2007-07-10 20:53:42 UTC
/ / An [BUSHITE ENEMY] American soldier boasts of having tortured
[INNOCENT] Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi girl commit
suicide after she had been raped. \ \
Tell US, who wouldn't take great pride in warring this boastful enemy
of Humanity? Or, are you like CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS would suggest, it
is heroic - for all are heroic who DIE for the neocon?
ALL TIME LOW - A Study of Freedom
/ / It is strange that the 'Secret Organization of Al
Qaeda in Europe,' the group that is allegedly
responsible, would have escaped notice (to say nothing
of their odd, 'double secret probation' type of name). \ \
Bushite are EVIL to all, as enemies to Human kind.
During Katrina, the bushites responsible for protecting
America, slaughtered everyone's confiscated pets for joy
and happiness. Three schools filled with hundreds of
dogs, cats, snakes and bats. There was no need to kill
everyone's beloved pet, but as the bushite will FREELY
tell YOU, it was fun to serve demonically as the
antichrist enemies of God and love. demand Justice for
God demand Justice for Johnny.
/ / The mere fact that one can deduce a motive for a
person or a group does not mean that they perpetrated
the act...and it hardly suffices as proof of anything.\ \
Just try telling that to 'why work to make life better'
CBC, CNN, or FOXNEWS censors. Look at me!! They refuse
to acknowledge my documented info as REALLY important
to your continued ACTUAL survival.
Who fuking cares right?
DEMON LIAR George W. Bush "The larger point is, and the
fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a
weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we
gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he
wouldn't let them in."
Afghan civilians caught,1,3303701.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed
/ / The men told the same story, of how foreign troops
bombed their villages long after the Taliban fighters
had left, how the bombs killed women and children, goats
and sheep \ \
A quote from King Johnny Wizard, President and CEO
/ / Worried I'm going to love Life as truly honorable,
and Greater than those who openly lie to our soldiers to
have them unjustly die for no better good or reason
understood? \ \
If you have a few dollars capable of creating positive
change, consider donating to the folks who offer this
JACK BLOOD service.
White Rose Society Randi Rhodes Show RSS Feed [!!!]
/ / But [SECRET] documents obtained by Veterans for
Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests
reveal the number of casualties to be much higher. \ \
God and America hate the bushite demon liars
/ / NATO bombardiers thousands of feet above the ground
certainly don't know anything about the reality of the
towns and villages - and human lives - they are
destroying. \ \
Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
"Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder audio spectacular!!!"
'Up to 80 civilians dead' after US air strikes in Afghanistan
/ / Witnesses claim a village in British-run Helmand was
bombed for three hours \ \
It is not just a Muslim who sees the bushite as an enemy to
Humanity. These lawless savages have been acting without
accountability to anyone, because they are largely enemies of
America, who cowardly run from responsibility in America to
defend their own brothers and sisters from the neocon, and die
instead as/with rapists, torturers, and THIEVES.
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
/ / How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names as neoCONNED for dying. \ \
/ / Israeli officials have told us that the Finance Ministry
is budgeting basic social services at a percentage of their
We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite
thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without
flinching from self contempt.
Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS
on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys.
How about You?
These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq,
Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's
ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where
those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY
yOur defenses.
Name One - A Journey into Self Discovery
What Freedom do bushite war the innocent for to rape, pillage,
and murder as blind neocon followers of the 'lawless' demon
antichrist? Eh?
/ / This paints the congress into a corner, because when Bush
and Cheney refuse to comply with these subpoenas, congress will
either have to impeach, or admit we are a dictatorship. \ \
VIDEO: Massacre of Palestinian Women and Children
Israeli High Court permits torture of Innocent Humans
/ / Israel has illustrated contempt for law and the value of
human life, or even possessing an ethical standard of moral
behavior with respect to civil and human rights \ \
Of what religion to any GOD, is this ZIONIST nazi
behavior condoned? Demonic thieving bushite enemies of
Man lie about such behaviors bring about 'freedom', but
who of US wouldn't kill such contempt to save the lives
of Our innocent beloved families? A bushite kidnaps
Iraqis routinely, (or orders the murder of those between
15-55,) and what of any real man present, doesn't
immediately arrest of kill such CONTEMPTIBLE bushite
loyalists to the ungodly enemy antichrist?
Tony Snow "The executive branch is under no compulsion to
testify to Congress because Congress, in fact, doesn't have
oversight abilities."
IT LOOKS like they are going to attempt making the move of
BLATANTLY TREASONOUS war criminals acting to measurably now
destroy yOur Freedoms in godless America. The Satanic
neocon's 'faith', is in that YOU as an American, will watch
the same corporate drivel that offers next to nothing to
empower YOURSELF to speak Justly for a dying America. Instead
of demanding 24 hour, wall to wall news coverage, of war
criminals going down one by one by the will of Man to Justice,
CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS will broadcast your blind 'belief' that
you are only a impartial viewer, who doesn't really care about
dying right in front of yourself for the zionist's riches, and
great worldly power of tyranny through lawless nazi bushite
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS
on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys.
How about You?
/ / If Bush and his PNAC buds are innocent, then Investigate
911! What have innocent people to fear from a fair, complete
and real investigation? \ \
They are guilty, so, of course, the demon Bush enemy,
I hear the national radio program Coast to Coast is still
feeding us neocon lies. Why don't you make the call for
Johnny.. believe in yourself for a change why don't you?,
buddies??... I am Your god king. King Johnny I am. Champion
of Universal Life! Not enough? Who cares?, to allow US speak
on our broad casts as legitimate? Worried I'm going to love
Life as truly honorable, and Greater than those who openly lie
to our soldiers to have them unjustly die for no better good
or reason understood? Let us make life better than the neocon
envision, and support our rise to popular acclaim by allowing
US to speak openly for public challenge in defense of America.
Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man.
True US Bush Iraq-Afghan Wars Deaths At 21,000
"In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the
unreported death toll of American military personnel is in
excess of 20,000 (20, 871)"
It's in cowardice that 'Americans' don't speak out for
the lost 'loves' of their dumber than dumb sons.
Thinking of vacationing in occupied ungodly neocon aipac
israel? Check out the criminal zionist's 'best' selling
[The freely self confessed child murderers of the IDF, tell US
as demon liars, they're "Jews". Anyone in Israel KNOWS this
factually to be so. For, the zionist forbid 'by law', to
allow military service from anyone in Israel who disagree that
God would will the thieving and murder of the completely
innocent in GOD accepting without question. Now why would YOU
want that?]
/ / So honestly, they could have just done it as "hot chicks
of Israel" instead of including the military element. that's
the sick part. [..] the sick part is the exploitation of
women. For a government to officially sanction such a
campaign is a sign of how bankrupt they really are, and I'm
not talking tourist dollars. \ \
The nazi IDF does what Canada's dope pusher O'Conner suggests
we accept. Demon enemy bushite in Afghanistan murder children
without real understanding 'by accident', [no evidence is
shown to ANYONE, just treasonous demon evil bushite necon
spewing, "red handed"] lies after lies, while, the Taliban, we
are told, are so much worse, because they would murder
"ANYONE." Make sense? No. Remember: (The bush regime has
been found funding Al-Qaida in Iran to commit terrorist acts
against COWARDLY soldiers without free minds to speak in their
own defenses.)
/ / The group is demanding his impeachment not only for his
crimes against humanity but for lying to the American people
about his worship of Satan. \ \
It almost makes me laugh, and then, I push to remind, we are
so very far from where civilized is dreamed to reside. Look,
think of US as actors, (because that is who we are,) and
support my rise to proclaim by the will of a suffering for
real human kind. Believe in US, as if your life depends on
it, because it does my friends, because it does. Live free or
die unwillingly.
cause I am just,
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
/ / We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W.
Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could
begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? [...] It is
not too late, however, to begin such an investigation. There
is no statute of limitations on mass murder. \ \
Christ in America - Death to Our Enemies
"The most powerful audio performance of GOD since never!"
I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD
/ / The currently ongoing "pacification" of Baqubah, a city
with 300,000 inhabitants, by some 10,000 U.S. troops is using
the same methods as documented in the NGO report with regard
to Fallujah \ \
I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD in destroying the
lawless bushite nazi thieves, who lie cheat and steal from
Humanity for the 'escape' of the ACTUAL zionist 911
perpetrators. Death to the LIAR bushite, death to our
enemies, so say Johnny America, Lord and Savior.
Coast to Coast radio hosts MUST face treason charges as
enemies to Life as we know it. They lie to the American
child, to trick them into sacrificing more lives for the
tyranny of the antichrist.
/ / Cheney's office has refused to provide his staff with
details regarding classified documents or submit to a routine
inspection as required by presidential order, \ \
It seems Cheney wants to go it completely alone as an escaping
war criminal in America eh?
Demon G. W. Bush "Our responsibility to history is already
clear: to answer these attacks waged against us by stealth,
deceit and murder and rid the world of evil."
"Deceit" and "murder" to rid our world of justly what dum-uk
Kill a lawless bushite THIEF for America why don't You Patriot
Bin Laden may have arranged family's US exit: FBI docs
Nationally broadcasted every day across America, Mr. George
Norry publicly supports the murder of innocent Arab children,
and I'm beginning to really hate a silent dying America for
it. Speak to defend the innocent in this world American, or
die yourself from self contempt.
Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to
God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage
thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The
mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation,
has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying
names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice
as Freedom is Godly.
To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for
Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite
neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the
enemies of Man.
/ / "They can try to have their votes of no confidence," the
president said, "but it's not going to determine - make the
determination - who serves in my government."
MY government? Now that's entitlement. And you thought George
Bush didn't have a vision for America \ \
Hitler, the mad man, wasn't as insane as our demon enemy
George Bush Jr. is.
/ / The [BUSHITE ENEMY] US has said it would refuse any
request by Italy to extradite the accused [satanic bushite
torturers of completely INNOCENT PEOPLE]. \ \
Christ, The Son of Man, Begs the Godly Men of Earth
Christ, The Son of Man, begs the godly men of Earth, to
judicially bill on sight, any neocon soldier who supports the
carnage waged in Afghanistan as cop killing dope pushers.
They shoot innocent women and children dead in the streets for
humor, and bushite pirates at CBC and CNN, state bushite in
Afghanistan are doing a good thing helping the bushmob escape
the crimes of 911 by warring for Muslim fundamentalism,
persecuting INNOCENT women and Christians, while for
entertainment, bomb innocent families running for their lives
from a Holy Church. Soulless child killing soldiers who CBC
execs would tell are our DEMONIC heroes. Lawless dope pushing
cop killers have got to go down dead screaming, instead of the
innocent - YOU and me they target for MURDER. Death to the
dishonorable bushite THIEVES, death to the enemy neocon LIARS
of GOD and man.
We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite
thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without
flinching from self contempt.
Kill a bushite LIAR, why don't you my brothers and sisters of
the faith in something greater than bushite godless tyranny?
Brig. General David Fraser - former nazi commander of NATO
who 'okayed' the bombing of defenseless innocent Afghan women
and children for the Satanic enemies of Man, stated on CBC, he
liked killing police officers, along with innocent women and
children, (deliberately targeted for the pleasures of the
demon antichrist) because, Afghanistan's children hope to
learn. See? The bushite 'will' murder all our children and
teachers on hope that we will never learn the Taliban, led by
"Omar the Just", were loyal to Christ as REAL American
Freedom, when publicly demanding evidence to form your
conclusions. Thus is why the ENEMY to LIFE neocon state on
YOUR TV and radio, WE must never be allowed to speak openly
with the Taliban regarding the FACTS. Because if we did,
neocon pension thievers would be hunted down in the streets
for public trial, and then gloriously put to death by
Christian values committed to TRUE freedom from lawless
godless zionist LIAR tyrannies against Mankind - YOU included.
George Norry and Art Bell are the most evil of bushite, who as
betrayers of the Human race, deny soldiers to know: General
Ahmad funded Atta. They will both support the murder of Your
American Son or Daughter for further zionist evils, before
allowing true open line communications, to defend ourselves
from the lawless demon enemies of Man. Do something about it,
or don't. Let TRUTH set US free.
Instead of making an easy phone call today for your dying
brothers and sisters, die as Satanic bad guy enemies of Life
on Earth, sacrificed in cowardice to the real demon
antichrist, and see if we, the true, strong, and free, care.
The Son of Man SCREAMS before coming home to GOD'S America:
We are coming to destroy Satanically lawless bushite enemies,
all for the love of God, we shall succeed my friends, we
shall succeed. I will not willingly live in a forsaken world
with LIAR zionist war criminals conning US to believe, God is
not Great, True, Strong and Just.
Die bushite die!
/ / A manifest showed the goods [BUSHITE HEROIN] were to be
shipped from Kabul to Dubai and then on to Canada. \ \
"We have nothing to do with poppy eradication. We stay away
from [pro bushite heroin to kill YOUR kid with] it as far as
we can," Maj. Steve Graham of the Royal Canadian Dragoons
To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as
our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance
to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies
are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in
her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words
in our REAL defense for dying.
AMERICA'S Mr. O'Really responding to accusations that FOX NEWS
refuses to cover the war in Iraq on behalf of concerned,
AS DYING, American families, [and forsakes Christ as demon
betrayers to the paying victim audience] Stated:
"Do you care if another bomb went off in Tikrit?
Does it mean anything? NO! It doesn't mean anything."
Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?,
for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal
Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly.
Kill a bushite as the Love of Justice for Humanity
The Son of Man BEGS all honorable men to defend Life
from bushite enemies of GOD who murder, rape and steal from
innocence through lawlessness as thieves of everyone. Please
kill the bushite for the love of women and children. kill
the bushite for the love of GOD. Please, defend ourselves
further hardships by supporting immediate war crime trials
to begin against all neocon traitors who LIE OPENLY to
kill America's America as enemies to truth, as enemies to
Charles Goyette Interviews Scott Horton
/ / Look, do you understand what these [TV politico] people
are saying?
These people, one right after another, are up here talking
about a nuclear strike! [more bushite DEMON mass death and
suffering against Life] On a country that hasn't threatened
US?, hasn't harmed US?, has no capability to attack US? Do
YOU understand the madness we have descended to? \ \
'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops
Can you not as a American Man, destroy bushite brayers to defend
innocent life? Americans could not care less presently for
the value of Human life. Americans do nothing to defend
their lives, but officially plan to murder more for the Satanic
demon antichrist in silence. Out of millions, how many even
bother to make a phone call to talk radio against the neocon.
how many? Five or six? Seriously.. How many? I know bushites
are demon liars for the neocon, but is it really impossible for
"Americans" to try speaking?, in the face of murdering millions
more forsaken by enemy mortal, pro child killer George Norry?
George Norry too nice of a guy to even bother question the value
of American children? The THIEF Art Bell's voice too soothing
to care that neocons own pirated America, and on everything she
stands whoring as WAR CRIMINALS to the FOR REAL antichrist?
Death to the lawless bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind
God is Great
Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC
zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying
Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian
kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert
Justice for God and Johnny. In fact, yesterday, they did a
special, all on how "God is NOT Great", giving that bush bitch
demon LIAR, all the space to pontificate it's hatred for
Wisdom, Science, and GOD, with only nods and smiles from the
'illiterate' hord. Remember: A zionist KNOWS it's an enemy of
Humanity when it supports dropping seven million land minds to
murder indiscriminately OUR CHILDREN for decades, or stealing
a Christians Home because they say God says Jews would do such
ungodly acts. Blame innocent Jews the holocaust denying
zionist shout, of which not one, is a Jew. Like me.
To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
Pro child killer George Norry, enemy of the American soldier,
still blabs about how more must die unjustly for bin Laden
with LIES, knowing full well, video of steel flowing like
water from the WTC exists, and that General Ahmad funded Atta.
George Norry is a traitor to the FBI, who further plans more
to die sacrificed under the censorship of the tyrant
antichrist. Who cares I ask about America truly dying as
neoCONNED, for George Norry has millions to not take your
calls for protection, and honestly, 'Americans' couldn't care
much less for Our Humanity's future. Live free by defending
liberty by killing pro lawless pro torture pro fascist bushite
enemies my friend, live free by defending Yourself and GOD.
/ / The U.S. State Department recently issued a report
calling Sudan a "strong partner in the war on terror." \ \
The high jacking Bush regime is supporting financially a
TYRANNICAL 'government' that openly practices Genocide, as just
the sort of "American" partner to assist in determining which
further murder victims are terrorists. While the same demon
administration confesses to FUNDING middle eastern al-Qeada to
commit TERRORIST acts in Iran, as demon evil tyranny against
the sleeping Sheeple. Again, it is fully confessed that the
Satanic bushmob is pro terror now. Death to the enemies of
Freedom, death to the bushite betrayers of Life instead of YOU
my innocent friends. Instead of US.
/ / US 'used forced [SLAVE] labour to build Iraq embassy' \ \
Kill a bushite LIAR and be loved by God as Life is True.
Love to God Gives US Strength
The Son of Man begs the Men of Earth to defend Ourselves from
the unholy forces of our tyrannical enemies. Death to the
ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the ungodly enemies
of American children everywhere. GOD praises all Men, who
kill the murderous bushite enemies of Just causes. The
THIEVING satanic bushite forces, speak only contempt for GOD
on our demandings of the public execution of the boastful
terrorists, like the bushite who video taped the murderous
assault of OUR kidnapped bare footed children, or murdered
Iraqis while desecrating ELVIS, done all to please the
"escaping" satanic demon antichrist zionist, Our Mr. bush
Jr., who with his private business partner, General Ahmad,
actually committed the ungodly treasons of 911 in a land of
blind men sleeping., according to the eternally Honorable FBI
Death to the ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the
ungodly enemies of American children everywhere. GOD praises
all Men, who kill the murderous bushite enemies of America's
America. "The Liar" Hannity's America, can go it alone as
treasonous liars, who boastcast a con to 'neutralize' America;
'finding' that we believe their demon lies about how one dies
sacrificed 'Heroic' without any IMPORTANT questions answered.
do we do?
To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as
our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance
to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies
are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in
her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words
in our REAL defense for dying. Play pretending their actually
real men, because to really be so, requires real strength.
Not bush bitch Marines "WHORES YEAH!" strength, where they
cowardly can't figure to defend America from ungodly war
criminals. War criminals who deliberately set them up with
Satanic 'black magic' to be killed in criminal actions. P2OG.
But see?, the bushite fodder, can't care enough for Life to
read, because it already knows like the zionist, it's an
ungodly coward and a thief, as siding to lying and censorship,
this will out work for evil doers in the long run without
any consequences to themselves as Our sworn eternal enemy.
Bushites 'think' that being Satanic brethrens for the LIAR
neoCON, they'll die sacrificed not seen by all Patriot
Warriors, as a dead coward - too fearful to stand as a godly
Man for true accountability to living Life honorably. Cheney,
McCain, and 911's gooliannie believe, You can only TV 'see'
them protected Satanically by "Molech" [THEIR DEMON COG]
Immune from REAL American Justice the bushite bray, We are
told they believe so anyway. By Satanic command,
'inconceivable' to see the bushmob up on high treason
charges... Oohh. Yeahhh.. I can see that going for real -
quite excitedly I am about saving innocent lives. So, let's
get done what needs to be a doing to save ourselves, so we can
get this talking all behind us now, and reach for something
truly breath taking as awarding,
Your Servant,
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?,
for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal
Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly. We can really be
something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR,
can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self
contempt. Bushite tyranny is a dead end road paved with
missed opportunity. change your evil ways in other words, and
join the living side that's light to know what we are, in
deed, looking at here under the dying spoils of bushite, "we
pay" misfortune. To hell with Satanic demon devil worship by
the President of the United States, We, the People answer,
for now anyway, we have some really serious business just
presently, and we really don't need to be any more reminded
about Mr. Bush's satanic Devil, demon whoreship, of, "Molech",
a religion practiced to deceive America into sacrificing our
kids for cash with YOUR blood.... Tricked. Tricked. Tricked.
