On Sat, 10 May 2014 13:05:18 +0000 (UTC),
Post by H***@Full.JEW.Liar.eduPost by M'Balz Es-HariConsidering the money he's made over the last 10 years, I'd say he's at
least more popular than you've been over that same stretch.
When Zioni$t Jew$ steal money from various sources and hand it to another
undeserving Zioni$t Jew, it is called Zioni$t Jew THIEVERY!
Stern is a HUGE LOSER for blended satellite radio and they know it.
Right, that's why he's still there.,,because people love to give
multi-millions to non-performers. But I suppose if I lived in a
1-room trailer with 3 other morons and couldn't find a better job than
ditch digger for minimum wage, I'd be upset at people who had more
than me, too.
Please consider suicide.