Flogging the dead "climate change" horse (cont.)
(too old to reply)
2014-05-06 22:23:02 UTC
I wonder if Paul Ehrlich had a hand in any of this:

"Climate change has moved from distant threat to present-day danger and no
American will be left unscathed, according to a landmark report due to be
unveiled on Tuesday."

"Climate change has officially arrived, and it is wreaking havoc across the
United States - draining water supplies, throwing off sea levels and
affecting the health of millions of Americans, according to a significant
new government report."

Yawn. Learn to adapt, people. Fox has been pooh-poohing this all afternoon
Administration issues dire global warming report, amid regulatory push

May 06, 2014

A new and dire global warming report from the Obama administration warns of
a growing link between human activity and extreme weather across the
country -- but Republicans charge the findings will be used to muscle
through costly emissions regulations.

The National Climate Assessment, four years in the making, gave a
region-by-region breakdown of how climate change is impacting the United
States -- in the form of droughts, heat waves and increasingly intense
hurricanes, though it is still uncertain how much of that is due to "human
activity." The report stopped short of definitively attributing a rash of
extreme weather to man-made climate change, concluding "there is new and
stronger evidence that many of these increases are related to human

"Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved
firmly into the present," the 840-page report states. "Corn producers in
Iowa, oyster growers in Washington state and maple syrup producers in
Vermont are all observing climate-related changes that are outside of recent

The report predicts that the weather-related repercussions of climate change
"are expected to become increasingly disruptive across the nation throughout
this century and beyond."

The report, though, quickly came under fire from Republicans, who said the
administration would use it to push job-killing regulations.

"Instead of making the environment drastically better, the president's
strategy will make the climate for unemployed Americans even worse," Sen.
John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said in a statement. "The American people have made
it clear that they want Washington to focus on the economy and make it
easier for them to find good jobs. Once again, President Obama is completely
ignoring their concerns -- and doubling down today on extreme regulations
that will put more Americans out of work."

In a counterpoint of sorts to the report, Barrasso and other congressional
Republicans representing western states released their own findings later
Tuesday morning highlighting state efforts to protect the environment. The
report highlights local air and water policies, and criticizes
"one-size-fits-all" regulations it accuses the administration of imposing.

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell said the cost of such federal regulations
will be "borne by the middle class."

The administration's latest report comes as the administration battles
congressional Republicans over its climate agenda. White House counselor
John Podesta said Tuesday that the report shows there "is no debate" about
climate change, and said those who deny it are "working themselves in a

A day earlier, he warned that attempts by congressional lawmakers to block
the administration's climate action plan will fail.

Podesta told reporters during a briefing at the White House that President
Obama is committed to moving forward with controversial Clean Air Act
regulations to cut carbon dioxide emissions for all new coal and gas-fired
power plants.

Republicans have branded the president's climate plan as a "war on coal" and
have sponsored legislation to roll back planned Environmental Protection
Agency greenhouse gas standards they argue will harm the nation's economy.

"They'll find various ways, particularly in the House, to try to stop us
from using the authority we have under the Clean Air Act. All I would say is
that those have zero percent chance of working. We're committed to moving
forward with those rules," Podesta said.

The report also comes as the administration delays a decision on the
controversial Canada-to-Texas Keystone pipeline. Environmentalists oppose
it, but Republicans and some Democrats are pressuring the administration to
approve it.

The climate report looked at regional and state-level effects of global
warming, compared with recent reports from the United Nations that lumped
all of North America together. A draft of the report was released in January
2013, but this version has been reviewed by more scientists, the National
Academy of Science and 13 government agencies and had public comment.

Even though the nation's average temperature has risen by as much as 1.9
degrees since record keeping began in 1895, it's in the big, wild weather
where the average person feels climate change the most, said co-author
Katharine Hayhoe, a Texas Tech University climate scientist. Extreme weather
like droughts, storms and heat waves hit us in the pocketbooks and can be
seen by our own eyes, she said.

And it's happening a lot more often lately.