Nationless bushites who blindly war Life as the neocon
enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American
Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths
of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man.
They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder.
CIA 'disappeared' seven-year-old children
bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind.
New admissions of widespread prisoner abuse
/ / The Bush administration is finalizing new guidelines for
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interrogation methods that
will give broad latitude for torture techniques \ \
These are crimes against Christ, and any 'Christian' who lawlessly
participates in this pro-bush torture of US Humans, MUST be hunted
down by the Patriot, to have the STANDING LAW in America enforced to
institute the Death Sentence to those bushite responsible for such
ungodly enemy actions.
Hannity interviews Johnny America
Hillary "[DEMON] Bush pulled out the inspectors."
[DEMON] Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in."
In Hell
Firstly, the White house doctored the NIE in an act of HIGH
CNN with Hillary acknowledges that the demon Mr. Bush pulled
inspectors out of Iraq, but then... how is this not HELL to
/ / Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in. And,
therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove
him from power." \ \ HE LIED. Not the 'NWO', George Walker Bush,
who Alex Jones tells US to look away, because he's only a
puppet. Should not Bush be held accountable to the criminal
actions he is PERSONALLY responsible for Christ asks YOU?
/ / So, there was indeed no imminent threat posed by Saddam to
Amerka, and inspectors had complete unrestricted access
throughout Iraq without delay prior to the, bush demon's
further war crimes. So, what was the reason for all the
pointless mass murder and destruction again? Oh right.. to
sacrifice American soldiers so terrorist bush's war
profiteering can feed off themselves as family without
leadership present as spoken for.[...] it's only the dummy
American People bid payers again left unaccounted to DIE
intentionally. \ \
Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people
appreciate Bush
Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human.
800,000 Christians protected under Saddam, now killed under Bush
Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human.
Neocon Soldier
Bushites who war as the neocon enemies, war for the 911
perpetrators to escape American Justice. that is why I, as of
GOD, cheer to hear the deaths of these pro torture, pro theft,
pro Satanic enemies of Man. They confess freely to targeting
INNOCENT People for murder.
The Haditha perpetrators, if convicted, are looking at
serving, maybe, a couple of years, for freely confessing to
the targeting MURDER, of innocent women, men, and infants.
To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for
Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite
neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the
enemies of Man. - The Son of Man, as the Man of Men,
Johnny Wizard
CBC and CNN with FOXNews Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish
Father calls him Adam Pearlman, a godless enemy zionist, A
thieving NAZI liar who hates freedom, who wants to kill
INNOCENT Americans for his NEVER ELECTED neocon pro war
buddies. Did we mention torture? See? The zionist KNOWS its
OUR enemy. An enemy of Humanity, who counts that YOU
personally will not phone Coast to Coast radio hosts to allow
open line FREE communications. Oh well.. Americans are truly
dying evil dum-uks.
Enemy LIAR of America, pro-child killer George Norry,
"McCain is leading in all the polls."
/ / There is no statute of limitations on treason [...]\ \
Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our
elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their
flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for
clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like
immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil.
Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in, and
that's why he irrationally started this war against God
conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high
treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America
- for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as
equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims
who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the
basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny.
/ / "It could make August a tough month, because what they're
going to try to do is kill as many people as they can to try
and influence the debate here at home. Don't you find that
interesting? I do, that they recognize that the death of
innocent people could shake our will," the President
explained. \ \
People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation
proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and
South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the
neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very
own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen
Our Mr. Bush Jnr. "The war is for you or for us [neoCONS] to
win. If we [neoCONS] win it, it means your defeat and
disgrace forever."
Die bushite die.
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
Kucinich for President!
Now, it's true, America's Alex Jones states Kucinich wants to
take away all your guns, and is a communist, but, Alex as
sometimes, is terrified of those who seek the requirements to
defend freedom directly, as more specific. (Example: NWO
isn't the name of the specific guy who financed 911 to murder
America.) So, as a consequence, he gets near ridiculous with
labels applicable to generalizations only dummies could
believe blindly. With Kucinich campaigning on ACCOUNTABILITY,
Alex Jones looks quite foolish. But, he's still trying.
Thank god for that. Thank god for that. Talk radio in
America should take open line calls on our ideas about how to
actually plan to defeat these, found factually to be, traitors
to God and Country.
"This collective punishment is unfair and it clearly shows how cruel
Americans are," a member of Samarra's city council told IPS. "They are
punishing innocent people in a cowardly way." as the TRULY SATANIC
ENEMIES of GOD. Kill'em for Christ, kill'em for Allah, kill'em for
children everywhere, kill'em for You, kill'em for Me, Kill'em for US.
Nazi Israel admits to dropping more than SEVEN MILLION
American paid for land mines to murder GOD'S children
indiscriminately in Lebanon for generations, and CBC in
Canada speaks no defense for GOD'S children murdered by
themselves airing no concern for YOU whatsoever. Like the 80
percent of Canadian aid STOLEN from Canada in Afghanistan.
NO CONCERN CBC's Paul Hunter expresses a wish to rob you
and leave you for DEAD my innocent friends. Paul Hunter
must by publicly arrested for treason, publicly tried,
and face his just punishment for ignoring the interests
of dying Canadian soldiers. Let it be, let it be.
MSNBC Poll: Over 400,000 (88%) Say Bush Should Be Impeached
See? Canadians who TRUST CBC would never know by Paul Hunter.
/ / Read and endorse the Nuremberg Declaration calling for the
United States to accede to the International Criminal Court
and bring U.S. war criminals to justice. \ \
Bush Successful at Permanent Legalization of Torture
/ / The truth is that the Bush Administration has used the McCain
anti-torture bill to codify a policy of torture that is now
embedded in our legal system for perpetuity. \ \
McCain is some kinda demon enemy of God isn't he? To say
publicly, he apposes torturing innocent people to death for
the practicing Satanic bushite LIAR bad guys, leaves US
thinking, shouldn't WE put McCain to death for OFFICIALLY
sanctioning such criminality? I'd easily, without a second
thought, put to death all those FOXJunkies in that debate
audience who cheered from hell with JOY, the prospect of
torturing innocent people to death, 'if it means' such
IRRATIONAL action protects "American lives". See? the Magic
TV and radio people refuse to allow me or anyone to think
through such absent minded ungodly EVIL intent. Example: If
you take FOXNews' word for it, and 'knew' your potential
victim knows for sure of an impending terror attack... ...
.. . How so? See? demon enemy f-cks, the ungodly bushite
nazi vermin haters of Justice measured, [who steal in MY
America as TRUE EVIL DOERS,] forbid such wisdom communicated
as understood, for that would mean, we'd have to allow the
real Victims more air time.
And wise poor men such as myself would command respect and gratitude.
and together, WE'D be hunting down those bushite liars who
torture innocent people to death for their satanic pleasures.
For, you know it does warrant the Death Sentence in America,
right? (You can thank Reagan for that...)
/ / Shirley, bin Laden would be sided with the fundamentalist
Shiites, before, everyone-is-an-equal Sunnis, who as Bathists,
had no problem WARRING al-Qeada, while counting as members of
their party, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists. But
corporate bushite liar america says no, bin Laden supports
Sunni IRRATIONALLY, and that is why bushites have to sacrifice
in partnership with those who blow up PEOPLE indiscriminately
as the 'good guy' 'heroes'. \ \
Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind.
/ / In a move that hardly indicates that he was a terrorist
plotting to attack a US government installation Tatar then
went to the Philadelphia police department to complain that he
was being pressured by someone into getting a map of Fort Dix
and that he thought this had something to do with a terrorist
plot. \ \
Didn't see this on our TV news either did You?
The King of the Jews is True Red White and Blue
King of the Jews
The True Red White and Blue
killing to defend the innocent they hold in Satanic contempt.
Death to the bushite nazi liar thieves, death to our enemies
who assist in the escape of the zionist EVIL bushmob for 911.
/ / On CBS' "Face the Nation," she claimed that intelligence
errors before the war were "worldwide" even though the
International Atomic Energy Agency's Mohamed ElBaradei
publicly stated there was "no evidence" of an Iraqi nuclear
program \ \
That from the 911 witch, who forbade a stop to hostilities IN
AMERICA'S NAME against the innocent in Lebanon. Nazi Israel
ADMITS to the targeting MURDER of any innocent persons who
drive in a truck. Perhaps Americans. Who cares? Not CBC or
CNN they'll tell you consistently absent from the crimes
Pill popping American GI teens are becoming.. CRACKHEADS!
/ / Dexedrine affect the same neurotransmitters as cocaine;
and ADHD drugs and cocaine are both classified by the DEA as
Schedule II psychostimulants (Schedule II drugs are legal
drugs that have the highest potential for abuse and
addiction). \ \
American grunts get FREE all the Dexedrine they can shoot
Do you know how a crackhead finds itself? Lost by
indifference to the ultimate, only goal, more dope. Freedom
Fighter? or crackhead WHORE, who hopes to find a dollar
'somewhere' to stave off it's crackmaster, the "American
People", led by the un-elected demon dictator, our criminal
Mr. bush Jr., as the true enemies of all Mankind. Bushites
are on serious dope to be so dumb as cowardly accomplices to a
traitor of themselves, that they would die as, before
actually defending God's America - that they gave an Oath to.
I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville.
The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you
know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers
and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated
by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR
ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to
form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So,
Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere.
Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship
from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness,
pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent
dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why?
because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as
giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational
ignorance for our survivals by the fittest. The fittest Ideas
that rule this Universe, are the simplest, most easy to
understand, but I digress about GOD'S greatness, for we know,.
the corporate media elites as our voice, "Couldn't Care Less".
CBC just did a report about all the great heroin coming in
from Afghanistan, that will still cause crime, and be illegal,
(and maybe give you life in prison as an American,) but
brought in with the help of the demonically evil bushite
thieving murderous military, by the likely ton full to attack
our direct family left un-protected, BY YOU PERSONALLY. And
guess what? THEY, our media masters, couldn't care less if
they actually tried to be our good guys. Reminder: the god
guys is good, the demon liar antichrist demon enemies who
thieve from Life with censorship is bad. If they hide
ourselves too far, they loose all around, up and down. So get
to it. Or don't. Your choice. Life lived Now, or damnable
death by cowardly design brought forthwith under your own
power to do nothing under such terrible costs against our
suffering natures.
Typical tyranny for media control over all of Life for the
beginners is this treasonous betrayal against our Nature, by
refusing to be honest about our potential to be far greater
than first considered. If they'd only allow US to have open
communications, all our worlds would be better living for it.
Demand Coast to Coast hosts allow America to defend America.
I want air time with the one and only real man in these here
parts, Mr. Johnny America, our glorious make believe creator
of all we perceive religiously, self realized. He's a genius!
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against
Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts,
who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell
of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them.
Support Johnny's run for acknowledgment, and get US in the
News why don't You. Let me be king for a day my American Kin.
Make me a rich, near to dwell, well to do.
Get it done.
rag-heads and niggers
/ / Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the
bushite enemies of Haditha will never face public execution
for such offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too
cowardly, and in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi
Blount's third infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down
american streets after being found GUILTY as politically
supporting the robbing and murder of innocent men, women, and
children all because we're INNOCENT rag-heads or niggers, \ \
like the NAZIS with jews. Zionist Holocaust Deniers that say
otherwise, ('Fallujah never happened'), WE should just
immediately put to death to save the lives of our remaining
loved ones. Death to the murderous bushite LIAR thieves,
death to all Satanic bushite traitor enemies of Justice for
Man, proclaims I, King Johnny.
Dope Pushing Cop Killers
Support torture as a Zionist AIPAC Politician like demon
McCain, and The surviving PEOPLE of the Messiah - will rise up
to take you down as the ungodly enemy LIAR McCain clearly IS.
As so is the Satanically practicing (with Molech and
everything) repuglicons straight across the board, who, as a
few demoncrates too, support the CRIMINAL escape of the
bushmob through threats against the innocent LOVED by GOD
ALMIGHTY. A REAL GOD with A REAL SON. McCain has got to go.
Please, I, The Son of Man, the MAN of men, beg and plead again
to all able bodied persons, see the thieving bushite zionist,
kill it to defend Christ, kill it to defend America, kill it
to defend any or all children of LIFE. Kill it with the honor
and courage every REAL PATRIOT has to defend his own family my
friend, lastly, kill it for me. These naked LIAR enemies who
bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must
be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny
through Law. A just law, where those accused without any
evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. Get to it.
Kill any bushite bomber and be loved by God's America.
Nature of Good and Evil
Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan
Lt. Denton to the completely innocent as god loving
'You die, you die, you die'
Lt. Denton must die. We apparently have him on video blowing
up People not guilty of anything. He shall die as the dope
pushing cop killer he is, and we'll use his brief existence as
a beneficial measurement to determine, which other demonic
bushite soldiers, who as bonafide 'evil doers', disagree with
such Just action - be put to death for our Freedoms also.
Simple for everyone to understand? We think so, so says the
Son of Man.
Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces
/ / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price
that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death
with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!),
that American intelligence officers had been working alongside
them at the Jamiyat police station \ \
Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces, death to the
ungodly enemies of Man who torture innocent people to death
for fun - expecting Johnny's America will not raise a word in
defense for the Human race, or our guns to defend our loyal
brothers to the cause of Justice. Death to the bushite, death
to God's enemies who lie cheat and steal from Humanity to
assist in the escape of those responsible for 911.
/ / Prime Minister Stephen Harper "We will conclude a formal
agreement so that we never again face these baseless
allegations," he said. Thirty Afghan detainees have claimed
they were beaten, whipped, given electric shocks and denied
food once they were transferred to Afghan security forces by
the Canadian military \ \
These demons who war for ZIONIST censorship are a bunch a dope
pushing cop killers, who murder innocent people they call
'Taliban' better known as in Arabic - students.
Proudly kill the bushite who would drop from the sky,SEVEN
MILLION landmines on our cities to kill our children for
decades indiscriminately, while offering our Humanity to God no
apologies. Proudly kill the bushite savages all to
desperately survive ourselves creating a better world through
fair, free market communications. To warring for Liberty as
true Freedom wills, is for Justice understood as measured, not
just made up out of nowhere for the pleasures of those truly
Satanic. So spoke the King of being the wisdom we here
revealed by statement of timeless fact. Good will triumph
over evil. That's that.
Tenent "Lets everybody tell the truth."
It seems Tenent wants to inform us he actually meant when
saying "slam dunk" - that, selling the war to the American
Joe, without establishing any real facts would be easier than
anything against the powerless as media unrepresented!
/ / Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who has called for a withdrawal of
all U.S. contractors from Iraq. "They charge whatever they
want with impunity. There's no accountability as to how many
people they have, as to what their activities are." \ \
Kucinich for President!
Bushite War LIFE Itself - and - They Couldn't Care Less
'Alpha company patrols the poppy fields.'
20070420_taliban28.mp3 (pbs broadcast)
"About the poppy harvest, currently gathering pace all around
them, they couldn't care less." Instead they kill unarmed
innocent people indiscriminately as enemies to ALL HUMAN LIFE.
They Couldn't Care Less
The 82 Airborne, in assisting in defending the world wide
distribution and production of heroin, tells of murdering
innocent farmers, that would never raise a gun in anger, are
those they openly confess to target for first degree murder as
labeled the, second tier Taliban. That's when not defending
American Pension thiever ENRON'S pipeline managed under their
extremist Muslim fundamentalist regime of intolerance for
public communications, as the continuing thieving of 80
percent the Humanitarian Aid given by Canada to feed the
STARVING, and school our children of the impoverished
Afghanistan, as so reported. Eighty percent. 80. 80 percent
stolen. I'm telling YOU: CBC couldn't care less about what
Canadian soldiers are actually dying as COWARDS for:
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly
partners in crime" CBC national radio management needs to be
arrested in Canada for high TREASON. Please, be a Patriot,
and demand these zionists allow open communication with the
facts to save the lives of Canadians soldiers they hold in
contempt to die as the bad guys committed to no better good.
Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade
/ / [...] the [New York Times] piece details the torture of
[Innocent People] Sunni prisoners at one of the new
American-Iraqi "security stations" \ \ Kill the bushite for
America, for Justice is Freedom. Lawless mercenaries are not
granted by our will to survive truly. A "lawless" enemy
granted "immunity" by bushite evil phonies, is that of which,
holds ourselves in their confessed contempt for Justice.
Receive thanks from everyone, GOD included, by rightly
destroying such inexcusable treasonous ungodly enemies of all
human life.
Torture is a crime against God and Humanity. So, likewise,
joyously, with pride, destroy the neocon traitors of Justice -
for the true Love you have as Freedom willed - is as granted.
Don't buy their demon lies by blind blanket false assertions,
against YOUR Humanity's Innocence in tyrannical bondage, all
done in to fool you believing, we have no rights to be heard
in our presence - here existing freely. Therefore, to survive
US all for something better, halt the 'escaping' murderous
bushite thieves for God and America. SOLDIERS: Instead of
dying for nothing, my wannabe Patriot Brothers, try joining
Liberty's cause, which is our cause truly. Is it because
corporate TV zionist money whores, are cowardly and ignorant,
as evil hypno muggers, in MY dying for real America, that YOU
refuse to speak Now in your Humanity's begging further
defense?, on evidence being the only requirement to establish
a person's guilt or innocence? for ungodly terrorist
activities committed in our name by bushite bombers from the
neo-conned AIR FORCE, who, as rotted juveniles, cheeringly
bomb us People indiscriminately leaving a Church as something
TRULY SATANIC? To dare, in our presence, continue threatening
harm against an innocent child of wonder, not yet even born to
God's suffering world? Bushites war LIFE itself. So then
pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the
enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged
truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny
THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes
they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices
heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly.
Look, these neocon zionists KNOW they are OUR enemies
Israel Knesset member Talab al-Sanai "It took Israel 37 years
to develop and perfect these barbaric methods of repression
and humiliation," al-Sanai observed. "Surprisingly, the
Americans surpassed and outmatched the Israelis in their
[Zionist] savagery in less than two years."
Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those
who hide OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down
for GOD, despite what demon lies they argue give them as
Satanic to avoid "The Law".]
Glenn Beck Threatens [INNOCENT] Muslims with Concentration Camps
/ / Look, these neocon zionists KNOW they are OUR enemies.
They want to divide the People, so we won't complain about
dying for their contempt for freedom by Justice. Bush used
zero evidence to implicate Laden, while immediately working to
close outstanding criminal investigations. What is it my
friend that YOU can't figure? \ \
War and the Police State: Complicity of the American People
/ / On September 11, 2001, corporate media and the government
elite launched an aggressive political and media campaign upon
and against the American people. \ \
/ / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?"
MSNBC told YOU when interviewing Tom Daschle in discussion
of the official public contention, that immediately after the
terrorist act of 9/11 in New York City, (where thousands of
American People were murdered,) bush and cheney frantically,
desperately, INTENTIONALLY, worked paid overtime to close 9/11
(the justice-freedom thing) Investigations on who or whom
planned to get away un-apprehended with the still living as
freely wealthy General Ahmad. \ \
911 "truthers" don't want to address the hard evidence like
the clear as day video of steel running like water from the
WTC towers, for, as Humanity witnesses, they'd rather watch
silently, children murdered indiscriminately, before,
acknowledging wise godly men from our communities who speak
ONLY facts on America's derision for real, open market Free
communications - freedom fighters who ACTUALLY defend the
innocent from the neocon bushmob traitors. Each day we hear
of near hundreds of US murdered by the godless Satanic
THEIVING "American" forces in Iraq. without near a peep of
concern by "America". Lawless bushite mercenaries torture
rape and murder, paid to do so by the WILLING American tax
payer, and near 300 million "People" (the NAZIS) can't find
the effort to pick up a princely phone and call the ENEMY pro
child killer George Norry, (who broadcasts every day across
America nationally for the IRRATIONAL neocons,) to air any
real concern for our Lives. True, the demon enemy censors OUR
calls, and contrives WE a buyer without questions, but he
doesn't censor You always forever. So, get to it fukhead,
JOHN is growing angry with americans of EVIL ignoramuses
escaping the bushmob for crimes against MY HUMANITY. The Son
of Man States: Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS
enemies, who lie cheat and steal to assist in the further
criminal escape of the ungodly bushmob for 911 as TRAITORS.
