8/23/16 Toons+
(too old to reply)
2016-08-23 08:33:33 UTC
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<font size=7 color=red>Click for story/video:<br>
<a href=http://www.bighairynews.com/2016/08/j.html><img
src="Loading Image..."></a> </font> <p>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related story/audio:<br>
<a href=http://alltherightsnark.org/two-headed-snake/><img
src="Loading Image..."></a> </font> <p>
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<font size=7 color=red>Click below for related story:<br>
src="Loading Image..."></a> </font> <p>
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<font size=6 color=red>This Thread Brought To You By The Letter C:</font>
<img src="Loading Image..."> <p>
<font size=7 color=red>In Case You Missed It Dept.: <p>
<a href=http://www.capsteps.com/sounds/hillary-kaine-ifweonlyhad.mp3>We Only
Have Tim Kaine (audio)</a> </font>
Governor Swill
2016-08-23 15:38:52 UTC









#imwithher #strongertogether
Donald J. Trump: The asteroid destined to destroy
a party of dinosaurs. - Samantha Bee

Trump has written a lot of books about business, but they all
seem to end in Chapter 11. - Hillary Clinton

S. E. Cupp has characterized Trump as wearing the Republican party
like a rented tuxedo. When the prom is over, it's going to end up on
the floor with the liquor stains and cigarette butts.

So if you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump,
the charismatic guy promising to ‘Make America Great
Again,’ stop and take a moment to imagine how you
would feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf:
a litigious, serial liar with a string of broken business
ventures and the support of a former Klan leader who
he can’t decide whether or not to condemn.
Would you think he would make a good president,
or is the spell now somewhat broken? - John Oliver
2016-08-29 03:43:43 UTC
These are great. more please
Post by Governor Swill
Governor Swill
2016-08-29 10:50:26 UTC
Post by Gronk
These are great. more please

Post by Gronk
Post by Governor Swill
#imwithher #stronger together
And then the elephant said . . ,
"It's outrageous how donors to the Clinton Foundation got access
to government! We prefer they get access the old fashioned way.
Through campaign contributions."