Winter storms have increased in frequency and intensity and shifted
northward since the 1950s, the report also claims. Also, it says, heavy
downpours are increasing -- by 71 percent in the Northeast. Heat waves, such
as those in Texas in 2011 and the Midwest in 2012, are projected in the
report to intensify nationwide. Droughts in the Southwest are likewise
forecast to become stronger. The report claims sea levels have risen 8
inches since 1880, and projects them to rise between one foot and four feet
by 2100.

Critics of the report, however, contend that its dire projections are more
political than scientific. "The Administration's Climate Assessment suffers
from problems similar to those in reports put forward by the IPCC, while
intended to be a scientific document it's more of a political one used to
justify more government overreach," said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., ranking
Republican on the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
"Definitive policy decisions and regional planning based on far too many
uncertainties could hurt our nation's economic viability and
competitiveness. Look no further than the European nations whose policy
decisions led to economic failure."

2014-05-06 22:51:34 UTC
On Tue, 6 May 2014 17:23:02 -0500, "Byker" <***@do~rag.net> wrote:

Proof that Peckerwoods that Force Fuk Juveniles and Milk their Pricks
over Kiddie Pornography have a lower IQ


When “Adam” told the psychiatrist he was a pedophile she told him he
was wrong, that he must be mistaken. But Adam knew he was, sexual
thoughts about young children — children around the age of three —
started plaguing Adam around the same time he started watching porn at
the age of 14. “It was a little while later as I started watching this
stuff more and more that I realized that I was getting older and that
the children I was interested in weren’t getting older to follow along
with me, but they were actually getting younger…it wasn’t just some
phase I was going through,” explained Adam. These disturbing thoughts
persisted for months and then years. According to the DSM-5
(Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders) Adam is
definitely a pedophile. While Adam never acted on his impulses he
developed an addiction to child pornography and by the time he was 16
he knew he needed help.

Adam revealed his story to the world for the first time with the help
of reporter Luke Malone on an episode of This American Life, “Tarred
and Feathered.” Adam is not alone–he started an online support group
for pedophiles who have never acted on their thoughts and want help.
The problem is that there is very little help available.

Research on pedophilia is lightyears behind research on other mental
illnesses and sexual disorders. In 2007, a study published in Sexual
Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment found that pedophiles are
disproportionately likely to be at least two centimeters shorter than
the average man and have a lower IQ, as well as three times likelier
to be left handed. This research is often cited, despite the fact that
it wreaks of the correlation-causation fallacy.

The fact that medical professionals are left with such primitive
studies — another study found that men who were knocked out before the
age of 13 were more likely to be pedophiles — is testament to the need
for more research on pedophilia. But because of the societal disdain
for the disorder, institutions are unwilling to fund pedophilia
studies. As a result, there is very little known about the disorder.
Consequently, psychiatrists like the one who first saw Adam are left
grasping at straws. People like Adam who believe they are pedophiles
and want to seek treatment have very little recourse and eventually
may pose a danger to children. Furthermore, the lack of research on
the disorder means there is no progress being made on possible
treatments. Even if as a society we abhor the idea of “helping”
pedophiles, it is important that we increase our research on
pedophilia if, for no one else, kids who risk falling victim to
pedophile child molesters.

First, it is important to distinguish between child molesters and
pedophiles. According to Oregon’s Sexual Assault Task Force, only “a
small percentage of those who offend children would be considered
“pedophiles” and would be described as having a sexual preference for
undeveloped bodies without secondary sexual characteristics.”
Pedophiles are characterized by a sexual arousal to and desire for
romantic involvement with children, whereas child molesters are not
necessarily sexually attracted to their victims and tend to act
violently and have underlying personality disorders. A pedophile child
molester is a pedophile who molests children—for the purpose of this
article, referring to someone as a pedophile rather than a pedophile
child molester means that there is no indication that they have
molested a child. Not all pedophiles molest children and not all child
molesters are pedophiles.