Loyal bushie McCain as bona-fide nazi savage "Bomb bomb bomb Iran.."
Reporter 'Mr. McCain, you demon liar nazi fu-ker, don't you
think your being insensitive to innocent god loving Iranians?'
Pro-Torture of INNOCENT PEOPLE McCain "Insensitive to what?
The Iranians? My response is lighten up and get a life."
Johnny America Lyrics: "Can't an American PROUDLY kill TRAITOR
pro-torture Zionist McCain for the Love of living Life Justly,
as Freedom was Country?"
Investigating the Investigation
/ / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \
PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I quite frankly don't like the idea of
the Judiciary deciding who is on my staff." [at Justice]
PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I did not make decisions about who
should or should not be asked to resign." [in mid-term]
As US State Attorneys?, whom have the most serious of American
Justice Department Motions of Defense for REAL Freedom?, he's
not concerned directly with?, nor would "like" democratic
Peoples to be allowed to care either?. IF he gets HIS way he
says - as minding for the criminal master. True, Americans
are generally, extremely cowardly as Bush's freely giving
PAYERS, led for more ungodly sacrifices in fascistic silence,
but this continuing charade of incompetence gathering against
our entire Humanity, is going way beyond acceptable to
everyone concerning. Johnny Wizard conceivers and otherwise
non-believers state together:
The Iraq war against Christ has no true justifiable cause.
Torture is against the law warranting immediate death sentences
The Zionist AIR FORCE bomb people indiscriminately as Satanic
The bushmob stole all the Development Funds for Iraq
The bushmob are stealing ALL of Iraq's oil
The bushmob stole 100s of billions from censored AMERICANS,
while George W. Bush personally stole 50 billion from America
in the first four months of stealing the initial election.
little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and
then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of
godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as
the unholy enemy.]
What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers?
Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously
kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our
love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED
soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children
pratically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like
those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS
MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons
CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and
slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but
their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass
murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."
To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these unarrested
murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazis, is to war the TRUE
enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved
ones. \ \
Art Bell, "the thief", is really fuking evil to GOD as America..
being a blatant naked LIAR to the American Patriot Warriors
Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS enemies, who lie
cheat and steal to assist in the criminal escape of the
bushmob for 911 as CLEARLY TRAITORS, so says the one and only,
King Johnny Wizard -
President and CEO of
Shareware Earth Co.
/ / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was
authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \
Treason charges must be sought against zionist reporters
who LIE with such blatant disregard for your freedom in America.
Bush Won't Turn Over Emails Until White House 'Reviews' Them
/ / Bush and the RNC should be immediately sued. There are no
sustainable Executive Privilege arguments here: the emails
were already sent over a NON-GOVERNMENTAL email system. In
other words, if sensitive/classified information was sent over
this system it would be a felony and impeachable. Any
official information sent over this RNC email system would
also be a violation of the Presidential Records Act. \ \
It's like a catch 22..
So, the demon liar bush tells US, the terrorists would rather
travel to Iraq to kill Americans indiscriminately, than come
directly to America from wherever instead, to kill anyone who
silently supports the indiscriminate murder of our humanity.
CHRIST HATES the godless bushite nazi THIEVES, who by LYING,
murder our loved INNOCENT family members, all to steal our
good names in God. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies.
See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for
America, you kill it to defend Yourself.
/ / RENOWNED metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proclaimed on TV on
Thursday that Sept. 11, 2001, was a more significant date
than most of us realized. It was, in her words, "the first
time in history that fire has ever melted steel." \ \
Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators
- Adolf Hitler, 1938 -
/ / Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they
considered innocent? \ \ Because they are openly enemies to
Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless.
/ / "As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence
community's assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The
first request I received from any administration policy-maker
for any such assessment was not until a year into the war." \ \
Bushite will kill America
/ / At 9:32 he saw and heard a bomb destroy the offices of the
Pentagon auditors. 40 military officers investigating the
missing money were killed. The CTC was destroyed too. You
can read more here: \ \
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Please, if you must forsake me in your personal
cowardice and self loathing, don't forsake GOD and America by
not killing with PRIDE, these bushite dumfuks of NATO the
first chances you get. Love liberty as if it were your own,
and kill a lawlessly murderous bushite nazi savage for your
love of anyone included. (You can quote me forever on that.)
Let Johnny speak!
Do you expect yourself to fail trying?
It's all up to You my friend, it's all up to you.
Onward Christian Soldier.
IDEA: Let's get our show up and running, by allowing open
public investigations To be conducted internationally, with
open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and
every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then,
all of everything else still left outstanding murdering
ourselves. Whadoyahsay??
'We were torturing people for no reason'
..but for a bushite's Satanic pleasure,
death to the tyrant thieving bushite sadists,
death to GOD'S ENEMIES who war freedom in America to help escape
Our Mr. bush Jr. for the crimes HE DID with Ahmad on 911
Do we have a problem here in any way?
/ / A spokesman for Aegis Defence Services, said: "There is
nothing to indicate that these film clips are in any way
connected to Aegis." \ \
Not now according to CNN, bushite enemy Tim Spicer, and the
Pentagon. This UN-NAMED spokesperson WILL be tried for aiding
the crimes of first degree murder with it's lying racist nazi
filth, who like getting away murdering black guys for fun and
profit in iraq, paid for by A cowardly DYING AMERICA.
The Pentagon's Power to Jail Americans Indefinitely
Look, demon enemies of Christ torture innocent people for fun,
paid for by the silent American tax payer. Americans refuses
to bother making a simple phone call to Coast to Coast to
raise some concern. THEY don't. They refuse to hunt bushite
down in their streets for death to defend the innocent held
indefinitely against GOD'S will. Death to the bushite, death
to Johnny's godless, lawless, fascist enemies of FREEDOM.
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
/ / Never in modern history has country been forced to pay for
its death, torture, and destruction with its own money - its
own oil revenues. A country where thieves are entrusted with
its richness and where murderous gangs are entrusted with its
security. \ \
Look, CNN, CBC, and FOx News know the bushmob did 911, but
will smile while watching your son or daughter sent out to die
CONNED by their demonic hatred for US freely communicated.
How do I know this? I made the effort of making the phone
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio
hosts allow free communications, absent their personal
contempt for preserving freedom to be our America. George
Norry WILL kill Your American child for the contempt he truly
holds for our lives here. He says he only supports murdering
Arab children for the neocon, but when your not looking in his
'shadows', he'll kill your child too, don't doubt it for a
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
NATO forces shoot Afghan child, run over another
The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©
/ / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused. They
are getting a chance at a future the likes of which would
never have been possible under the oppressive regime..." \ \
Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."
Rosie: Was 9/11 inside job to protect Enron?
The Ground Truth
The part where pro-bush "American" soldiers drive over
children to kill them for fun, all because they say our
Humanity let's those responsible escape retribution for being
Satanically evil as enemies to Christ, left me angered beyond
Glenn Beck "A complete lack of knowledge really, you know,
really hasn't stopped me [here at CNN] from pontificating on
any topic before, so here goes."
US Attorney's Firing may be [IS] Connected to CIA Corruption Probe
/ / On May 11, 2006, Kyle Sampson, then Gonzales' chief of
staff, sent an e-mail to deputy White House counsel William
Kelley, asking Kelley to call to discuss "the real problem we
have right now with Carol Lam [...] \ \
pleasure of the president
US Attorneys don't serve "the pleasure of the president", they
serve freedom lovers dedicated to defending America from
willful criminality. But, americans are too stupidly weak to
demand Coast to Coast hosts allow open communications on
America's highest of concerns. Bushite america would rather,
in silence, thieve from God as our Humanity, than serve the
protections of Justice as ourselves.
/ / According to the Islamic understanding of power, the
Mujahideen don't compete for the positions in the leadership. \ \
"Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he [the bushite nazi dumfuk 'Taliban' 2nd in command]
said. He did not elaborate.
Hmmm. Allah is all, and negotiating for freedom from naked
bushite tyranny is won EASILY through communicating
understanding. The tribal strategy of Afghan fighters, where
Allah is Oonerroh, seems to be not the only thing missing from
the statements of this "Taliban" RELIGIOUS FUNDEMENTALIST top
top top leader. Only "second" to Omar the Just. (Apparently
an individual this current bushite incantation of "Dadullah"
is totally un-familiar of.) Omar, the Just, whom Dadullah
claims he receives his Top Secret nobody can see'im orders.
In other winds: Bill a bushite for God and America, an all
day long you'll have good faith in a world freeing ourselves
of godless dumfuk tyranny implemented by the horribly foolish,
as deeply ignorant of Allah, bushite demon liars for the
traitor neocon. TRAITORS!
"Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he [the bushite nazi dumfuk 'Taliban' 2nd in command]
said. He did not elaborate.
Allah is all, and negotiating for freedom from naked bushite
tyranny is won EASILY through communicating understanding.
Omar the Just knew this to say so, as do I. And this is why
corporate news professionals forbid me to speak openly without
nazi censorship, ON OUR AIR-WAVES, because I am honorable,
right, and true as believable. While America's fun guy,
zionist George Norry, states to support PUBLICLY, the ungodly
murder of innocent Arabic children for nothing but his
personal contempt of YOUR DYING LIFE, while further wanting to
invite thoughtlessly nuking places on Earth all for his secret
hatred of US freely commutating. Typical bushite. Ending
with to tell US again 'convincingly', that bin Laden did do
911 as a terror-ist bad guy in G's World!!?! How so? EH?
How so? he don't care man, he don't care. He and his family
have millions of dollars to sell you out, so why care for your
struggle to survive in bushville soldiering? Frankly, George
Norry is a total dickhead. True, he has lots of money in
America, but he's still a dickhead nevertheless.
Alex Jones and me aren't on the best of speaking terms, but I
will state, a desire to address every same challenge he has
adroitly addressed as publicly lacking. And when I am
addressed 'officially', I will campaign to put US in the space
to realize, we are the government, we are the people. We
don't need to run to the hills and encamp ourselves away to
defend ourselves to the max from the man, we are the man. I'm
telling yeh, I know this to be so as the sea is we magically.
Equal rights for all in God's name is self evident. Self
evident to ME anyway... but well.. who am i?, right - I'll
tell you as I have for more than a decade as a living fiction
forsaken for lack of anybody anywhere understanding in
totality what I am here on Earth as true Son to Man - a
'understandable' timeless stand in for G to gain recognition
through as honest broker. [I've been everywhere around
forever, and.. blahblah.. I know people really don't care to
know of ancient wisdoms, truths that guide the order to the
Universe, cause often they think I'm beyond their
comprehension as a 'better than', when all power is in equal
respect for others as our hurting brothers and sisters
suffering with tyranny by our collective willful ignorance on
Justice.[God's bestest is Just for every reason being thus]] I
am one serious genius by no accident in words you have as much
right to contend for yourself being, if you'd only believe we
have some good ideas here to really defend ourselves with.
Please my American friend, help US speak out freely Coast to
Coast. So we together can start, on demanding Justice for
all, as innocence in serious jeopardy. Dadullah is most
likely an individual who holds at least some control over
official military functions of NATO in the region. So, we're
going to seed loyalties of the rare Patriots in the force to
recognize our need to isolate who supports, not talking FREELY
for peace easily in Afghanistan without question. No evidence
was brought against Laden, therefore, the Taliban were True
Patriots, and bushite traitors are pure racist nazi filth
ridden, toxic, as being cowardly dishonorable as despicably
evil, enemies to us all. Put US in Command.
Question the bushite, question to anyone who mumbles
disagreement in the godly fact, that WE, as Humanity, will
spend the better part of this next generation, hunting every
last war profiteering nazi war criminal down for our real
Freedom from their, so errorred "endless" tyranny of big money
terror. Lawlessness with be outlawed, and ANY corporate
american who mumbles otherwise, as an enemy totalitarianist,
the clear ungodly, (as should be criminal,) will be put to
challenge by their very own children, or parents, or bleeding
dead brothers. Hannity must be tried for death as lying that
the holocaust never happened from Iran. DEATH to the demon
liar nazi fu-ker I say, DEATH to the demon liar nazi fu-ker.
/ / According to Danish Karokhel, director of Pajhwok, the
Italian government should negotiate directly with Dadullah.
"Italy is negotiating with the wrong people," he said in an
email to IPS. "The only one that counts and decides is Mullah
Dadullah." \ \ Oh Yeah, but what about Omar the Just, And...
hmmmm. who is Karokhel today anyway, and when was the last
time anyone seen him alive?
/ / How did a member of the Taliban in Afghanistan get hold of
the phone number of an ABC news producer? Afghan 411 must be
REALLY good! \ \ iiIII! can't even do that.. well...
easily from Canada as an official non-fugitive that is. Just
what is the going rate of satellite phone service out of
Afghanistan? Remember: evil is DUMB about everything,
including technology. Or so, how are we missed for report by
point to point presentation using the same old satellite for
phone service? Repeatedly calling the same mumblers? Jesus,
If we really worked at it, I could probably reach where they
were in a day or two by hitch-hiking.
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our
elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their
flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for
clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like
immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil.
/ / "Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he said. He did not elaborate. \ \ He's either with
the proven cowards of JTF2, or the two or three "CIA" guys
secretly hunting bin Laden in caves out there with tens of
billions of dollars. SPENT EACH YEAR 'unknowingly'. (No
reason why, but, they just can't tell You, as the paying for
it really while DYING) Put US in Command.
/ / The Mujahideen aren't students of power and don't compete
for power like others do. We are students of truth and work
for establishing this truth and for this cause we sacrifice
our power \ \
/ / Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, the President's
pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas.
Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand
behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000
citizens prior to the 2004 election. \ \ Timothy needs to be
arrested for high treason, for fixing an election, or instead,
what? we'll make him a State US Attorney in bushville?
kill all of them
/ / In his testimony on Wednesday, Pfc. Bradley Mason of
Company C said that on May 8, the night before the raid,
Colonel Steele told soldiers to ``kill all of them.'' Three
other soldiers gave similar testimony. \ \
I would offer rewards for more soldiers to come forward. Why?
because there truly is, no honor among thieves. Every bushite
soldier in Iraq for the liar neocon is minimum, a purposeless
dumfuked cowardly thief. See? if you offer a reward, and
they don't take it, their 'fellow' bushite, kill'em for it,
right? why take the risk it'll cash in over your worthless
life? For, who can trust a lying bushite nazi savage?
certainly not a lying bushite nazi savage. In other words:
speak against committing war criminal acts of lawless
aggression in Iraq for Bush, as CLEARLY un-American, and I'll
try to forgive you as human. Or, I guess you'll kill
yourselves in mutually muted total contempt for this universal
life as actually worth something.
When you see and hear on video, sexually dysfunctional, as
sadistically satanic grunt puke pro-bush soldiers moaning,
while deliberately killing innocent defenseless Family People
running for our dying lives from a holy church, or as just
simply anyone standing near the side of the road, then, my
friend, you'll begin to understand what evil actually is.
And, what needs to be done to seriously save ourselves.
Seriously. Justice must be won sooner than later.
Five Star American General Johnny Wizard will train American
Soldiers to recognize such demonic behaviors in combat as
worthy of immediate frag to defend the lives of truly fellow
honorable soldiers. Soldiers ACTually, committed to freedom
from godless satanic dumfuk tyranny of the antichrist demon,
Mr. evil personified, the UN-ELECTED 911 TERRORIST, George
Walker Bush and CO..
/ / "He realized that they had killed these three [innocent]
detainees, and in that moment, yes, he decided to help his
[ungodly murderously nazi fascist] squad members, [escape
Freedom through Law wisely practiced]" Gorecki said. \ \
There is much self evident truth hovering above the realities
of such statements. For the exampled fact, that he did
actually use a weapon against 'his' troops, 'to save them
punishment', says a great deal more than they contend we hear.
Now really, how ''we be dying as godless war criminals for
demon LIAR Bush'' dumb is that? (and how does such an evil
thing steal our military command in an un-defended Johnny's
America? as a dying for bushite tyranny, irrational neocon
war wanker? like holy fu-k..) Remember: evil is real.
The time is now.
Let Johnny Wizard on Coast to Coast everywhere god damn them
man, get US on the PUBLIC radio to make something better of
ourselves by communicating freely. Do it!
Praise Jesus, and pass the ammo forthrightly. I'm a hungry man.
The Iraqi "Government" has arrested the woman raped by three Iraqi
/ / Janabi shocked Iraq last month when she appeared on
Al-Jazeera television and accused three policemen of detaining
her and then raping her in their garrison.
Her story earned a fiery rebuttal from the Shia Prime
Minister, who praised the policemen and promised to promote
them. His office released a medical report allegedly taken
from a US military combat hospital that said the woman had
been beaten [..] \ \
Look, pro-bush anti-Americans are enemies of every Life.
The Iraqi "Government" has arrested the woman raped by three Iraqi
/ / The Iraqi Government has raided the homes of eight Sunni
MPs in the last week, Salim Abdullah told The Times.
A senior Shia official said raids on the homes of Sunni MPs
Khalaf al-Ayan and Dhafir al-Ani had found bomb-making
materials. \ \
This is simple bushite tyranny of the dumbest order. No MP,
beit pro or anti, is going to conveniently have such things
inside TWO ADRESSES! Not impossible mind you, but highly
un-believable. But that's what you get for bushite liar
tyranny, a bunch of godless war criminals stealing our
democratic virtues by flagrant idiocy.
Look, pro-bush anti-Americans are enemies of every Life.
US officer "upset" Iraqi suspects taken alive, court hears
/ / A US military officer sounded "pretty mad and upset" that
a group of soldiers had taken suspected Iraqi insurgents alive
during a raid in which they had been told to kill all military-aged
males, a court was told Tuesday. \ \
Come on now, who wouldn't take great joy in destroying any and
all such ungodly bushite hatred for Humanity in this light of
day, eh? In fact,why don't American Congessmen, who believe
in defending Liberty, campaign JUST that? Why not??? Is it
because they're LIARS?
Like Coast to Coast's fun guy, he ain't taking our screams,
George "pro Arab child Killer" Norry??
Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our pirated
authority through defending the further 'escape' of the
bushmob for 911.
/ / As a result, the Defense Department put up a Web site in
2005 designed to clarify [to the dumfuk bushite demon liars]
that sexual assault is illegal [...] \ \
Rumsfeld, as it was told on Oprah, doesn't want any arrests of
bushite rapists though, so has worked to deny Justice for
female grunts by denying all requests to the 'Pentagon' from
American Police Departments. [and you thought he was fired!]
Why? because, they, the very weakest intellectually of
America's - do what they're told teen kids, ALL don't have
rights anyone in bushite corporate america is willingly strong
enough as a dedicated Leader to speak in demanding defense of,
for innocence.. Why? because they soullessly advocate
continuing bushite war crimes for a stolen dollar. Stuck that
way apparently. Support my rise to speaking publicly for open
challenge on the rights and privileges of all concerned
parties. Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule
our pirated authority through defending the further 'escape'
of the bushmob for 911. I would like to form a global posse
of sleuthers to identify on international open line radio, all
guilty INDIVIDUAL parties by evidenced conclusion on our
highest of priority issues, and get started with the nothing
to hide from anyone global arrests, with PUBLIC court
proceedings, done all for our public interest as the refusing
to further fall as innocent murder victims.
