all so disappointing. I expected so much more from Amy. I had so
much respect for her. I also had the most respect for Matt's mother,
Peggy. They seemed like genuinely good moral people. Something should
have been passed down to Jeremy. It obviously wasn't. The way the
Roloff family has dealt with this is just reprehensible.
Jeremy should be apologizing. Matt and Amy should be besides
themselves with disappointment and explaining how they plan to punish/
correct the problem with Jeremy - whatever it is within him that makes
him think it's acceptable behavior. TLC should not be protecting him.
They should make a firm statement against what Jeremy did.
The lack of morals in all of this is just disgusting.
Finally, a few little birdies have told me that some people don't feel
comfortable posting public comments, so if you want to discuss this,
feel free to email me at
Posted by Spiritswander at 6:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jeremy James Roloff Amy Peggy Little People Big World hate