Speaking to This American Life, Elizabeth Letourneau, a leading sexual
abuse psychiatrist, called research on pedophilia a “giant black hole
in science.” Letourneau has been called a “pedophile sympathizer” for
simply wanting to study pedophilia to help prevent child sexual abuse.
The field of study on pedophilia is so far behind other sciences that
there is still little agreement amongst psychiatrists about the basic
definition of pedophilia. Some psychiatrists consider it a sexual
orientation, although the DSM-5 no longer characterizes it as such,
while others consider it an addiction. Until psychiatrists can come to
a consensus on what the disorder of pedophilia means a consistent
therapy cannot be applied.

The treatment and research of pedophilia is further complicated by the
passage of legislation in 1990 that requires psychiatrists to report
anyone they believe poses a threat to children to Child Protective
Services. This puts psychiatrists in a tough spot: If faced with
someone like Adam, a self-identifying pedophile who has by his own
account never harmed a child, do they report him or offer treatment?
Not only does the legislation hinder treatment, but it hampers
research as well. Few people will want to participate in a study if
they could end up facing criminal charges, and researchers could be
put in a situation where they have to decide on whether to report
their subjects or not. Consequently, most studies are conducted on
convicted pedophiles.

According to Judith Herman, a psychologist at a sexual abuse clinic in
Boston speaking with the Daily Beast, convicted pedophile child
molesters make up only 5 percent of pedophiles — they are the
outliers. So, not only are sample sizes very small, but they are also
composed of the small percentage of pedophile child molesters who do
get caught. Because most pedophile child molesters (according to
Judith Herman, 95 percent) will not be convicted and are therefore
unlikely to be research subjects, the vast majority of pedophiles,
pedophile child molesters, and their characteristics are left out of
the scientific literature and findings. Not only do the small sample
sizes make it hard to come up with highly accurate data that can be
broadly applied, but they are also conducted on the outliers and there
results may, therefore, be misleading.

Even for those who may not have committed an act of pedophiliac child
molestation, the social stigma around pedophilia in combination with
the fear of being reported compels many pedophiles like Adam to lead
closeted lives. Adam and other men in his online support group
described feelings of anxiety and depression in face of their
pedophilic thoughts. Although the lack of research makes this yet
improvable, it is possible to imagine that many pedophile child
molesters may have harbored pedophiliac thoughts for some time before
acting. Talking with the LA Times, Dr. Fred Berlin, head of the Johns
Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit, called most pedophiles
“tortured souls fighting like heck not to do this. We do virtually
nothing in terms of reaching out to these folks. We drive it
underground.” Research into pedophilia could give psychiatrists the
tools to help pedophiles battle their urges. In driving pedophiles
underground, not only do we do a disservice to individuals suffering
from the disorder, but we perform a disservice to children. If it
weren’t so difficult for pedophiles to seek help, and if more were
known about the disorder, it might help protect the thousands of
children who fall victim to sexual abuse by pedophiles every year.

The potential for decreasing pedophiliac assaults through research
into the disorder would also make a considerable dent in the overall
number of yearly rapes and assaults in the United States. Fifteen
percent of sexual assaults victims are under the age of 12, and 30
percent of these fall between the ages of four and seven. Three
percent of American men have sexually offended against a pre-pubescent
child and, as reported in This American Life, 1 to 2 percent of men
display pedophiliac desires — meaning there are between 1.2 million
and 3.4 million pedophiles in the United States. A long-term study by
Dr. Linda Grossman, published in the Psychiatric Services Journal in
1999, found that the average pedophile child molester commits an
average of 281 acts with 150 victims. Needless to say, the statistics
show that research and the development of potential treatment for
pedophiles could have a huge impact on child molestation and rape.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2014-05-07 00:17:10 UTC
Post by Byker
"Climate change has moved from distant threat to present-day danger and no
American will be left unscathed, according to a landmark report due to be
unveiled on Tuesday."
"Climate change has officially arrived, and it is wreaking havoc across the
United States - draining water supplies, throwing off sea levels and
affecting the health of millions of Americans, according to a significant
new government report."
Yawn. Learn to adapt, people. Fox has been pooh-poohing this all afternoon
You watch Faux News all afternoon, hilarious!