Let's save some lives, what do you say guys?
Or, are we going to go further with this: George W. Bush:
"If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win."
"If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win."
I know, it's seems odd that I am, at the same time, offering
answers to any question on the science of God as is pertains
to Justice measured, but this is just who I am to be conscious
man. So, if we can get over the shock of me being so
especially normal, maybe we can then realize, I have some
simple good old ideas that transcend through time by rational
understanding communicable between any two people. I am not a
"miracle worker" to all those I advise to not eat Aspartame
because it's a poison that also makes your body crave
un-needed carbs, that will likely convert to more unless fat.
So, it slowly kills you, while making you fatter than you need
be along the dead end journey faithing in "the system". So,
why do some do it religiously? Who cares (for now) but to
say, our governments are failing US miserably. I spoke
personally with one of the head scientists in Canada at
"Health Food and Safety", and he told me the scientific
analysis done by reputable scientists I found freely available
repeatedly on the internet years ago, was completely true.
(It breaks down to formaldehyde, and methanol (a slow lethal
poison), among other shockers. Poison. P-o-i-s-o-n-s in our
food stuffs. Poisons.) However, he could take no action to
defend Canadians "officially" because we, Canadians, have our
corporate interest news departments completely refusing to
defend ourselves from corporate exploitation anywhere, and as
natural consequence, we, as the dying world, would together
unrepresented, probably lose a law suit from mutant Monsanto
through the self inflicted bounds of OUR censored WTO program.
- instituted through the top secretly mastered puppet people
persons of the 'unseen' NWO I guess.
I'm telling you, we need me as King.
Look: Aegis's workforce, for American PAYING profit, has been
publicly disclosed through CNN to be shooting people in Iraq
indiscriminately for your money, and when the Pentagon was
contacted by Nick Roberts about what would be done, they
responded, nothing would be done by Johnny's America but to
increase the multi-hundred-million dollar contract with demon
enemy Tim Spicer to continue. Now... why you ask? Because
the neocon liars, steal money by lying to cowardly American
kids about what they mindlessly, without thought, give their
souls for. Tim Spicer openly hires South African goons to
commit hardships for American GIs to die without end for, in
lawless tyranny. Peace sells less money for the neocon war
profiteers to murder the innocent American as. (Iraqis,
along with the rest of Humanity's Men, WILL eventually learn
this truth, or life for you will end.) As an Arab hating
bushite, (like what you'd find as a publicly proud practiced
hatred for all Humanity, by an Amerkan dumfuk soldier in
Google's alt.religion.islam), they say nothing for Freedom by
Justice, but root themselves to Spicer's monsters who like
killing black guys, as world renown mass murdering racist nazi
filth. That's why zionist Israel loves them so much.
Look: Somebody stole four trillion dollars out of the Pentagon.
Look: Greenspan STOLE four trillion American dollars for his
international billionaire banker friends before 'leaving'.
[Asian market chaos SCAM]
Look: Lotteries everywhere in North America are running the
same PROVEN criminal scams that cost US ALL billions and
billions of public dollars that, without question, (as
MATHEMATICAL FACT), regressively destroy our dying
communities. CRIMINAL. [Solution: 100 percent cash payouts.]
Look: corporate magic TV people couldn't care less for US if
they tried. Ahmad funded Atta. bin Laden claimed he played
no part in 911. And video of steel running like water moments
before the first tower fell is freely available for download
all over the place. CBC, CNN, FOXnews et al. know the
Bushmob did 911 in other words. I've spoken to most of those
'in control', and I'm telling you, they're losers, and they
know it. Remember: they'll censor my voice to send YOUR
child to die for no better good, or reason understood, while
entertaining. Weekend TV in North America totally sucks.
Now, why do YOU think that is brother? The more powerless
they make US, the more money the neocon zionists can murder
Humanity for, thinking they might just get away from this if
we continue to take no action in defense of anyone as God
would will. Let me be Your servant King, by backing me up some
here. We need some dollars to eat, and I need it now before we
starve to deaths.
Look: Barbra Bodine did the Cole bombing. [the Cole whose crew has
been completely overhauled. Where are the many who served there NOW
Look: America has kidnapped countless thousands without evidence to
be held against OUR will indefinitely. [Like the NOT Jewish Israel]
Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those who hide
OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down for GOD, despite
what demon lies they argue give them as Satanic to avoid "The Law".]
Look: the bushmob war profiteers STOLE the Iraqi Development fund
Look: the more than 100,000 security contractors for
Bush are officially deemed lawlessly unaccountable to
Look: Negroponte PERSONALLY stole the Iraqi emergency
water provision money
Look: Sattler OPENLY committed the worst war crimes of
all Humanity's history
Look: I am a guy that is regularly denied public access to
our national radio programs because I speak documented truths
consistently on behalf of real honorable soldiers and police
officers. I agree with most, if not all facts Alex Jones
importantly brings to our attention, however, I almost as
often, disagree with his conclusions.
Support my cause, which is your cause.
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
Senior Military analyst, Rob Riggle "In the field John, the
soldiers are out there, every day, risking their lives, for a
common Ideal: that none of the President's decisions be
This is more true than a bushite would admit before murdering
a honorable father to rape his young child, like Lcpl
Boudreaux freely confesses. Boudreaux will tell you, openly,
you have to murder the Arab father of the Arab child your
planning to rape, because if you don't, that Father will spend
the rest of this life, hunting you down in the streets to rip
you limb from limb for it.
Let US, me and the few, proud, and the brave, bring that
Father's intent to bare on lancing Boudreaux, and any other
who would sing in it's ungodly defense.
Zionist american media celebs do tell, everyday, soldiers for
the neocon are all Heroes. (True Hero worship has long gone
dead, and simple common respect for the starving man of Johnny
Wizard is almost entirely illusionary, but for the love of God
has for me, the Son, to never stop caring religiously.) While
McCainites advocate imprisoning any (chosen) man in America
(with our familiar "Exploitation Units"), who has a picture
anywhere on their computer of a fully clothed teen, while
denying this following censored video of children being beat
to death for fun and profit is real. When I watch only thirty
seconds, my rage as a god increases beyond anything anyone of
Humanity can even contemplate, and i start crushing bricks in
my hands with fury, twist iron bars into pretzels, all as a
foolishly feeble attempt to personally have killed those
present in this video. Then I cry. I cried for these
children present in this video the first time I watched it,
and I cried last night briefly, before stopping it.
Please, my brothers, join me in hunting each and every bushite
present in this video down for death. For a Love of God that
will never end, until we have seen each and every responsible
child killing bushite present brought to true Justice extreme.
/ / British Soldiers beat unarmed Children
Even after they plead them to stop they continue and
the cameraman seems to be having an orgasm.
news_of_the_world_uk_iraqi_beating_video.wmv \ \
Did you know Blair had arrested the reporters who reported
this initially? Didn't think of defending children, no sir.
For, the commentator, who gives the play by play, while
masturbating, has been given forgivence because it's an heroic
"Christian". Not publicly executed. This must change for the
better. Here is where I will make my final stand, and where
heaven shall part from hell in America.
9/11 WTC Molten Metal
Men pick military as sentence
Great, more criminal heros to victimize Humanity for.
George W. Bush:
"If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win."
But for those of us who would believe protection to be a
heavenly good thing actually he means? What the. does he
mean?? Find out!, in the new candid, let's talk politics
interview, with no other than, PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.
(talk about having connections!) Have your mind blown on his
TRUE wisdom, seldom since ever, so wisely articulated in a
more private setting, than this: The Story of the Millennium.
ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? - A Johnny America Exclusive! - a
candid interview on Bush's deeper than ever political thoughts
about the war, up front, and personal. Surely, an historical
event such as this, with the revelations contained in his own
shockingly powerful words, while granting a stage in Johnny
Wizard's World, is frankly, beyond the pale, quite shocking in
perspective I'm sure I would state again. I feel confident
Bush's surprising candor on life's humbling higher meaning
wont make the crazies 'out there' any more less right per say.
As for the barely living of you passing travelers to our dying
Realm.... be ready to be taken on a journey of such profound
discovery, with a wit never before witnessed from President
Bush!, all about the cruel hardships Americans continue to
endure without guidance through effective leadership. Without
evidence to form his guilty verdicts. That orders the murder
of the innocent with. I kid you NOT. Hey? maybe the Son of
Man doesn't have to wipe out the entire human race after all..
With Bush co-operating now, I personally believe, no, I know,
we're going to make a go of this after all.
Let US speak in challenge to any or all bushite enemies
NATO war plane bombers must be hunted down by the will of
Humanity to be gloriously publicly executed to defend the
innocent lives, they once again, have indiscriminately
murdered in Afghanistan without a sliver of evidence, but for
to say, some dumfuk had a 'rumor' that a single individual
SUSPECTED to be an anti-heroin pro-child defending Taliban
supporter, granted the bombers of NATO to wipe out an entire
village MURDERED indiscriminately by the TRUE demonic enemies
of LIFE. Please, if you must forsake me in your personal
cowardice and self loathing, don't forsake GOD and America by
not killing with PRIDE, these bushite dumfuks of NATO the
first chances you get. Love liberty as if it were your own,
and kill a lawlessly murderous bushite nazi savage for your
love of anyone included. (You can quote me forever on that.)
Giuliani told ABC's Peter Jennings on September 11, 2001
'..and I was operating in there [75 Barkley St.], when I was
told that the World Trade Center Towers were going to collapse.'
Did you know that the international Johnny Wizard comic book
is out there? Don't miss out on picking up a copy for
yourself, or your loved ones. And did you know, I'm trying to
get on international radio without a censor to thunder my
audience back into submission. I HATE HANNITY. All I want is
free open debate to resolve this crisis, that doesn't have to
be so ruining our dying worlds without questions forwarded by
the dumfuks. Justice is Paramount through reason to be so.
The Bush Administration have been up to no good, escaping for
911, that New York City should sue for. Hire me on as legal
consultant buddies, cause I'm like near starving broke here,
with supreme court challenges failing my cost factor, and
hunger pangs slowing our progress on fighting unjust
incarceration. I desperately need money, like now, as a gift,
or an advance on a industry paid private consultant gig. Or,
instead, maybe you'll idly watch some innocent person
willfully be sent to prison by liars in your demonized name,
to defend the ungodly evils of war criminal traitor, our Mr.
Bush Jr. in foolish disguises. Your call Bud.
be Wiser,
Johnny Wizard - Patriot Liberator of Eternal Destiny
(i.e. REAL sustainability as self sufficiency)
(i.e. nothing is separate from existence ourselves, not even
time, and Justice is binding to defend our lives if practiced
fairly with it's elemental divisions through reason. Example:
a person accused of a criminal offence, without any evidence,
is INNOCENT. Those who say otherwise, are the actual
terror-ists. Civilization's ancient Founder Hammurabi,
suggested just to openly publicly have executed those who lay
capital allegations without any evidence, while working to
close outstanding criminal investigations. A made CRIME
within ourselves Hammurabi claimed, and by thinking such ways,
brought birth of 'Civilized' to an untamed till then, chaotic
confusion. Old becomes again anew, because Americans are weak
as polluted, and too cowardly to defend the rights of US
innocent. Let's change that. Support my climb to
international controversy, with my unchallenged claims of
direct accountability being sought, for the 911's neocon war
terror plot.
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P.S. someone tell Hannity, I got a beef with
his demon lies to sacrifice our guys. I'm calling
Hannity out to explain himself freely to US now,
as a demand for an immediate match between him and
ourselves in the dug pit of his utter contempt for
our free to be alive communications.
'A military judge ruled last week that Watada cannot base his
defense on the war's legality.'
Telling US what?, that it is a crime to not commit a crime?
It isn't only high treason against America the ungodly bushite
are guilty of, but of a madness held by those truly Satanic..
/ / 'Why are you taking pictures? You don't have permission."'
[...] the [bush whore] American, speaking through a translator,
warned him that he did not want to see any AP photos published
anywhere.\ \
No bushite was found gloriously killed for country, yet, they,
the godless bushite enemy, continued to shoot innocent People
indiscriminately for a distance of six miles, while likely,
secretly masturbating each other as bushite liars do always.
The pro-bush irrational military said only eight innocent
un-armed Afghans were counted as murdered deliberately, by
those who believe our Mankind, can not ever find themselves
accountable, without zionist controlled, corporate news
permission. See? The military counts mankind as zionist, but
I am a man of real men, committed to defend our world from all
enemies, foreign, or domestic. Unlike a bushite traitor to God
and America, who's word, as Oath, means as much to them, as we
do. Ungodly as they are loveless, the bushite, is Life's enemy.
See my friends, this is why I, as the Son of Man beg and plead
for all able bodied men, to kill treasonous bushite on sight,
for every time you love God by defending the innocent from
murder, (the innocent whom any pro-bush corporate professional
hold in total self contempt,) you save REAL peoples lives, and
you defend God's good name to love God as ourselves committed
to true Liberty. Bushites are enemies of freedom, enemies of
God, and worthy of death, before allowed to further bomb
people indiscriminately like the commanders of NATO order day
after day without risking instant frag because, bushites are
blind cowardly thieving nazi fascist savages, brain damaged,
who believe as satanic demon whores of Molech, they can con
all of US including me forever, just like dare dubya. Dumfuks.
God is Great!
Former FBI Director Calls For New OKC Bombing Investigation
/ / The FBI man in charge of collecting evidence from the
government building destroyed by the Oklahoma bomb has called
for the case to be reopened. \ \
First things first: America must demand the immediate arrest
of those who told America the victim committed suicide, when
clearly, due to autopsy photos, the individual was tortured to
death as the innocent. So, the 'officers' responsible for the
fraudulent claims, need to be arrested for accessories to
MURDER. The torture will earn them both the death sentence,
if found guilty under STANDING AMERICAN LAW. And any bushite
like a, it's always a great day George Norry, who purposefully
with criminal intent stands in life's continuing way for
Justice's demand, American Patriots will phone to Bill with
every once of pinky power we have at our disposal.
Support Johnny Wizard's personal challenge against thieving
LIAR traitor Hannity, and his corporate nazi bush whores who
lore our stolen values by how much they can deny US privilege.
Coast to Coast radio hosts need to be publicly challenged for
debate they deny US knowing of together naturally speaking.
Great example of our Problem: CBC National Radio, in Canada.
When a caller phones during the very rare moments we're taking
public words, have a pre-broadcast rig-a-ma-role question
session, you'll have with not only the OFF-AIR screener, where
he'll probe you for controversy, but after the first process
of noting in book form your disclosed intel, will notify you
that; IF your independent thought is granted by the "Producer"
(- who reviews everyone - rules are rules -) Our national
station will phone you back this afternoon, so stay tooned, to
line you up with your baking gingerbread creds. They never
ever dido! The more Brilliant you are, (like the highly
charged as extremely charismatically charming, wild man ruler,
Johnny America - the media phenomenoner) the higher
probability they'll find POSSIBLE concern, on their do nothing
for your taxed attitudes..!. Why take chances someone might
show a greater living responsibility to a real suffering God
as our left corporately forsaken Country?.?.?. A dying
Look, seriously, my friends, we have all the answers to our problems.
Support Johnny Wizard's personal challenge against thieving
LIAR traitor Hannity, and his corporate nazi bush whores who
lore our stolen values by how much they can deny US privilege
of equal standing.
Get it done brother.
/ / Corporate TV News people are part of a death cult that
doesn't rely US on evidence for proof they say we believe them
unbiasedly without question. While forbidding ourselves to
hear OUR calls for real Justice. \ \
Albeit, some rock/country/pop stations are now wading a little
ways to allow minimal defensive communications on behalf of
our truly dying communities. [i.e. the THIEVING Lottery
actually takes more than communities get returned in cash
transfers from the government, and this, beat up the
unrepresented poor, actually ends costing EVERYONE more.
[read "Stand Together, or Don't"] You don't know Evil until
you hear CJOB's radio host pontificating on it's greatness to
deny our community any time to respond to their direct
criminality against OUR interests. A near 75 percent of Our
radio content is private commercials, while the rest of twenty
percent is amateur sport updates. Why don't the strangely
often fat slob sports fanatics go away on their own as blood
sucking leeches, and stop denying us more serious subject
meters with 'we're just too dumb to hear' censorships. In
Winnipeg, it is a teensy, tiny authoritarian illiterate group
of sports crowers, that the station has devoted the Province
entirely to for private financial profit. And so, what is
someone in Selkirk Manitoba going to do with the play by play
radio commentary?, not listen like everyone in Winnipeg does
since, that's what. I personally can't even bare the wasted
time, to finally get on to be immediately hung up on
impolitely by a Station who literally robs from our community.
More than 600,000 live in Manitoba, as apposed to a small
cadre of proven criminals who stole our public phone system,
or took a PULBICLY paid for Private arena or Private sports
facility that cost us practically billions to get in the front
door of the already completely paid for by ourselves ten times
over, to maybe see a concert that Ticketmaster charges half
the ticket price to simply just print a paper ticket/contract.
ENTERTAINERS, let me be your manager's Manager instead, and
I'll get you every last penny your fans paid to see YOU with.
I could practically double your earned earnings, or, are you
instead going to blindly give HALF your life to a scalper,
who's done nothing creative but hire someone near minimum
wage to press a print button religiously. I'll tell you what,
we just won't do any more good shows until we can get this
remedied by freely communicating our concern for dying
soldiers left further without measured value, left to
actually DIE in the gutter as homelessly forsaken.
Take care by taking action.
God we can't do this alone, I need you.
Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against
Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts,
who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell
of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them.
Let's do this.
Use this address in Firefox to get daily News podcast of Alex Jones.
/ / If you don't have an instinct, to stand up for women and
children, your not a man. That's what men are supposed to do,
it's not anything *special*. I'm nothing special. \ \
/ / KBR's Tiger Team stayed at the five-star Kuwait Kempinski
Hotel, where its members ran up a bill of more than $1
million. This outraged the army, whose troops were sleeping
in tents at a cost of $1.39 a day. The army asked the Tiger
Team to move into tents. It refused. \ \
See? KBR is now privately running hospital care for the
dumfuk grunts, so, what would you expect but rat infestations?
Oh, you never truly thought... what being a "Liberal" or
"Conservative" victim is. Are you pro Liberty, or pro tyranny
is the question riddled really.
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal
shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's
just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
- President George W. Bush
Kill a bushite and God will love you for defending US,
the innocent in war time.
GOD PLEADS: KILL the lawlessly thieving demonic bushite ENEMY of Life.
/ / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was
authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \
Seriously, the propagandists responsible, need to REALLY, be
put to death after found out through US public court
proceeding. NO ONE would disagree that Iraq is a war crime,
where more than a MILLION INNOCENT PEOPLE have been raped,
tortured, or murdered by dumfuk bushite grunts. If YOU
actually think about it, all of everyone would gladly kill an
unholy bushite terrorist, before allowing it to murder
families running for our lives as loving Church goers.
/ / · Clandestine operations against Iran and Syria, as well
as the Hizbullah movement in Lebanon - even to the extent of
bolstering Sunni extremist groups that are sympathetic to
al-Qaida \ \
Look dummies, by Bush funding bin Laden forces, he is
undermining the troops to DIE. Lawless American can not be
allowed to accept this from the actual demon anti-Christ, can
Death to our Enemies
My friends, People are dying because the, Israel=Jew, magic
radio and TV crews, wont broadcast THE TRUTHS of our publicly
available findings. Police findings. People are dying
needlessly, illegally, irrationally like meaning really
stupidly on Bush's behalf, for they claim, we don't want to be
'embarrassing ourselves' with MY wisdom, You people seem to
not be there for God when the chips are way down, and truth is
plain to see.. 911 was an inside job, and CBC with CNN don't
want to tell us about it, but will watch our LOVED children
lied to, to go out and die further for a causeless war of
criminality unparalleled in it's wickedness.
Support my calls for open communications on "America's"
Coast to Coast radio network, to accept any open challenges
for those who disagree that America demands Justice for
Ourselves above the intent of the censoring bushite criminals.
/ / The [MERCK] experiment was followed by similar hepatitis B
experiments using gay men in Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Chicago, Denver and St. Louis, beginning in March 1980 and
ending in October 1981, the same year the epidemic became
official. [...] By 1984 (the end of the study period) over
40% of the men tested positive for HIV. [...] One fact is
obvious: There was no AIDS in America until the exact year
the [MERCK] government began experimenting with gay men. \ \
/ / Fact 1: The study was conducted over a four-year period,
which means, with such a short study, we have yet to know the
extent of any adverse reactions from the vaccine, especially
the 250 girls around the age of 9 that were administered the
vaccine and who have not yet reached the age where they're
likely to be attempting to become pregnant.
Fact 7: This vaccine has purportedly been shown to protect
against four types of HPV--6, 11, 16, and 18--while there are
over 100 strains of HPV. Does that make it worth it, even if
these are said to be the most common types of the strain? \ \
/ / The average age of diagnosis for cervical cancer is 48
years old. But they propose to give this vaccine to
11-year-old girls. Not even Merck says the vaccine will last
nearly that long. Merck says they don't know how long the
vaccine will last. \ \
Nichols Fingers FBI Agent Directing McVeigh in OKC Bombing By Name
/ / Last week, investigators with the UK's Serious Fraud
Office (SFO) [...] In other words, public money earmarked to
help lift Tanzania's children out of poverty was instead
laundered into the coffers of BAE and Barclays, with Tony
Blair acting as bagman. \ \
Stealing from the starving, yet, still not news worthy.
(Have you seen Palast's recent broadcast on Vulture funds?)
Certainly, not ever on "America's" Coast to Coast right?
See what I mean? Let me speak freely for freedom why don't
you help yourself see?
Bush Contaminating our Drinking Water
/ / Leaks in underground storage tanks can contaminate water
supplies used by nearly half of all Americans, and the GAO
reports there are some 117,000 known leaks across the nation. \ \
Don't let these neocon zionist bastards do this to US.
Bushwhore Tony Snow "[...]We konw[...]"
General Pace "[..]WE DON'T HAVE PROOF[...]"
Senator Hagel "..we're decimating our National Guard."
Again, commander Blount, a Saudi, from the third infantry,
gave out 170 TONS of plastic explosives from Qaqaa to kill
Marines with. And, "American Patriots" don't rightly bill the
true demon nazi fuker for it. Again, Blount, a Saudi,
confesses to ordering SOULLESS bushite soldiers to murder
People indiscriminately for profit, all so to let US know he
is there still laughing with our stolen billions. Bill the
bushite Bush bitch Blount, a Satanic demon ENEMY for it.. why
don't you? as the snookered to sacrifice your loved Family
Guy, American Dad? Corporate TV News people are part of a
death cult that doesn't rely US on evidence for proof they say
we believe them unbiasedly without question. While forbidding
ourselves to hear OUR calls for real Justice.
Get it done.
promoted through the tyranny of censorship
Corporate News America's Terror Expert, Gaffney, who publicly
advocates the rape and murder of the innocent in Iraq to
thieve from for the 'escaping' neocons, (as the truly
UNGODLY,) stated these words about why American Soldiers
continue to lawlessly DIE sacrificed for no better good or
reason understood, as total willing dumfuks under deep
"It is not George Bush, it is not the Neocons, it is not
people who have been advocating waging that [IRRATIONAL 'Evil'
UNJUST] war [against the established innocent] where we find
our [hidden from view] enemies, who are responsible for that
fact that we are indeed in a global war [sacrificing our
conned kids to the un-accountable war profiteering thieves of
American labor as the UNELECTED]. It *is* the enemy that
started it, that is pursuing it, and that is trying to bring
it here back here home now. [, and that way, us neocon
zionists would miserably fail against those who would speak in
freedom's demand for Universal Justice. Real freedom I mean
of course, you know, evidence to form conclusion factually,
public trial by questioning juries, blah blah blah. We can't
have that Now can We? Colmes? Greenwald?]"
"," = swinging pocket watch
Don't let these neocon zionist bastards doe this to US.
Either Gaffney suffers from some blind dolt syndrome, where he
clearly can't see himself flailing madly in criminal
ignorance, or he's an accomplis of blatant treachery, to help
escape his demonic war profiteering benefactors who murdered
thousands of Americans for similar gains through the
unspeakable bonanza of the "Pearle Harbor" like event that 911
was. What the peenackers publicly stressed they would crave
to fool US into Iraq and beyond as glorified war criminals.
911, New York City, where thousands of Americans were
murdered, and millions polluted. killed like now American
teen soldiers with the Iraqis. Led by a Sattler, or Mattis,
Blount or Russell, who order the murder of women and children
openly, and 'they', the actual soulless minions of the demon
antichrist, the true dumfuk cowardly enemies of Humanity,
don't cut them down instantly instead for Life as cherished.
That must change for our betterments. Kill any bushite bomber
and be loved by God's America.
Any Commander that doesn't support the arrest of those
responsible for 911 and the subseqent neocon war crimes of
Iraq, is a traitor to God and Country. Death to the bushite,
death to our enemies - so says Johnny.
How much much God take as taken, before you people get on over
this criminally empowered war monger Congress of an unelected
lawless dictator demon, and call them out on the turning talk
commercial radios, all to finally truly defend ourselves with
a good media plan for results.
Make the call, be a man.
further to the death cults of corporate news:
Realize, our corporate experts on Life in the national news
agenda, don't work to defend our children from mercury in
innoculations they promote for profit. Nor, do they tell US
about radio-active depleted uranium. Instead, as now, they
look to blame others, even God, when suggesting dna is
responsible, as if the American corp public could even comprehend
multi-demensional cross kingdoming. They can't, (too stupid)
but their Satanic death cult [no evidence] where they News
pretend and WE DIE, they are willing to continue to go with
by refusing all calls. Ahmad funded Atta, but they don't
want to tell US there either. Look how many people they have
so far watched murdered as the innocent for zionism while
Support our call to be heard my brothers.
Sir Ken, head of the Crown Prosecution Service
"The fight against terrorism on the streets of [..] is not a
war. It is the prevention of crime, the enforcement of our
laws and the winning of justice for those damaged by their
You got that right. So, join US in demanding the quick
trials, and public executions of known bushite enemies who
murdered Americans on 911 with general Ahmad, and who with
Peter Powers, murdered the innocent in Britain for more stolen
goods against God. And anyone in the air force as bushite
bombers should be a great joy for US all to hunt for
prosecuting too. The bushite dumfuk is an enemy to our lives,
with it's blatant naked contempt for the innocent, who like
the demon liar THEIVES at CJOB, George Norry, or Hannity, will
forbid ANY human defenses of the lawless dictate of the
IRRATIONAL tyrannical demon antichrist, all so to victimize
more of You as the censored forsaken.
REPENT. [from the Greek, meaning to think.]
The TRUE Son of Man Johnny Wizard Exists Born to this Eternal
World to end permanently demonic bushite enemies of Creation.
Help Life out by destroying cowardly America's greatest threat
to the Species, the greatest threat against Humanity's Freedom
to be Loved by God. Corporate nazi zionist bushlores at CBC,
CNN, and criminal thieving from the desperately poor in
Winnipeg CJOBers forbid open communications, and I can't 'take
over', because then I'd be defeating my own, power to the
Peoples argument. So, it really is up to YOU, yes you
there... reader. Who.. really..? YOU, here, now. Life
begs, takes a stand for your fellow man, and demand our voices
heard for the defense of the entire human race. And be quick
about it. Repuglicons don't want freedom from endless war
where they kill your forsaken kids, for we all know, bushites
would be publicly tried, then spend the rest of their
treasonous lives behind bars broke, or dead from lethal
injections made popular in America. Again, officer Bowman is
responsible for letting 'escape' those from Fort Detrick, who
attempted to murder the American Congressmen who thought going
into lawless tyranny, !makes no sense! Where is corporate
America on our issues when OUR free speech is ruled by the
irrational evil minds of Limbaugh, Bell, and Norry?!?!! Back
to Bowman: Bowman, also is responsible for sabotaging the
Moussaoui warrant. And, how much you wanna bet, he's probably
the same bushite who found Atta's passport, and likely had all
19 names of the high-jackers to give CNN, CBC, and FoxNews
just like the neocon's "bin Laden" would have too. Take the
publicly prancing bushite enemy out for questions by yourself,
if he doesn't plead his defense publicly on Coast to Coast by
tomorrow. Remember, there ain't an "Intelligence" group worth
their salt on the face of our Earth, that doesn't know exactly
what I'm doing here honorably for a real Justice made through
careful thought. So, support Johnny Wizard speaking for
public challenges internationally, and with the 23 plus
co-operating for life 'Intel' agencies, along with, anyone
else who can join in on the call. as a growing number of
Patriot Soldiers, who trust yourself to see, this wanting of
Justice isn't complicated. A person accused of a terrorist
event without any evidence, has our accuser a bushite, who
should be watched carefully until verifiable conclusions are
done by the understanding of fact. Not faith. With George W.
Bush making real decisions in faith, expecting us to believe
as corporately broadcasted unabashedly unbiased, that he
is not a deliberate incompetent monster war criminal
of unfathomable evil?, who is just too 'stupid' to understand
why we are innocent until proven otherwise?, is really
something we all need to scream about to save our dying lives.
"[..] just like the neocon's "bin Laden" would have too."
However, the real Laden, on video taped confession, claimed he
played no part whatsoever in 911, then later, offered himself
for arrest, confident he would be acquitted. Not corporately
newsworthy though, so, few even know why their American child
was later died in the terrorists act of corporate contempt for
US living Freedom with something greater as real Justice wills
Yours again,
King Johnny Wizard
/ / IDEA: Let's get our show up and running, by allowing open
public investigations To be conducted internationally, with
open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and
every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then,
all of everything else still left outstanding murdering
ourselves. Whatdoyahsay?? \ \
Art Bell, the zionist enemy of Life, wont allow free
communications with the established facts though,
What do you think? Are you truly all alone on this?
Again, more than half of the money being spent on demon Bush's
wars against life's reason for being, is completely left
un-accounted for thieving. Not spent to offer dumfuk cowardly
soldiers help hunt to kill bushite rapists and torturers.
Stolen American values Just like the bushite soldier on the
ground, who after gunning down innocent people in the street,
go through our pockets to steal the spared change. Kill a
bushite for the love of God why don't you my American Patriot
brother and sisters?, today!
Again, my friends, Art Bell and George Norry have thousands of
bushite dumfuk in America that will phone them to tell US how
greatly they are to have no care for dying freedoms in
America. While when the humans call, Art Bell for example,
between breaks, when privately screening his calls, just hangs
up on anyone he fears might articulate things like Ahmad
funded 911's Atta, according to the FBI, in defense of
America. I say, we at LEAST, talk about putting them both to
death for treasons against Your Life dying teen soldier,
wannabe Patriot. Make sense?
Again, corporate nazi america states 30 percent of America
supports the ungodly George W. Bush's demon antichrist
action, when in truth, it's less than one in a thousand. it's
just CBC, CNN, CJOB, and Art Bell the liars ain't taking our
calls for enlightenment. just like they treat the innocent in
Palestine for zionism's encouraged racist in-action. For what
does a fan of 'we're the best' Coast to Coast radio network
family know about nothing after we witness them froth at the
thoughts of nuking countries, or calling for enemies, none of
us here in North America have any real problems with?
People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation
proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and
South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the
neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very
own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen
Unhinged and unfit for office
Protestor's sign:
"killing innocent people is the problem not the solution."
/ / A Winnipeg bodybuilder, who had to be forcibly removed
from a flight to Winnipeg, was denied bail in a Minneapolis
court Friday and will remain in jail until his trial. \ \
My friends, People are dying because the magic radio and TV
wont broadcast our publicly available findings. Police
findings. People are dying needlessly, illegally,
irrationally like meaning really stupidly on Bush's behalf,
for they claim, we don't want to be 'embarrassing ourselves',
leaving our forsaken Johnny Wizard's Wild Wow World of Wonder
Wording Wees!.. mostly just appreciated by myself as sole
surprised spectator, because you people seem to not be there
for God when the chips are down, and truth is plain to see..
911 was an inside job, and CBC with CNN don't want to tell us
about it, but will watch our LOVED children lied to, to go out
and die further for a causeless war of criminality
unparalleled in it's wickedness.
Do you expect yourself to fail trying?
It's all up to You my friend, it's all up to you.
Onward Christian Soldier.
/ /the traceroute traces the IP not to a business, but
to a university! \ \
Wuterich "shoot first and ask questions later"
Wuterich "shoot [defenseless innocent women and children]
first and ask questions [from the corporate zionist pro-kill
anyone for a stolen nickel propagandists like demon enemy
AIPAC Hannity, George Norry, or, censors his calls for neocon
war criminals traitor Art Bell] later"
/ / commanders may give orders to ``shoot first and ask
questions later.'' \ \
This is why the Son of Man through God begs the Peoples of
Humanity to kill on sight, the enemy bushite betrayers to
Life. Ourselves, the innocent. These soulless grunts don't
destroy such deserving commanders, Like Blount, Sattler,
Russell, Wuterich, Pantano or even Kimmitt, and instead, as in
Fallujah, murder every woman and child present, while stealing
all our given monies for desperate life saving help. Anyone
in the Air Force deserves to be justly put down, for, I've
NEVER seen any legitimate bombing campaign, but for to kill
People indiscriminately like NATO regularly does with
radio-active toxic waste, while then sending in the dumfuk
Marines, or the 'from the coast' Canadians, who of course,
rightly get killed on the ground in retaliation for such blind
evil stupidity. Please, I beg, help Iraqis, and kill the
bushite thieves to defend our forsaken God. American
children, help me my loves. Please don't allow the bushmob to
escape for the treasons against America on 911, for, bushites
are OPENLY traitors, as the TRUE enemies of evidenced Justice,
as the Freedom to do our own things loving God on our own.
Besides, most bushites aren't even registered American
citizens. Bushites need to be hunted down for destruction -
by the Loyal Christian American Patriot Soldier, the ones who
war to win against those who torture US innocent to death as
the ungodly Satanic LIAR enemies. Save the Humans, kill a
bushite false accusing traitor of American Freedom To-day, and
become a real Man in the presence of Johnny America, an actual
Man of Men, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.
McCain is insane
/ / The proposal, which Sen. John McCain is planning to
introduce on Wednesday, also would require ISPs and perhaps
[!?!] some Web sites to alert the government of any illegal
images of real or "cartoon" minors. Failure to do would be
punished by criminal penalties including fines of up to
$300,000. [...]
What images must be reported? Illegal images of minors, which
includes clothed teens in "lascivious" poses, according to the
Justice Department. Obscene "cartoons" and "drawings" also
qualify. (18 USC 1466A) \ \
Alert the USER! not tyrannical leaderless dumfuk thievers,
for it is the expresser who, if any, that is guilty of a
determined illegal expression. In 'The' Canadian case, they,
(once proud IRRATIONAL bushiter THEIVES [pro Afghan child
killers determined to help the ungodly demon Bush's 'escape'
for 911]), want/HAVE to put MEN is prison for beautiful
pictures of girls in panties, or bubble bathtubs being. IT IS
demonization. Leaving twenty year olds to look like they
could be tens in a singled out of context womanly derriere,
that our Jurys nations-wide, are generally, denied to perceive
normally, if at all. McCain knows he is an enemy to God's
children everywhere. McCain speaks NOTHING to demand the
execution of hiding as 'British' soldiers who on prized video
tape, beat to death young barefoot children for erotic fun,
nor on mercury vaccines not banned minus "The President" in
name. BANNED. So, where are the North American multi-million
dollar "Exploitation Units" to defend our King's children from
TRAITOR pro-torture of US as the INNOCENT McCain there then
eh? Units who he holds hiding behind himself somewhere in
high blind praise as a rich group of child lovers I SAY???
(Is a heroin pushing bushite THIEF that supports the 'escape'
of the bushmob with indiscriminate bombings in Iraq or
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Haiti or Somalia, even capable.! of
real human Love I torturingly ask dauh gangsta rappah?
buddies where are You there in the stomach of the Beast
celebrating?) McCain is a demon enemy of Life ourselves to
promote the arrest of all the goodness that beauty brings in
the heavenly art of our clothed teens. If it weren't for
Earth Women, God's boy, Johnny Wizard, wouldn't even be here
to bother. It's the reason I first picked up a guitar, it's
the reason I did my early plays, then monster movies, and it's
the reason I praise the orchestra of the Heavens in Dream, and
well.. it's just the reason for everything. I speculate
sometimes perhaps slyly that G was kinda lonely all by
ourselves for zillions of years, whom, for entertainment,
loved us up on the entranced exit starting - before a
beginning without ending, yet, as outer there, is still the
insider here, forever being we sorta, and gave us this foolish
boy for the mental gymnastics. All in good fun. Rocking on
to leave all as Mystery, never realized forever and a day in
Eternity. You are a Servant, as so I am. Quite a place eh
kid? So as it looks now presently, we're here still barely
hanging on striving to survive against Mr. Bush's continuing
unfair irrational tyrannies of clear injustices committed in
Your Name against our Humanity, or, end ourselves dying
without true representation, left falling further forsaken.
[Home is home sweet home as in Chicago, as we always was going
to with or without our loves heaven bound. For I'm starting a
journey back to where I belong, where the food is good, the
music's great, and life is truly worth living as miraculous.
Sorry everybody, but that's the way it's gotta be for my Life
to have meaning terms.] Long story short: Females Rule, and
wiseguy Johnny is Freedom King for this moment Being.
Please help God.
We have to overhaul how all our national news Podcasts are
assimilated through corporate nazi zionist censorship. Art
Bell and George Norry are enemies to ALL american teen troops
put in harms way to die as bad guy irrationally for the neocon
God betrayers. Why? because they purposefully lie to have
YOU die as innocent murder victim. Death to the bushite,
death to God's enemies.
Be a friend if not an enemy,
Your buddy,
King Johnny
Well, gee, Iran has no nuke program, in anyway, shape, or
form, but Israel wants to murder more of humanity for their
ungodly lies anyway. The enriched uranium Iran is making, can
not be used for a bomb because it's only enriched to 2
percent, and to get the bomb making stuff, you need a
COMPLETELY different technology. But science?, in bushite
america? Nazi America would rather be nazi chauvinist pigs,
before admitting the Son of Man exists, or to go to the
trouble of phoning someone who refuses to take our public
calls for Justice. What religion is this America?, where
Human life has little of no value? And Johnny's love means
How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask
my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere. How? FOUR million
land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not
Aparthied, nor stealing a Christian's Home I suppose..? How?
An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With
/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \
Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to
commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it. You
defend this Patriot American Citizen as if Your America
depends upon it. The "Judge" who publicly forbids to hear
Watada's freedom defense, an Oath every Soldier swears to God
with, is a "Judge" who needs to be privately arrested for
treason against YOURSELF. Support my call to demand our
voices heard for Just causes, or go die silently to the grave
prisonized in a military dictatorship your 'neighbor' will say
quietly of, (under his bushite breath,) good riddance to
caring where my pusher's overdue payment goes to??. who the
kcuf are you?? ... Eiiiaaahh! Jesus kills bushite for
- On yet another, praise be with US, Alex Jones News Podcast -
Bob Watada: "He did his own research, and he found that there
was not only deception, but clearly lying by the commander.