over the last decade is that we know with increasing certainty that climate
change is happening now. While scientists continue to refine projections of
the future, observations unequivocally show that climate is changing and that
the warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human-induced emissions
of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from burning coal, oil,
and gas, with additional contributions from forest clearing and some
agricultural practices.
2014-05-07 04:37:47 UTC
Post by Unum
You watch Faux News all afternoon, hilarious!
It's more fun watching Fox debunk it than seeing it cheered on to death by
CNN and MSNBC. It's a welcome departure from the 24/7 coverage of Monica
Lewinsky's tell-all book.

Compared to the usual daytime tripe of cable channels, Fox is THE thing to
watch according to the ratings

Things haven't changed much in the last 20-25 years:
What Children See On TV

100-199 jewi$h filth - nigger movies
PPV Movies

200 PPV Previews bullshit
201 Customer New bullshit
202 CNN bullshit
203 Court TV bullshit for weak minded bitches
204 Headline News Zionist government Propaganda
205 CNN/ SI nigger worship
206 ESPN nigger worship
207 ESPN News nigger worship
208 ESPN Classic nigger worship
209 ESPN2 nigger worship
229 HGTV for females
230 DIY for females
231 Food Network for females
233 Travel Channel occasionally shows interesting material
236 E! TV bullshit for weak minded bitches and fags
240 HSN Shopping bullshit for robbing weak minded bitches
Entertainment (Oh yeah?)
242 USA Network trash
244 Sci-Fi Channel bullshit
245 TNT mostly bullshit
247 TBS mostly bullshit
248 FX nigger loving filth
249 Comedy Central complete bullshit
251 Oxygen diesel dyke man hater channel
252 Lifetime diesel dyke man hater channel
253 Lifetime Movies diesel dyke man hater channel
254 AMC A good and decent channel
255 PAX Useless church crap, preaches egalitarianism promotes destruction
of White race
256 TCM A good and decent channel
258 FMC - Fox Movie Ch. Bullshit
260 Womens Entertainment diesel dyke man hater channel
262 Soap Network bullshit for weak minded females and faggots
264 BBC America very little BRITISH TV, too sanitized
265 A & E bullshit for weak minded bitches
266 Biography Channel left wing propaganda
269 The History Channel For a JEWI$H view point of history
273 Bravo faggot channel
276 National Geographic A good and decent channel
278 Discovery Channel for the most part a good channel, too many
infomercials though
280 The Learning Channel for the most part a good channel, too many
infomercials though
282 Animal Planet A good and decent channel
Kids & Cartoons
290 Disney Ch. East Jewi$h filth
291 Disney Ch. West Jewi$h filth
292 Toon Disney Jewi$h filth
294 Discovery Kids unknown, probable nigger loving propaganda
295 PBS Kids TOTAL SHIT - Jewi$h and nigger loving propaganda
296 Cartoon Network Mostly ok
297 Boomerang Mostly ok
298 Noggin Total shit
299 Nickelodeon 1 mostly shit
300 Nickelodeon 2 mostly shit
301 TV Land Pretty much ok, get rid of nigger announcer though!
307 WGN useless shit
309 Game Show complete bullshit for mindless bitches
311 FOX Family Ch. Family eh? Family of what? Niggers? Jew$? Spics??
312 Odyssey Jewi$h shit
313 Discovery Health bitch channel
315 TRIO Losers watch this channel
317 QVC weak minded females watch this channel
Music Videos
325 TNN Nashville yeeeee ha, rope them goats and get drunk
327 CMT more goat roper shit and get drunk
329 BET nigger channel, moke dat crack
331 MTV niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing & destruction
of White race
333 MTV2 niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing &
destruction of White race
335 VH1 niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing & destruction
of White race
339 MuchMusic niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing &
destruction of White race