Now if YOUR boss lied to you, and put YOU out on the line, so
that you can get KILLED, what would you do? You know, your
certainly not going to walk out there... and this is what
[Patriot] Aaron is saying, hey look Our Commander lied, and
he's lying to the People. and We, the Soldiers, can not go
out there and put OUR lives at risk for the oil-barons." enforcing the irrationalities of 'who needs evidence'
tyranny against the innocent as America Dreams. [I shouldn't
have to tell you anyway, but, freedoms are crying due to The
People's in-action to defend US innocent. And we wonder why
repuglicons put themselves greater than our, no greater
Taliban.. Corporate News Americans who are, in silence, not
taking sides regarding American Women, [MY BABES], acquiescing
to accept these mercury vaccines without filling questions.
Without QUESTIONS! Your Loves, my Loves, God's Loves.
Support my calls to be heard yourself. If your a Male, and
confusedly dumbfounded as I am on the mystery, just think of
yourself perhaps as a, free as a bird lesbian with rights to
be respected too - through the foolish spots with lost
yourself cycles on who truly Masters our Universe slaveboy,
[i know women can be intimidating. (especially.. the Black
Widow and old re-runs of the Shirley Temple.)] and get US
personally in the what is again, Our still hanging on
international News already! We all can agree, we love women.
Men? not so much. Let's go Coast to Coast man! On CNN! CBC!!
The Fight for Survival slog match between, Johnny 'just tying
his shoes' America, and Warmonger Liar, Sean Hannity -
televised World-Wide!!! With Cheerleaders, beer, pizza, and
beer! YEAH WAY!!!
Who's with Me?
It has been reported that some special ops out of Britain are
paying for terrorist attacks to happen in Iraq to insure more
Americans give their lives in praise - as criminally
sacrificed - to the demon antichrist, Our Mr. bush Jr.. All
unjustly suffering because corporate news america cowardly
refuse to defend freedom, by defending the truly innocent.
Nor, will Coast to Coast allow me to speak on "American"
radio. Let's change that. Will you make it so Commander?
Cause I'm ready.
A Public Letter to the "American" Coast to Coast Radio Network:
1. We, as the People, demand you allow US, the human species
to openly discuss the public evidence on who funded the
terrorist acts of 911 according to the FBI. And full
disclosure on the science of building Seven.
2. That the Iraq war never had, nor ever will have a
justification, concluding Naturally, that all stolen Iraqi
money must be returned by the will of GOD to the victims; with
those responsible for stealing it, made to pay US back, with
the true American Patriots to be found, backing US up 100
percent. The bush administration has teamed our kids to
mercenary forces who have no loyalty to freedom but to freely
die another Marine for more dying stolen values. While
successful at it corporate America, just lies and lies and
lies without shame, nor apology for the death of your poor
cowardly kin.
3. Also, that mercury tainted vaccines are deadly stupid.
Mercury is scientifically understood, without question, (no
doubt) to be a neural-toxin, and, Influenza is a constantly
mutating virus. So, pre-determining which 'deadly' strain is
going next, is only because the WHO wants to continue killing
US for huge cash profit. With cult slaves, like those who
forced Jones Towners to drink at gun point, are the same as
those who now demand we give our girls of America from Texas
such. It seems the magic TV news people don't want to trouble
us on this matter of our actual survival.
You must wake up to life's demand for you to defend our dying
lives my friend. Please? Make the call, be a man to defend
our women. Be a man to protect our children.
Support our call to be heard my brother.
That's all.
Iran prepares first nuke strike
See?, demons exist!
More settlers videos: "We killed Jesus, we are proud of it!"
Remind the Son of Man to hunt them down for better good
as we together are, why don't You see? I'm Your brother!
/ / State Department spokesman on 24 January, "that Iranian
agents are involved in these networks and that they are
working with individuals and groups in Iraq and are being sent
there by the Iranian government." \ \
We all know Iran has been trying to help Iraqis openly, so
then, what does such willful contempt for your life grant this
'spokesman'? Or, how about when Bush stated Iranians in Iraq
deserved to be murdered? (Later, the demon re-worded
himself in attempt to conceal HIS true evil identity.)
Remember the Bathists actually warred to kill and won against
al-CIA-duh forces that were caught hiding in Kurdish
territory. Killed "bin Laden"/bushite forces! Now, bushite
tell US Sunni is in kahoots with Laden. (In otherwords, Kill
a cowardly enemy of Life bushite for America to defend Iraqis
as a godly act.) Death to the bushite, death to our enemies.
/ / Tariq Aziz, the Christian Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister
said in mid September that Baghdad had provided assistance to
America's Kurdish allies, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(PUK), when forces supported by al Qaeda attacked them. He
said, ``We gave [Jalal] Talibani [leader of the PUK] weapons
and ammunition, we helped as much as we could. We are not
allowed of course to go into what is called the
semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan physically, but the help
we gave helped Talibani in his fight for it.'' In fact, added
Aziz, ``Talibani was among the opposition leaders who went to
Washington and spoke to Dick Cheney [US Vice-President] and
Rumsfeld. He told them what had happened, so they [US
government officials] must know.'' [Independent 9/23/02] \ \
Why Can't Americans See It?
The Latest Hoax : The real origin of `Iranian' produced IED
Light and Shadow
We need to publicly devise some real-world strategies to defeat
the ungodly enemy, the bushite neocon zionist traitors to Life.
Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish religions in belief?
Great words from the lawyer of the thieving bushite child killers of
/ / "There were Harriers dropping 500lb bombs on buildings.
If they're dropping 500lb bombs without knocking on the door
first, how can you argue the troops on the ground did anything
wrong?" \ \
2000lbs of radio-active toxic waste that will murder for years
more like, while after, then striking again to get the god
helpers and screaming children, then even, as in Fallujah,
going house to house to murder every one, young and old as the
truly Satanic. Just obeying lawless orders to thieve from
Humanity as bushite for neocon zionist traitors of G-D doesn't
fly in the big book. When anyone kills a bushite, all
humanity benefits truly from the defense. You defend a real
suffering God by ending a soulless bushite threat against our
Bill Sattler.
/ / to think that these could have been just dumb ideas or
incompetence. (L. Paul Bremer, for instance, who made the
"dumb" decision about dismantling the Iraqi army, prior to
becoming Iraq's occupation viceroy, had headed the nation's
leading risk assessment consultancy, and surely knew what all
the risks were of his various decisions.) \ \
Bushite TRAITORS got rid of the ORHA plan.
Exit strategy to save the lives of dying Americans:
War bushite LIAR zionist repuglicons who did God wrong on 911
War bushite who LIE to American Sons and Daughters to not hunt
those who stole billions with ear-marks, Social Security,
no-bid contracts, Iraqi oil, ect.
War those who stole the Iraq Development Fund, and the
emergency monies left to save the lives of our dying children
War bushite who feed soldiers radio-active toxic waste as harmless
War bushite who support torturing the innocent to death
War bushite who sing about the joys of murdering Iraqi children
War bushite who beat to death barefoot Iraqi children
War bushite who jokingly beat lamed dogs for fun
War bushite who claim they are lawlessly un-accountable as liars.
War bushite in the air force who target bombing innocent People
like in Fallujah or Somalia with land mines and mini nukes
The godless as lawless bushite is the enemy to America, kill
it proudly for freedom, as an undying love for a real God and
/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \
Again, a Patriot Soldier whos only crime is that he refuses
to commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it.
George Norry and Art Bell are enemies of American chances for
survival of our dying teens. Their contempt for Justice in
America is blatantly EVIL, and worth killing before they do
another dumfuk, they hate US, zionist demon broadcast.
Traitors to God and Country George Norry and Art Bell are.
They'll laugh, sing, and cheer while KILLING your CENSORED
forsaken Son or Daughter, needlessly trapped sacrificing with
the ungodly 'lawless' bushite zionist enemies, all before
allowing any REAL Americans to SIMPLY discuss evidence as a
requirement to convince ourselves of something. Norry, that
demon fu-ker, has an endless supply of bush whore callers,
that'll tell him, he doesn't have to read the news, read his
email, or hear the screams of dying innocent murder victims.
Sure, once a year, maybe, we'll get the Patriot popular Alex
Jones, but he's too terrified of me as Puppet Master, or US,
or talking about the NO CAUSE Iraq war, that Iran doesn't have
an ability to create weapons grade uranium, or that General
Ahmad funded 911's Atta.
Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.
/ / Four US oil companies, namely Conoco, Chevron, Amoco and
Philips have concessions in nearly two thirds of Somalia.
This quartet of oil conglomerates was granted these contracts
in the final days of Somalia's deposed dictator, Siad Barre.
The US first military engagement in Somalia was fully
supported by Conoco. \ \
In the new world, these soulless bomber bushite of the air
force, responsible for blatant first degree acts of murder
against the innocent, would be hunted down by Humans, tried,
then executed gloriously in the defense of our living justly.
/ / Al-Maliki has promised he will no longer block action
against the Mahdi Army militia \ \
So, is the block head saying American soldiers so far have
died for lawless tyranny? Kill a bushite, to protect the lives
of us as innocent victims in other words, right?
/ / And the Iraqi people owe us a debt of gratitude?
Bush continued, "I believe most Iraqis express that. I mean,
the people understand that we've endured great sacrifice to
help them. That's the problem here in America. They wonder
whether or not there is a gratitude level that's significant
enough in Iraq." \ \
Is Bush saying US dumb bastards don't give enough in
sacrifices to himself as the demon antichrist?
New Recruit
Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is
saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush
bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for
murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi
resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their
demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who
absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason
given. All the while, labeling themselves, "pro-Iraqi".
Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.
The Iraqi children did nothing to deserve such awful
suffering and fright and death at the hands of the enemy
bushite. The bushite: who the demon anti-Christ
states, are un-accountable to any rules of law in this
Universe, like with his extremely foolish criminal
decree, 13303. I kill mindless parasite bushite nazi
enemy soldiers just for that alone as eternal defender,
and I do it for to win some mercy for a real living God,
who the fascist enemy bushite hold in their ungodly
contempt as LIARS.
I have the backing of every real man alive on this
planet, and we all know it. No voices of reason have
apposed my factual claims in FREE Usenet, and Art Bell
makes no attempt to defend himself as internationally
painted enemy traitor, and that says a whole lot to Talk
America. Why? Because Mr. Bell, the bushite
propagandist, knows too, I speak and act truthfully,
honorably, and righteously, while the talk radio
american bushite lies, cheats and steals from America's
America, that as bushite, leave undefended for criminal
plunder in Your name call censored from classed
enrollment. You have just as much a right to be here as
I do, and the demon bush, he ain't no better than any of
US when he is "excused" for the murder of well more than
a hundred thousand confessed as completely innocent
people on this planet called Earth.
The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think
independently for Yourself, for we independents out here
make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very
much for that not so secret info.
Through the pronounced bush demon's gaffes,
embarrassments, and told complete total ignorance on
subjects like the science of economics, the whys of
constitutional law, or when the bushite takes credit for
indiscriminate killing of our families and friends while
parading it's all done in bush's name for our freedom,
or for 9/11, doesn't fool me, and should get you
thinking about reaching for your guns too, for bushite
rapists and torturers will not walk this world freely
un-accountable, for as long as we remain alive to hunt
them down and kill them if so be. As the soulless
disciples of the enemy anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
their "officially" granted legal immunity from all
prosecution means nothing to me as a honorable man
defending my humanity, or as living Creator, who brought
all into this new world to be free, and can just as
soon, take you all nazi bushite out the old school way.
How The Demon Bush Misled God's World
How Bush misled the world
/ / Once the document was declassified after the war it became
known that it contained 40 caveats - including 15 uses of
"probably", all of which had been removed from the previously
published version. Tenet further ingratiated himself by
remaining silent about the OSP. "That's totally unacceptable
for a CIA director," said Thielman. \ \
Thielman meant "totally unacceptable" as in HIGH TREASON.
Could it be any higher? Deliberately caught misleading
whore-dumb Congress to wage his immoral neocon 'escape' with a
unjustified criminal brutality against God as all of our
Humanity. A great deal more than a million innocent people
have been victims to the 'targeted' Zionist killings of the
irrational bushite enemy. Lawless enemies to Creation,
spreading their toxic waste who thieve, rape and murder
without reprimand from corporate news america, shall, I pray
daily, die justly in vengeances by the will of a real undying
Love for our victimized innocent family. Justice for Humanity.
Please, help US.
The guilty party of Haditha have confessed that targeted
killing of innocent children is fair game in their worlds, and
as confessed, they 'got away' committing the same Satanic acts
- going house to house in fallujah murdering more than two
hundred thousand innocent folks for LIAR E-N-E-M-Y Sattler.
Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the bushite
enemies of Haditha will never face public execution for such
offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too cowardly, and
in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi Blount's third
infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down american streets
after being found guilty as politically supporting the robbing
and murder of innocent men, women, and children all because
we're rag-heads or niggers. The, deserving to die as
illiterately intolerable bushite drone soldiers HAPPILY,
WITHOUT QUESTION, co-operate with ANY lawless mercenary forces
such as south african death squad goons in finding the enemies
of themselves. Purposelessly ungodly bushite soldiers are
told they are DYING to defend Iraqis, while breaking out of
prison, mercenaries caught trying to kill innocent Iraqis for
fun and profit. While, at the same time, actually having
SLAVES from India preparing their lunches!!! And guess what?
they're coming to live bushite america as the patriots after
they get killed you're forsaken American Son or Daughter teen!
With millions of stolen American dollars to set up new
'freedom' operations.
Let US demand open radio
communications on the mathimatical facts to save our own
selves further victimhood to their personal contempt for the
true value of YOUR life. Thanks.
Can you help us speak this outrage to your local media outlets?
thanks again bud.
Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War
Impeach for Peace!
I HATE bushite with everything I am.
Johnny America - The Free World President and CEO of Shareware Earth
Join the cause!
Johnny America
- "The months preceding September 11 [see] a shifting of the
US military's focus ... Over several months beginning in
April [2001] a series of military and governmental policy
documents [are] released that [seek] to legitimize the use of
US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas." Michael
Klare, an international security expert and author of Resource
Wars, says the military has increasingly come to "define
resource security as their primary mission." In April, Tommy
Franks, the commander of US forces in the Persian Gulf/South
Asia area, testifies to Congress in April that his command's
key mission is "access to [the region's] energy resources."
The next month US Central Command begins planning for war with
Afghanistan, plans that are later used in the real war.
[Sydney Morning Herald, 12/26/02]
See? It's admitted that the zionists planned to STEAL the
rights of Afghans for Enron, by LYING to SOLDIERS to get them
killed as the American Pension thieving bad guys. Too
COWARDLY parasitic to hunt those responsible for murdering
thousands of "Americans". So, as a consequence, they, as
loveless bushite drones, die cowardly with the once great
America as enemy corporate fascists to Freedom's Justice, Our
Living God.
John's truth. Killing a THIEVING bushite is to save the lives
of the innocent they target for murder. The cowardly bushite,
dies sacrificed - all to help IT slavishly escape those
responsible for 'getting away with' murdering thousands of
Americans in New York City on 911. Sorry George W. Bush and
company, enemy traitors to God and America, not under our
eternal watch. The People has spoken forever on this subject
of direct accountability. Bush told us we didn't need any
evidence, well, I know that WE DO, so, fu-k you too George
Bush Jr.. This is my World..
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."
"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President
to explain to us what the exit strategy is."
- George W. Bush, discussing Kosovo, Houston Chronicle, 04-09-99
"First we sent Americans to their deaths for your lie, Mr.
Bush, now we are sending them to their deaths for your ego.
Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies
DUMFUK BUSHITE ENEMY OF GOD "This is not a job in anyway
shape or form, this is not a job. this is a lifestyle. and
we choose this type of lifestyle."
Traitor LIAR Hannity "Knowing the danger?"
Traitor LIAR Hannity "Well, isn't that the definition of Bravery?"
See, TRAITOR Hannity [who deserves to be executed for the
treasonous DOCUMENTED lies he tells America almost daily]
would claim any and all serial murderers and rapists in
America are the definition of bravery. Bushite dumfuks
deserve to die as enemies of America because they openly,
purposefully target the innocent to rob from and murder, as
bushite did on 911. They bomb cities. Thus is why Christ
[ME] tells loving children to gladly help Life kill their own
godless fathers or brothers who CHOOSE to commit these war
crimes against our humanity with their contempt for Justice,
Johnny and America. {Especially those in George W. Bush's
air force.] A bushite's hatred for America is blatant with
every monosyllabic grunt they make. In nazi zionist america,
they have a Zionist national radio program that forbids the
nation to know they're presently being victimized for criminal
sacrifice, and apparently, Americans would rather DIE, than
hunt George Norry, or Art bell for questioning. A nation of
fascist nazi cowards, who go silently to their graves in their
support of torturing innocent people to death for the thieving
EVIL bushite's pleasure.
Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies.
Bushite Zionist atheists believe that I, as the Son of Man,
Couldn't be anything but their worst nightmare. No, WE, as
Humanity, will religiously really kill bushite continuously to
hasten the day when America actually fights to win, free
communications for Justice's claim. General Ahmad funded
911's Atta.
Die bushite die. Die bushite die. die bushite die.
/ / "How could I order men to die for something I believe is
wrong?" \ \
They eat radio-active toxic waste before asking, why would
we eat radio-active toxic waste without thinking?
/ / We are reminded today of how far the Iraqi people have
come since the end of Saddam Hussein's rule - and that the
progress they have made would not have been possible without
the continued service and sacrifice of our men and women in
uniform. \ \
Progress? Fu-k don't you too hate bushite with everything YOU
are? Iraqis had public health care, and University prior to
the bushite stealing everything they could as sworn enemies to
progress. Had a justice system that Bush never aired any
concern regarding the evidence requirement to form our
conclusions. kill a bushite and all day long you win God's
praise as a bonafide, as honorable, freedom fighting
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal
shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's
just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
- George W. Bush
Kill a bushite and God wiill love you for
defending US, the innocent in war time.
"The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam
would still be in power if he were the president of the United
States, and the world would be a lot better off." George W.
The demon enemy of America, Our Mr. bush Jr., responsible for
911, creates hope in God that honorable men of this Earth,
will assist the Humans in hunting to kill bushite enemy
terrorists who support torturing and thieving from US, the
godly as innocent. Every time we hear of another bushite
death, god celebrates OUR wins over the ungodly demon
antichrist forces. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies
who murder innocent people with LIES against America and GOD.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy
When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
= Highwater =
A Soldier's Life Held in Contempt
The way I see it, is that I am completely documented correct
on who was responsible for the terrorist crimes of 9/11.
The affidavit that starts "1. National Security Issues" was
submitted in conjunction with my motion to request assistance
from the Court. The additional paper "Stand Together or
Don't", was an added part of the same affidavit.
The affidavit with 38 positions was submitted with the two
motions, "Order of Production" and "for the Crown to Stay
Proceedings". Duplicate copies of the same affidavit were
submitted in each respect.
/ / In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." \ \
Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy neo-con.
I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]
On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.
CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just
RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41
The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.
The US Government said there would be no negotiations.
[This following document was the official damning account]
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001
[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]
"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."
The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?
Investigating the Investigation
After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."
...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.
6. : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
October 9 2001 - The Times of India
"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."
No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the
former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill
"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi
Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von
"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."
Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."
" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "
The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.
HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."
With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent
Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went
public several weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic
paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not
support the WTC's freefall[...]
"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."
Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee
The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.
At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.
Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"
Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.