350 C-SPAN Zionist left wing communist shit
351 C-SPAN2 Zionist left wing communist shit
353 Bloomberg TV Zionist/capitalist parasite channel
354 Tech TV what a waste of bandwidth, numbnuts watch this channel
355 CNBC capitalist parasite channel
356 MSNBC left wing propaganda
358 CNNfn. CNN Int. Zionist/capitalist parasite channel
360 FOX News left wing propaganda
362 The Weather Channel finally a somewhat useful channel
364 All News Channel a klone of Communist News Network
366 News World Int. a montage of New World Order propaganda
368 America's Health female channel
370 Value Vision for weak minded and weak willed females
372 Trinity Broadcast for the weak minded and timid, promotes destruction
of White race
373 Word Gospel for the weak minded and timid, promotes destruction of
White race
375 Link New World Order niggers / hate Whitey channel
377 PBSU left wing BULLSHIT
380 CBS East jewi$h filth
381 CBS West jewi$h filth
382 NBC East jewi$h filth
383 NBC West jewi$h filth
384 PBS left wing BULLSHIT
386 ABC East jewi$h filth
387 ABC West jewi$h filth
388 FOX East nigger channel
389 FOX West nigger channel
390 Local Channel Info. ??
402 Univisión wetback channel
404 Galavisión wetback channel
Premium Movies
500 Movie Showcase jewi$h filth
501 HBO East jewi$h filth
502 HBO Plus jewi$h filth
503 HBO Signature jewi$h filth
504 HBO West jewi$h filth
505 HBO Plus West jewi$h filth
507 HBO Family jewi$h filth
508 HBO Family West jewi$h filth
512 Cinemax East jewi$h filth
513 MoreMax jewi$h filth
514 Cinemax West jewi$h filth
520 STARZ! East jewi$h filth
521 STARZ! West jewi$h filth
522 STARZ! Theater jewi$h filth
523 BET Movies nigger filth
526 Encore East jewi$h filth
527 Encore West jewi$h filth
528 Encore Love St. jewi$h filth
529 Encore Westerns jewi$h filth
530 Encore Mystery jewi$h filth
531 Encore True St. jewi$h filth (true my ass)
532 Encore Action jewi$h filth
533 Encore WAM! jewi$h filth
537 Showtime East jewi$h filth SHOWTIME also loves and promotes faggots
538 Showtime 2 jewi$h filth
539 Showtime 3 jewi$h filth
540 Showtime West jewi$h filth
542 Showtime Extreme jewi$h filth
544 TMC East jewi$h filth
545 TMC West jewi$h filth
547 FLIX jewi$h filth
549 Sundance Channel jewi$h filth
550 IFC jewi$h filth
581 NRTC useless
584 Prudential o/v parasites
588 Radio Shack o/v The complete FUCK UP channel
593 PPV Previews useless shit
594 Adult jewi$h filth
595 Playboy jewi$h filth
596 Vivid Video jewi$h filth
597 The Hot Network jewi$h filth
598 The Hot Zone jewi$h filth

Sports Channels
600 Platinum nigger worship
601 Month Sports nigger worship
603 Sports Schedule nigger worship
605 The Golf Channel nigger worship
607 Speedvision nigger worship
608 Outdoor Life hillbilly/redneck/goat roper bullshit
613 FOX Sports World nigger worship
620 FOX Sports NE nigger worship
621 Madison Sq. Garden nigger worship
623 NESN nigger worship
624 FOX Sports NY nigger worship
626 Empire Sports nigger worship
628 FOX Sports Pitts nigger worship
629 Home Team Sports nigger worship
2014-05-07 05:19:00 UTC
On Tue, 6 May 2014 23:37:47 -0500, "Byker" <***@do~rag.net> wrote:

Homosexual Peckerwood 53 St. Tammany Educator arrested and caged for
Molesting a Peckerwood Buck 10


SLIDELL, LA (WVUE) - A former school employee in St. Tammany Parish is
under arrest for allegedly molesting a 10-year-old boy.

Slidell Police arrested 53-year-old Wendell Troullier, a former
paraeducator at Bonne Ecole Elementary School, after the alleged
victim's mother called and reported the crime.

According to police, the alleged victim was playing at Troullier's
house and came home visibly upset. The 10-year-old said that Troullier
touched him in his "private area" through the outside and inside his

After the alleged victim's mother contacted police, investigators
found out Troullier worked in the St. Tammany Parish School System and
immediately notified the school board. School administrators
immediately removed him from the school. Police say the alleged crime
did not take place at the school or involved on of its students.

Troullier is charged with molestation of a juvenile and is currently
in the St. Tammany Parish Jail.

Police say the investigation is ongoing and are not ruling out the
possibility of other victims.

--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: ***@netfront.net ---
2014-05-13 16:15:29 UTC
Post by Byker
Post by Unum
You watch Faux News all afternoon, hilarious!
It's more fun watching Fox debunk it than seeing it cheered on to death by
CNN and MSNBC. It's a welcome departure from the 24/7 coverage of Monica
Lewinsky's tell-all book.
Debunk it...LOL.
Post by Byker
Compared to the usual daytime tripe of cable channels, Fox is THE thing to
watch according to the ratings
What Children See On TV
100-199 jewi$h filth - nigger movies
PPV Movies
200 PPV Previews bullshit
201 Customer New bullshit
202 CNN bullshit
203 Court TV bullshit for weak minded bitches
204 Headline News Zionist government Propaganda
205 CNN/ SI nigger worship
206 ESPN nigger worship
207 ESPN News nigger worship
208 ESPN Classic nigger worship
209 ESPN2 nigger worship
229 HGTV for females
230 DIY for females
231 Food Network for females
233 Travel Channel occasionally shows interesting material
236 E! TV bullshit for weak minded bitches and fags
240 HSN Shopping bullshit for robbing weak minded bitches
Entertainment (Oh yeah?)
242 USA Network trash
244 Sci-Fi Channel bullshit
245 TNT mostly bullshit
247 TBS mostly bullshit
248 FX nigger loving filth
249 Comedy Central complete bullshit
251 Oxygen diesel dyke man hater channel
252 Lifetime diesel dyke man hater channel
253 Lifetime Movies diesel dyke man hater channel
254 AMC A good and decent channel
255 PAX Useless church crap, preaches egalitarianism promotes destruction
of White race
256 TCM A good and decent channel
258 FMC - Fox Movie Ch. Bullshit
260 Womens Entertainment diesel dyke man hater channel
262 Soap Network bullshit for weak minded females and faggots
264 BBC America very little BRITISH TV, too sanitized
265 A & E bullshit for weak minded bitches
266 Biography Channel left wing propaganda
269 The History Channel For a JEWI$H view point of history
273 Bravo faggot channel
276 National Geographic A good and decent channel
278 Discovery Channel for the most part a good channel, too many
infomercials though
280 The Learning Channel for the most part a good channel, too many
infomercials though
282 Animal Planet A good and decent channel
Kids & Cartoons
290 Disney Ch. East Jewi$h filth
291 Disney Ch. West Jewi$h filth
292 Toon Disney Jewi$h filth
294 Discovery Kids unknown, probable nigger loving propaganda
295 PBS Kids TOTAL SHIT - Jewi$h and nigger loving propaganda
296 Cartoon Network Mostly ok
297 Boomerang Mostly ok
298 Noggin Total shit
299 Nickelodeon 1 mostly shit
300 Nickelodeon 2 mostly shit
301 TV Land Pretty much ok, get rid of nigger announcer though!
307 WGN useless shit
309 Game Show complete bullshit for mindless bitches
311 FOX Family Ch. Family eh? Family of what? Niggers? Jew$? Spics??
312 Odyssey Jewi$h shit
313 Discovery Health bitch channel
315 TRIO Losers watch this channel
317 QVC weak minded females watch this channel
Music Videos
325 TNN Nashville yeeeee ha, rope them goats and get drunk