1. National Security Issues
<BIG SNP don't miss out on your very own copy of the full motions>
In conclusion, I need to show where my outstanding character
was at, by indicating exactly what I spent my free time on, to
illustrate for our Court, my TRUE intent as motive on this
Yours truly,
for the Crown to Stay Proceedings
The Validity of the Law
/ / What is particularly disturbing is how the administration
misused intelligence information to make its case for war and
failed to plan competently for the postwar period. \ \
What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS' FRONTLINE, is
that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA plan to prevent
looting and carnage, but it was sabotaged by rumsfeld and
franks, so the bushmob could try to make some sense of
needlessly bombing the country for our labored dollars, while
robbing the central bank and museum by mopping up the mess
with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as da' dumfuks.
you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never
too late to change your mind, we are all in agreement, in
truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised...
Our Gambling Problem
Instead of our government deciding what services we need and
are willing to pay for, they'll have us think that by actively
promoting gambling to those we can take advantage of, somehow
serves them right, and us well.
Are you feeling okay buddy? Let us get out of here, and go to
/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,
"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. \ \
What is the Coast to Coast radio network Head talking
about tonight?, the re-re-re-hashing of the "Allaways
Interslinging" Bigfoot phenomenon? Where was I...
Look, you're not going to go to hell for not giving me a
couple of dollars to further my cause, but it sure
couldn't help to leave me without any support here
White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'
/ / Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti--known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues--was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. \ \
Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?
/ / an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
resistance. \ \
/ / Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. \ \
/ / Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it, and
they said so in their documents, and they said, unless
there's that new Pearl Harbor.
[...] and it is treason. [...] \ \
/ / · less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; \ \
(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")
/ / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? \ \
/ / Irwin Cotler's credo is supposed to be "Justice, justice shall
you pursue" not ingratiation with superpowers who practice torture. \
/ / In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. \ \
/ / Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant? \ \
Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue. He wants
to pursue terrorists they'll tell us, but CNN, CBC, FOX and
others, won't tell us why Bush secretly feels FISA would
jeopardize such claimed inquiries? Sure, bushites are dumb,
but we're not that dumb to except this without knowing. It's
similarly like, Bush can't be my Chief because, Congress
didn't declare war like the Constitution Laws. So, what's he
going by then?, right?
True Blue American Jew
/ / When hundreds of millions are calling for the
extermination of the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie;
it is a blood libel. \ \
What is wrong with this ungodly stupid zionist demon nazi fuk
eh? Does he want us to think he has some secret club of
"ungodly liars" who could hide among themselves in a dark room
and not destroy themselves willingly? (The Devil's in the
details) I'm King of the Jews, and I'd kill bushite thieves
for America anyday, any REAL JEW who defends the lives of the
innocent, who the bushite targets for murder would do so
likewise.. I mean, come on, seriously, who wouldn't.
bushites are evil, and evil is dumb. A zionist THIEF is a
soulless enemy of Life, as a un-American, God hating, pro
Christian/Arab/Jew killer. In other words, Americans beware
of the Zionist in your midst who LIES to cheat and steal from
the innocent true blue American Jew included.
Now that atheist THIEF Israel has 'legalized' MURDER,
/ / "Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to
the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings
in the United States and other friendly countries, former
Israeli intelligence officials told United Press
International. \ \ The zionist criminal element can't call
OUR COPS we see... and with enemies like these... We should
don our stars an crosses, load our guns, and hunt to kill
every last 'escaped' first degree murderer zionist,
Johnny's Flying Jalopy
Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing
American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement
- God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting
freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably,
like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so
on preaches to real believers... While evil bushite liars
tell our children we're blaming the innocent as God's will for
their 'escaping' criminality. Murderous! Art Bell again,
told his viewers he didn't support starting the war against
the innocent in Iraq, but he did relentlessly. I survived
through that well recorded international challenge. The demon
forbade any discussions on the matter, but for a rare seldom
talk with someone who wanted to nuke somwheres else.
Bush signed the top secret war strategy, to ignore all
relevant evidence for a crime that hadn't just yet taken
place, on September 9th, 2001. [Jim at MSNBC] A top secret
criminal plan to close inquiries carried out after the
catalyst terror event of 911. The General who provided the no
evidence argument to the Taliban at Bush's request, was found
also responsible by the FBI for funding the same terrorist
offence in question. A terrorist crime that the bushmob has
taken a huge killing in GOD with. wAllah, George W. Bush is
the for real antichrist. No escaping it my friends, no
escaping it. Fight for Freedom, or die a loser to bush's
genius. Support me, or fail to recognize true wisdom when it
speaks to you of need for desperate change to save your dying
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."
Ahmad funded Atta
American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.
Services not left permanently perplexed by the onslaught of
repeatedly ignoring the same consequences where more innocent
people fall dead as bombing victims, while LIAR bushite
continue to charge/thieve from both, you as an American, and
me, a member of our victimized Humanity. You see, your demon
liar has ruled that all the Peoples of Earth have no legal
rights to exist freely in our public court rooms. Bad news
that is for OUR dying America my friend. Support my call for
an open dialog on returning a reason for believing, for
Freedom is Justice, not a censored world ruled by puppet
people in shadows without free will left un-accountable.
/ / An [BUSHITE ENEMY] American soldier boasts of having tortured
[INNOCENT] Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi girl commit
suicide after she had been raped. \ \
Tell US, who wouldn't take great pride in warring this boastful enemy
of Humanity? Or, are you like CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS would suggest, it
is heroic - for all are heroic who DIE for the neocon?
ALL TIME LOW - A Study of Freedom
/ / It is strange that the 'Secret Organization of Al
Qaeda in Europe,' the group that is allegedly
responsible, would have escaped notice (to say nothing
of their odd, 'double secret probation' type of name). \ \
Bushite are EVIL to all, as enemies to Human kind.
During Katrina, the bushites responsible for protecting
America, slaughtered everyone's confiscated pets for joy
and happiness. Three schools filled with hundreds of
dogs, cats, snakes and bats. There was no need to kill
everyone's beloved pet, but as the bushite will FREELY
tell YOU, it was fun to serve demonically as the
antichrist enemies of God and love. demand Justice for
God demand Justice for Johnny.
/ / The mere fact that one can deduce a motive for a
person or a group does not mean that they perpetrated
the act...and it hardly suffices as proof of anything.\ \
Just try telling that to 'why work to make life better'
CBC, CNN, or FOXNEWS censors. Look at me!! They refuse
to acknowledge my documented info as REALLY important
to your continued ACTUAL survival.
Who fuking cares right?
DEMON LIAR George W. Bush "The larger point is, and the
fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a
weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we
gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he
wouldn't let them in."
Afghan civilians caught,1,3303701.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed
/ / The men told the same story, of how foreign troops
bombed their villages long after the Taliban fighters
had left, how the bombs killed women and children, goats
and sheep \ \
A quote from King Johnny Wizard, President and CEO
/ / Worried I'm going to love Life as truly honorable,
and Greater than those who openly lie to our soldiers to
have them unjustly die for no better good or reason
understood? \ \
If you have a few dollars capable of creating positive
change, consider donating to the folks who offer this
JACK BLOOD service.
White Rose Society Randi Rhodes Show RSS Feed [!!!]
/ / But [SECRET] documents obtained by Veterans for
Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests
reveal the number of casualties to be much higher. \ \
God and America hate the bushite demon liars
/ / NATO bombardiers thousands of feet above the ground
certainly don't know anything about the reality of the
towns and villages - and human lives - they are
destroying. \ \
Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
"Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder audio spectacular!!!"
'Up to 80 civilians dead' after US air strikes in Afghanistan
/ / Witnesses claim a village in British-run Helmand was
bombed for three hours \ \
It is not just a Muslim who sees the bushite as an enemy to
Humanity. These lawless savages have been acting without
accountability to anyone, because they are largely enemies of
America, who cowardly run from responsibility in America to
defend their own brothers and sisters from the neocon, and die
instead as/with rapists, torturers, and THIEVES.
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
/ / How can those who want accountability be termed
anti-Iraqi? only through cowardly liars, is an American
told America's not going to hunt down those who stole in
their names as neoCONNED for dying. \ \
/ / Israeli officials have told us that the Finance Ministry
is budgeting basic social services at a percentage of their
We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite
thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without
flinching from self contempt.
Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS
on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys.
How about You?
These naked LIAR enemies who bank to thieve more from Iraq,
Afghanistan and America, must be brought down by Humanity's
ultimate triumph over tyranny through Law. A just law, where
those accused without any evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY
yOur defenses.
Name One - A Journey into Self Discovery
What Freedom do bushite war the innocent for to rape, pillage,
and murder as blind neocon followers of the 'lawless' demon
antichrist? Eh?
/ / This paints the congress into a corner, because when Bush
and Cheney refuse to comply with these subpoenas, congress will
either have to impeach, or admit we are a dictatorship. \ \
VIDEO: Massacre of Palestinian Women and Children
Israeli High Court permits torture of Innocent Humans
/ / Israel has illustrated contempt for law and the value of
human life, or even possessing an ethical standard of moral
behavior with respect to civil and human rights \ \
Of what religion to any GOD, is this ZIONIST nazi
behavior condoned? Demonic thieving bushite enemies of
Man lie about such behaviors bring about 'freedom', but
who of US wouldn't kill such contempt to save the lives
of Our innocent beloved families? A bushite kidnaps
Iraqis routinely, (or orders the murder of those between
15-55,) and what of any real man present, doesn't
immediately arrest of kill such CONTEMPTIBLE bushite
loyalists to the ungodly enemy antichrist?
Tony Snow "The executive branch is under no compulsion to
testify to Congress because Congress, in fact, doesn't have
oversight abilities."
IT LOOKS like they are going to attempt making the move of
BLATANTLY TREASONOUS war criminals acting to measurably now
destroy yOur Freedoms in godless America. The Satanic
neocon's 'faith', is in that YOU as an American, will watch
the same corporate drivel that offers next to nothing to
empower YOURSELF to speak Justly for a dying America. Instead
of demanding 24 hour, wall to wall news coverage, of war
criminals going down one by one by the will of Man to Justice,
CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS will broadcast your blind 'belief' that
you are only a impartial viewer, who doesn't really care about
dying right in front of yourself for the zionist's riches, and
great worldly power of tyranny through lawless nazi bushite
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Jesus man, do I truly hate these zionist nazi thieving LIARS
on our magic TV shows who con our kids to die as bad guys.
How about You?
/ / If Bush and his PNAC buds are innocent, then Investigate
911! What have innocent people to fear from a fair, complete
and real investigation? \ \
They are guilty, so, of course, the demon Bush enemy,
I hear the national radio program Coast to Coast is still
feeding us neocon lies. Why don't you make the call for
Johnny.. believe in yourself for a change why don't you?,
buddies??... I am Your god king. King Johnny I am. Champion
of Universal Life! Not enough? Who cares?, to allow US speak
on our broad casts as legitimate? Worried I'm going to love
Life as truly honorable, and Greater than those who openly lie
to our soldiers to have them unjustly die for no better good
or reason understood? Let us make life better than the neocon
envision, and support our rise to popular acclaim by allowing
US to speak openly for public challenge in defense of America.
Death to the neocon soldier, death to the enemies of Man.
True US Bush Iraq-Afghan Wars Deaths At 21,000
"In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the
unreported death toll of American military personnel is in
excess of 20,000 (20, 871)"
It's in cowardice that 'Americans' don't speak out for
the lost 'loves' of their dumber than dumb sons.
Thinking of vacationing in occupied ungodly neocon aipac
israel? Check out the criminal zionist's 'best' selling
[The freely self confessed child murderers of the IDF, tell US
as demon liars, they're "Jews". Anyone in Israel KNOWS this
factually to be so. For, the zionist forbid 'by law', to
allow military service from anyone in Israel who disagree that
God would will the thieving and murder of the completely
innocent in GOD accepting without question. Now why would YOU
want that?]
/ / So honestly, they could have just done it as "hot chicks
of Israel" instead of including the military element. that's
the sick part. [..] the sick part is the exploitation of
women. For a government to officially sanction such a
campaign is a sign of how bankrupt they really are, and I'm
not talking tourist dollars. \ \
The nazi IDF does what Canada's dope pusher O'Conner suggests
we accept. Demon enemy bushite in Afghanistan murder children
without real understanding 'by accident', [no evidence is
shown to ANYONE, just treasonous demon evil bushite necon
spewing, "red handed"] lies after lies, while, the Taliban, we
are told, are so much worse, because they would murder
"ANYONE." Make sense? No. Remember: (The bush regime has
been found funding Al-Qaida in Iran to commit terrorist acts
against COWARDLY soldiers without free minds to speak in their
own defenses.)
/ / The group is demanding his impeachment not only for his
crimes against humanity but for lying to the American people
about his worship of Satan. \ \
It almost makes me laugh, and then, I push to remind, we are
so very far from where civilized is dreamed to reside. Look,
think of US as actors, (because that is who we are,) and
support my rise to proclaim by the will of a suffering for
real human kind. Believe in US, as if your life depends on
it, because it does my friends, because it does. Live free or
die unwillingly.
cause I am just,
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
/ / We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W.
Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could
begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? [...] It is
not too late, however, to begin such an investigation. There
is no statute of limitations on mass murder. \ \
Christ in America - Death to Our Enemies
"The most powerful audio performance of GOD since never!"
I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD
/ / The currently ongoing "pacification" of Baqubah, a city
with 300,000 inhabitants, by some 10,000 U.S. troops is using
the same methods as documented in the NGO report with regard
to Fallujah \ \
I BEG the Christian men of Earth to help GOD in destroying the
lawless bushite nazi thieves, who lie cheat and steal from
Humanity for the 'escape' of the ACTUAL zionist 911
perpetrators. Death to the LIAR bushite, death to our
enemies, so say Johnny America, Lord and Savior.
Coast to Coast radio hosts MUST face treason charges as
enemies to Life as we know it. They lie to the American
child, to trick them into sacrificing more lives for the
tyranny of the antichrist.
/ / Cheney's office has refused to provide his staff with
details regarding classified documents or submit to a routine
inspection as required by presidential order, \ \
It seems Cheney wants to go it completely alone as an escaping
war criminal in America eh?
Demon G. W. Bush "Our responsibility to history is already
clear: to answer these attacks waged against us by stealth,
deceit and murder and rid the world of evil."
"Deceit" and "murder" to rid our world of justly what dum-uk
Kill a lawless bushite THIEF for America why don't You Patriot
Bin Laden may have arranged family's US exit: FBI docs
Nationally broadcasted every day across America, Mr. George
Norry publicly supports the murder of innocent Arab children,
and I'm beginning to really hate a silent dying America for
it. Speak to defend the innocent in this world American, or
die yourself from self contempt.
Bushites war LIFE itself. So then pleads I again the Son to
God, as Man to Men: war to kill the enemy bushite nazi savage
thieves, for real Freedom is waged truly by Just causes. The
mute, pro-censorship/tyranny THIEVING bushite savaged nation,
has NO EXCUSE for the crimes they have committed in our dying
names. I demand our voices heard internationally for Justice
as Freedom is Godly.
To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for
Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite
neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the
enemies of Man.
/ / "They can try to have their votes of no confidence," the
president said, "but it's not going to determine - make the
determination - who serves in my government."
MY government? Now that's entitlement. And you thought George
Bush didn't have a vision for America \ \
Hitler, the mad man, wasn't as insane as our demon enemy
George Bush Jr. is.
/ / The [BUSHITE ENEMY] US has said it would refuse any
request by Italy to extradite the accused [satanic bushite
torturers of completely INNOCENT PEOPLE]. \ \
Christ, The Son of Man, Begs the Godly Men of Earth
Christ, The Son of Man, begs the godly men of Earth, to
judicially bill on sight, any neocon soldier who supports the
carnage waged in Afghanistan as cop killing dope pushers.
They shoot innocent women and children dead in the streets for
humor, and bushite pirates at CBC and CNN, state bushite in
Afghanistan are doing a good thing helping the bushmob escape
the crimes of 911 by warring for Muslim fundamentalism,
persecuting INNOCENT women and Christians, while for
entertainment, bomb innocent families running for their lives
from a Holy Church. Soulless child killing soldiers who CBC
execs would tell are our DEMONIC heroes. Lawless dope pushing
cop killers have got to go down dead screaming, instead of the
innocent - YOU and me they target for MURDER. Death to the
dishonorable bushite THIEVES, death to the enemy neocon LIARS
of GOD and man.
We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite
thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without
flinching from self contempt.
Kill a bushite LIAR, why don't you my brothers and sisters of
the faith in something greater than bushite godless tyranny?
Brig. General David Fraser - former nazi commander of NATO
who 'okayed' the bombing of defenseless innocent Afghan women
and children for the Satanic enemies of Man, stated on CBC, he
liked killing police officers, along with innocent women and
children, (deliberately targeted for the pleasures of the
demon antichrist) because, Afghanistan's children hope to
learn. See? The bushite 'will' murder all our children and
teachers on hope that we will never learn the Taliban, led by
"Omar the Just", were loyal to Christ as REAL American
Freedom, when publicly demanding evidence to form your
conclusions. Thus is why the ENEMY to LIFE neocon state on
YOUR TV and radio, WE must never be allowed to speak openly
with the Taliban regarding the FACTS. Because if we did,
neocon pension thievers would be hunted down in the streets
for public trial, and then gloriously put to death by
Christian values committed to TRUE freedom from lawless
godless zionist LIAR tyrannies against Mankind - YOU included.
George Norry and Art Bell are the most evil of bushite, who as
betrayers of the Human race, deny soldiers to know: General
Ahmad funded Atta. They will both support the murder of Your
American Son or Daughter for further zionist evils, before
allowing true open line communications, to defend ourselves
from the lawless demon enemies of Man. Do something about it,
or don't. Let TRUTH set US free.
Instead of making an easy phone call today for your dying
brothers and sisters, die as Satanic bad guy enemies of Life
on Earth, sacrificed in cowardice to the real demon
antichrist, and see if we, the true, strong, and free, care.
The Son of Man SCREAMS before coming home to GOD'S America:
We are coming to destroy Satanically lawless bushite enemies,
all for the love of God, we shall succeed my friends, we
shall succeed. I will not willingly live in a forsaken world
with LIAR zionist war criminals conning US to believe, God is
not Great, True, Strong and Just.
Die bushite die!
/ / A manifest showed the goods [BUSHITE HEROIN] were to be
shipped from Kabul to Dubai and then on to Canada. \ \
"We have nothing to do with poppy eradication. We stay away
from [pro bushite heroin to kill YOUR kid with] it as far as
we can," Maj. Steve Graham of the Royal Canadian Dragoons
To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as
our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance
to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies
are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in
her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words
in our REAL defense for dying.
AMERICA'S Mr. O'Really responding to accusations that FOX NEWS
refuses to cover the war in Iraq on behalf of concerned,
AS DYING, American families, [and forsakes Christ as demon
betrayers to the paying victim audience] Stated:
"Do you care if another bomb went off in Tikrit?
Does it mean anything? NO! It doesn't mean anything."
Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?,
for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal
Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly.
Kill a bushite as the Love of Justice for Humanity
The Son of Man BEGS all honorable men to defend Life
from bushite enemies of GOD who murder, rape and steal from
innocence through lawlessness as thieves of everyone. Please
kill the bushite for the love of women and children. kill
the bushite for the love of GOD. Please, defend ourselves
further hardships by supporting immediate war crime trials
to begin against all neocon traitors who LIE OPENLY to
kill America's America as enemies to truth, as enemies to
Charles Goyette Interviews Scott Horton
/ / Look, do you understand what these [TV politico] people
are saying?