327 CMT more goat roper shit and get drunk
329 BET nigger channel, moke dat crack
331 MTV niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing & destruction
of White race
333 MTV2 niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing &
destruction of White race
335 VH1 niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing & destruction
of White race
339 MuchMusic niggers, filth and perversion, promotes race mixing &
destruction of White race
350 C-SPAN Zionist left wing communist shit
351 C-SPAN2 Zionist left wing communist shit
353 Bloomberg TV Zionist/capitalist parasite channel
354 Tech TV what a waste of bandwidth, numbnuts watch this channel
355 CNBC capitalist parasite channel
356 MSNBC left wing propaganda
358 CNNfn. CNN Int. Zionist/capitalist parasite channel
360 FOX News left wing propaganda
362 The Weather Channel finally a somewhat useful channel
364 All News Channel a klone of Communist News Network
366 News World Int. a montage of New World Order propaganda
368 America's Health female channel
370 Value Vision for weak minded and weak willed females
372 Trinity Broadcast for the weak minded and timid, promotes destruction
of White race
373 Word Gospel for the weak minded and timid, promotes destruction of
White race
375 Link New World Order niggers / hate Whitey channel
377 PBSU left wing BULLSHIT
380 CBS East jewi$h filth
381 CBS West jewi$h filth
382 NBC East jewi$h filth
383 NBC West jewi$h filth
384 PBS left wing BULLSHIT
386 ABC East jewi$h filth
387 ABC West jewi$h filth
388 FOX East nigger channel
389 FOX West nigger channel
390 Local Channel Info. ??
402 Univisión wetback channel
404 Galavisión wetback channel
Premium Movies
500 Movie Showcase jewi$h filth
501 HBO East jewi$h filth
502 HBO Plus jewi$h filth
503 HBO Signature jewi$h filth
504 HBO West jewi$h filth
505 HBO Plus West jewi$h filth
507 HBO Family jewi$h filth
508 HBO Family West jewi$h filth
512 Cinemax East jewi$h filth
513 MoreMax jewi$h filth
514 Cinemax West jewi$h filth
520 STARZ! East jewi$h filth
521 STARZ! West jewi$h filth
522 STARZ! Theater jewi$h filth
523 BET Movies nigger filth
526 Encore East jewi$h filth
527 Encore West jewi$h filth
528 Encore Love St. jewi$h filth
529 Encore Westerns jewi$h filth
530 Encore Mystery jewi$h filth
531 Encore True St. jewi$h filth (true my ass)
532 Encore Action jewi$h filth
533 Encore WAM! jewi$h filth
537 Showtime East jewi$h filth SHOWTIME also loves and promotes faggots
538 Showtime 2 jewi$h filth
539 Showtime 3 jewi$h filth
540 Showtime West jewi$h filth
542 Showtime Extreme jewi$h filth
544 TMC East jewi$h filth
545 TMC West jewi$h filth
547 FLIX jewi$h filth
549 Sundance Channel jewi$h filth
550 IFC jewi$h filth
581 NRTC useless
584 Prudential o/v parasites
588 Radio Shack o/v The complete FUCK UP channel
593 PPV Previews useless shit
594 Adult jewi$h filth
595 Playboy jewi$h filth
596 Vivid Video jewi$h filth
597 The Hot Network jewi$h filth
598 The Hot Zone jewi$h filth
Sports Channels
600 Platinum nigger worship
601 Month Sports nigger worship
603 Sports Schedule nigger worship
605 The Golf Channel nigger worship
607 Speedvision nigger worship
608 Outdoor Life hillbilly/redneck/goat roper bullshit
613 FOX Sports World nigger worship
620 FOX Sports NE nigger worship
621 Madison Sq. Garden nigger worship
623 NESN nigger worship
624 FOX Sports NY nigger worship
626 Empire Sports nigger worship
628 FOX Sports Pitts nigger worship
629 Home Team Sports nigger worship
You are proof that stupid fucks have no idea that they're stupid
2014-06-27 03:54:06 UTC
Post by JimmyM
You are proof that stupid fucks have no idea that they're stupid
Said JimmyM, as he peered into the filthy queer bathhouse glory hole mirror.