These people, one right after another, are up here talking
about a nuclear strike! [more bushite DEMON mass death and
suffering against Life] On a country that hasn't threatened
US?, hasn't harmed US?, has no capability to attack US? Do
YOU understand the madness we have descended to? \ \
'Kill Anyone Still Alive': American Special Ops
Can you not as a American Man, destroy bushite brayers to defend
innocent life? Americans could not care less presently for
the value of Human life. Americans do nothing to defend
their lives, but officially plan to murder more for the Satanic
demon antichrist in silence. Out of millions, how many even
bother to make a phone call to talk radio against the neocon.
how many? Five or six? Seriously.. How many? I know bushites
are demon liars for the neocon, but is it really impossible for
"Americans" to try speaking?, in the face of murdering millions
more forsaken by enemy mortal, pro child killer George Norry?
George Norry too nice of a guy to even bother question the value
of American children? The THIEF Art Bell's voice too soothing
to care that neocons own pirated America, and on everything she
stands whoring as WAR CRIMINALS to the FOR REAL antichrist?
Death to the lawless bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind
God is Great
Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC
zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying
Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian
kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert
Justice for God and Johnny. In fact, yesterday, they did a
special, all on how "God is NOT Great", giving that bush bitch
demon LIAR, all the space to pontificate it's hatred for
Wisdom, Science, and GOD, with only nods and smiles from the
'illiterate' hord. Remember: A zionist KNOWS it's an enemy of
Humanity when it supports dropping seven million land minds to
murder indiscriminately OUR CHILDREN for decades, or stealing
a Christians Home because they say God says Jews would do such
ungodly acts. Blame innocent Jews the holocaust denying
zionist shout, of which not one, is a Jew. Like me.
To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
Pro child killer George Norry, enemy of the American soldier,
still blabs about how more must die unjustly for bin Laden
with LIES, knowing full well, video of steel flowing like
water from the WTC exists, and that General Ahmad funded Atta.
George Norry is a traitor to the FBI, who further plans more
to die sacrificed under the censorship of the tyrant
antichrist. Who cares I ask about America truly dying as
neoCONNED, for George Norry has millions to not take your
calls for protection, and honestly, 'Americans' couldn't care
much less for Our Humanity's future. Live free by defending
liberty by killing pro lawless pro torture pro fascist bushite
enemies my friend, live free by defending Yourself and GOD.
/ / The U.S. State Department recently issued a report
calling Sudan a "strong partner in the war on terror." \ \
The high jacking Bush regime is supporting financially a
TYRANNICAL 'government' that openly practices Genocide, as just
the sort of "American" partner to assist in determining which
further murder victims are terrorists. While the same demon
administration confesses to FUNDING middle eastern al-Qeada to
commit TERRORIST acts in Iran, as demon evil tyranny against
the sleeping Sheeple. Again, it is fully confessed that the
Satanic bushmob is pro terror now. Death to the enemies of
Freedom, death to the bushite betrayers of Life instead of YOU
my innocent friends. Instead of US.
/ / US 'used forced [SLAVE] labour to build Iraq embassy' \ \
Kill a bushite LIAR and be loved by God as Life is True.
Love to God Gives US Strength
The Son of Man begs the Men of Earth to defend Ourselves from
the unholy forces of our tyrannical enemies. Death to the
ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the ungodly enemies
of American children everywhere. GOD praises all Men, who
kill the murderous bushite enemies of Just causes. The
THIEVING satanic bushite forces, speak only contempt for GOD
on our demandings of the public execution of the boastful
terrorists, like the bushite who video taped the murderous
assault of OUR kidnapped bare footed children, or murdered
Iraqis while desecrating ELVIS, done all to please the
"escaping" satanic demon antichrist zionist, Our Mr. bush
Jr., who with his private business partner, General Ahmad,
actually committed the ungodly treasons of 911 in a land of
blind men sleeping., according to the eternally Honorable FBI
Death to the ungodly bushite thieving LIARS, death to the
ungodly enemies of American children everywhere. GOD praises
all Men, who kill the murderous bushite enemies of America's
America. "The Liar" Hannity's America, can go it alone as
treasonous liars, who boastcast a con to 'neutralize' America;
'finding' that we believe their demon lies about how one dies
sacrificed 'Heroic' without any IMPORTANT questions answered.
do we do?
To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
To further murder as these ungodly bushite liars do today as
our suffering Mankind, is to blindly swear public allegiance
to the for real DEMONIC antichrist THIEVES. Bushite enemies
are evil nazi dumfuk scum, liars who cowardly watch America in
her weakness be high jacked, and squeak nothing for Just words
in our REAL defense for dying. Play pretending their actually
real men, because to really be so, requires real strength.
Not bush bitch Marines "WHORES YEAH!" strength, where they
cowardly can't figure to defend America from ungodly war
criminals. War criminals who deliberately set them up with
Satanic 'black magic' to be killed in criminal actions. P2OG.
But see?, the bushite fodder, can't care enough for Life to
read, because it already knows like the zionist, it's an
ungodly coward and a thief, as siding to lying and censorship,
this will out work for evil doers in the long run without
any consequences to themselves as Our sworn eternal enemy.
Bushites 'think' that being Satanic brethrens for the LIAR
neoCON, they'll die sacrificed not seen by all Patriot
Warriors, as a dead coward - too fearful to stand as a godly
Man for true accountability to living Life honorably. Cheney,
McCain, and 911's gooliannie believe, You can only TV 'see'
them protected Satanically by "Molech" [THEIR DEMON COG]
Immune from REAL American Justice the bushite bray, We are
told they believe so anyway. By Satanic command,
'inconceivable' to see the bushmob up on high treason
charges... Oohh. Yeahhh.. I can see that going for real -
quite excitedly I am about saving innocent lives. So, let's
get done what needs to be a doing to save ourselves, so we can
get this talking all behind us now, and reach for something
truly breath taking as awarding,
Your Servant,
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
Why should WE continue to silently die unjustly victimized?,
for the bushite's contempt of Mankind censored?, the Eternal
Son of Man to GOD forever answers correctly. We can really be
something greater, while a murderous bushite thief, a LIAR,
can hardly read or write Liberty without flinching from self
contempt. Bushite tyranny is a dead end road paved with
missed opportunity. change your evil ways in other words, and
join the living side that's light to know what we are, in
deed, looking at here under the dying spoils of bushite, "we
pay" misfortune. To hell with Satanic demon devil worship by
the President of the United States, We, the People answer,
for now anyway, we have some really serious business just
presently, and we really don't need to be any more reminded
about Mr. Bush's satanic Devil, demon whoreship, of, "Molech",
a religion practiced to deceive America into sacrificing our
kids for cash with YOUR blood.... Tricked. Tricked. Tricked.
Nationless bushites who blindly war Life as the neocon
enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American
Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths
of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man.
They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder.
CIA 'disappeared' seven-year-old children
bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind.
New admissions of widespread prisoner abuse
/ / The Bush administration is finalizing new guidelines for
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interrogation methods that
will give broad latitude for torture techniques \ \
These are crimes against Christ, and any 'Christian' who lawlessly
participates in this pro-bush torture of US Humans, MUST be hunted
down by the Patriot, to have the STANDING LAW in America enforced to
institute the Death Sentence to those bushite responsible for such
ungodly enemy actions.
Hannity interviews Johnny America
Hillary "[DEMON] Bush pulled out the inspectors."
[DEMON] Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in."
In Hell
Firstly, the White house doctored the NIE in an act of HIGH
CNN with Hillary acknowledges that the demon Mr. Bush pulled
inspectors out of Iraq, but then... how is this not HELL to
/ / Bush declared, "and he wouldn't let them in. And,
therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove
him from power." \ \ HE LIED. Not the 'NWO', George Walker Bush,
who Alex Jones tells US to look away, because he's only a
puppet. Should not Bush be held accountable to the criminal
actions he is PERSONALLY responsible for Christ asks YOU?
/ / So, there was indeed no imminent threat posed by Saddam to
Amerka, and inspectors had complete unrestricted access
throughout Iraq without delay prior to the, bush demon's
further war crimes. So, what was the reason for all the
pointless mass murder and destruction again? Oh right.. to
sacrifice American soldiers so terrorist bush's war
profiteering can feed off themselves as family without
leadership present as spoken for.[...] it's only the dummy
American People bid payers again left unaccounted to DIE
intentionally. \ \
Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people
appreciate Bush
Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human.
800,000 Christians protected under Saddam, now killed under Bush
Look, bushite DO exist as enemies of the Human.
Neocon Soldier
Bushites who war as the neocon enemies, war for the 911
perpetrators to escape American Justice. that is why I, as of
GOD, cheer to hear the deaths of these pro torture, pro theft,
pro Satanic enemies of Man. They confess freely to targeting
INNOCENT People for murder.
The Haditha perpetrators, if convicted, are looking at
serving, maybe, a couple of years, for freely confessing to
the targeting MURDER, of innocent women, men, and infants.
To, with a Love in your Heart for GOD, kill such contempt for
Human life, is to serve American freedom to the last bushite
neocon breathing. Death to the neocon soldier, death to the
enemies of Man. - The Son of Man, as the Man of Men,
Johnny Wizard
CBC and CNN with FOXNews Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish
Father calls him Adam Pearlman, a godless enemy zionist, A
thieving NAZI liar who hates freedom, who wants to kill
INNOCENT Americans for his NEVER ELECTED neocon pro war
buddies. Did we mention torture? See? The zionist KNOWS its
OUR enemy. An enemy of Humanity, who counts that YOU
personally will not phone Coast to Coast radio hosts to allow
open line FREE communications. Oh well.. Americans are truly
dying evil dum-uks.
Enemy LIAR of America, pro-child killer George Norry,
"McCain is leading in all the polls."
/ / There is no statute of limitations on treason [...]\ \
Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our
elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their
flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for
clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like
immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil.
Demon bush told us Saddam wouldn't let inspectors in, and
that's why he irrationally started this war against God
conflict. Impeach him, then have him PUNISHED for high
treason against a further dying as truly unheard from America
- for that lie alone - we ALL could/should stand together as
equals demanding re-dress for the innocent murder victims
who've suffered for such contempt, and belligerence for the
basic precepts of freedom as Justice, or G-D as Johnny.
/ / "It could make August a tough month, because what they're
going to try to do is kill as many people as they can to try
and influence the debate here at home. Don't you find that
interesting? I do, that they recognize that the death of
innocent people could shake our will," the President
explained. \ \
People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation
proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and
South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the
neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very
own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen
Our Mr. Bush Jnr. "The war is for you or for us [neoCONS] to
win. If we [neoCONS] win it, it means your defeat and
disgrace forever."
Die bushite die.
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
Kucinich for President!
Now, it's true, America's Alex Jones states Kucinich wants to
take away all your guns, and is a communist, but, Alex as
sometimes, is terrified of those who seek the requirements to
defend freedom directly, as more specific. (Example: NWO
isn't the name of the specific guy who financed 911 to murder
America.) So, as a consequence, he gets near ridiculous with
labels applicable to generalizations only dummies could
believe blindly. With Kucinich campaigning on ACCOUNTABILITY,
Alex Jones looks quite foolish. But, he's still trying.
Thank god for that. Thank god for that. Talk radio in
America should take open line calls on our ideas about how to
actually plan to defeat these, found factually to be, traitors
to God and Country.
"This collective punishment is unfair and it clearly shows how cruel
Americans are," a member of Samarra's city council told IPS. "They are
punishing innocent people in a cowardly way." as the TRULY SATANIC
ENEMIES of GOD. Kill'em for Christ, kill'em for Allah, kill'em for
children everywhere, kill'em for You, kill'em for Me, Kill'em for US.
Nazi Israel admits to dropping more than SEVEN MILLION
American paid for land mines to murder GOD'S children
indiscriminately in Lebanon for generations, and CBC in
Canada speaks no defense for GOD'S children murdered by
themselves airing no concern for YOU whatsoever. Like the 80
percent of Canadian aid STOLEN from Canada in Afghanistan.
NO CONCERN CBC's Paul Hunter expresses a wish to rob you
and leave you for DEAD my innocent friends. Paul Hunter
must by publicly arrested for treason, publicly tried,
and face his just punishment for ignoring the interests
of dying Canadian soldiers. Let it be, let it be.
MSNBC Poll: Over 400,000 (88%) Say Bush Should Be Impeached
See? Canadians who TRUST CBC would never know by Paul Hunter.
/ / Read and endorse the Nuremberg Declaration calling for the
United States to accede to the International Criminal Court
and bring U.S. war criminals to justice. \ \
Bush Successful at Permanent Legalization of Torture
/ / The truth is that the Bush Administration has used the McCain
anti-torture bill to codify a policy of torture that is now
embedded in our legal system for perpetuity. \ \
McCain is some kinda demon enemy of God isn't he? To say
publicly, he apposes torturing innocent people to death for
the practicing Satanic bushite LIAR bad guys, leaves US
thinking, shouldn't WE put McCain to death for OFFICIALLY
sanctioning such criminality? I'd easily, without a second
thought, put to death all those FOXJunkies in that debate
audience who cheered from hell with JOY, the prospect of
torturing innocent people to death, 'if it means' such
IRRATIONAL action protects "American lives". See? the Magic
TV and radio people refuse to allow me or anyone to think
through such absent minded ungodly EVIL intent. Example: If
you take FOXNews' word for it, and 'knew' your potential
victim knows for sure of an impending terror attack... ...
.. . How so? See? demon enemy f-cks, the ungodly bushite
nazi vermin haters of Justice measured, [who steal in MY
America as TRUE EVIL DOERS,] forbid such wisdom communicated
as understood, for that would mean, we'd have to allow the
real Victims more air time.
And wise poor men such as myself would command respect and gratitude.
and together, WE'D be hunting down those bushite liars who
torture innocent people to death for their satanic pleasures.
For, you know it does warrant the Death Sentence in America,
right? (You can thank Reagan for that...)
/ / Shirley, bin Laden would be sided with the fundamentalist
Shiites, before, everyone-is-an-equal Sunnis, who as Bathists,
had no problem WARRING al-Qeada, while counting as members of
their party, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Atheists. But
corporate bushite liar america says no, bin Laden supports
Sunni IRRATIONALLY, and that is why bushites have to sacrifice
in partnership with those who blow up PEOPLE indiscriminately
as the 'good guy' 'heroes'. \ \
Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Mankind.
/ / In a move that hardly indicates that he was a terrorist
plotting to attack a US government installation Tatar then
went to the Philadelphia police department to complain that he
was being pressured by someone into getting a map of Fort Dix
and that he thought this had something to do with a terrorist
plot. \ \
Didn't see this on our TV news either did You?
The King of the Jews is True Red White and Blue
King of the Jews
The True Red White and Blue
BTW, ALL those Islam nuts aren't a half a world away. You may
recall a small incident that occurred on 9/11/2001. And just the
other day 6 more them were grabbed before they could attack Ft. Dix.
But, go ahead, keep your head in the sand. Pun intended.
See? demon enemies of Creation DO exist, and are easily worthrecall a small incident that occurred on 9/11/2001. And just the
other day 6 more them were grabbed before they could attack Ft. Dix.
But, go ahead, keep your head in the sand. Pun intended.
killing to defend the innocent they hold in Satanic contempt.
Death to the bushite nazi liar thieves, death to our enemies
who assist in the escape of the zionist EVIL bushmob for 911.
/ / On CBS' "Face the Nation," she claimed that intelligence
errors before the war were "worldwide" even though the
International Atomic Energy Agency's Mohamed ElBaradei
publicly stated there was "no evidence" of an Iraqi nuclear
program \ \
That from the 911 witch, who forbade a stop to hostilities IN
AMERICA'S NAME against the innocent in Lebanon. Nazi Israel
ADMITS to the targeting MURDER of any innocent persons who
drive in a truck. Perhaps Americans. Who cares? Not CBC or
CNN they'll tell you consistently absent from the crimes
Pill popping American GI teens are becoming.. CRACKHEADS!
/ / Dexedrine affect the same neurotransmitters as cocaine;
and ADHD drugs and cocaine are both classified by the DEA as
Schedule II psychostimulants (Schedule II drugs are legal
drugs that have the highest potential for abuse and
addiction). \ \
American grunts get FREE all the Dexedrine they can shoot
Do you know how a crackhead finds itself? Lost by
indifference to the ultimate, only goal, more dope. Freedom
Fighter? or crackhead WHORE, who hopes to find a dollar
'somewhere' to stave off it's crackmaster, the "American
People", led by the un-elected demon dictator, our criminal
Mr. bush Jr., as the true enemies of all Mankind. Bushites
are on serious dope to be so dumb as cowardly accomplices to a
traitor of themselves, that they would die as, before
actually defending God's America - that they gave an Oath to.
I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville.
The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you
know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers
and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated
by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR
ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to
form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So,
Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere.
Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship
from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness,
pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent
dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why?
because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as
giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational
ignorance for our survivals by the fittest. The fittest Ideas
that rule this Universe, are the simplest, most easy to
understand, but I digress about GOD'S greatness, for we know,.
the corporate media elites as our voice, "Couldn't Care Less".
CBC just did a report about all the great heroin coming in
from Afghanistan, that will still cause crime, and be illegal,
(and maybe give you life in prison as an American,) but
brought in with the help of the demonically evil bushite
thieving murderous military, by the likely ton full to attack
our direct family left un-protected, BY YOU PERSONALLY. And
guess what? THEY, our media masters, couldn't care less if
they actually tried to be our good guys. Reminder: the god
guys is good, the demon liar antichrist demon enemies who
thieve from Life with censorship is bad. If they hide
ourselves too far, they loose all around, up and down. So get
to it. Or don't. Your choice. Life lived Now, or damnable
death by cowardly design brought forthwith under your own
power to do nothing under such terrible costs against our
suffering natures.
Typical tyranny for media control over all of Life for the
beginners is this treasonous betrayal against our Nature, by
refusing to be honest about our potential to be far greater
than first considered. If they'd only allow US to have open
communications, all our worlds would be better living for it.
Demand Coast to Coast hosts allow America to defend America.
I want air time with the one and only real man in these here
parts, Mr. Johnny America, our glorious make believe creator
of all we perceive religiously, self realized. He's a genius!
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against
Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts,
who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell
of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them.
Support Johnny's run for acknowledgment, and get US in the
News why don't You. Let me be king for a day my American Kin.
Make me a rich, near to dwell, well to do.
Get it done.
rag-heads and niggers
/ / Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the
bushite enemies of Haditha will never face public execution
for such offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too
cowardly, and in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi
Blount's third infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down
american streets after being found GUILTY as politically
supporting the robbing and murder of innocent men, women, and
children all because we're INNOCENT rag-heads or niggers, \ \
like the NAZIS with jews. Zionist Holocaust Deniers that say
otherwise, ('Fallujah never happened'), WE should just
immediately put to death to save the lives of our remaining
loved ones. Death to the murderous bushite LIAR thieves,
death to all Satanic bushite traitor enemies of Justice for
Man, proclaims I, King Johnny.
Dope Pushing Cop Killers
Support torture as a Zionist AIPAC Politician like demon
McCain, and The surviving PEOPLE of the Messiah - will rise up
to take you down as the ungodly enemy LIAR McCain clearly IS.
As so is the Satanically practicing (with Molech and
everything) repuglicons straight across the board, who, as a
few demoncrates too, support the CRIMINAL escape of the
bushmob through threats against the innocent LOVED by GOD
ALMIGHTY. A REAL GOD with A REAL SON. McCain has got to go.
Please, I, The Son of Man, the MAN of men, beg and plead again
to all able bodied persons, see the thieving bushite zionist,
kill it to defend Christ, kill it to defend America, kill it
to defend any or all children of LIFE. Kill it with the honor
and courage every REAL PATRIOT has to defend his own family my
friend, lastly, kill it for me. These naked LIAR enemies who
bank to thieve more from Iraq, Afghanistan and America, must
be brought down by Humanity's ultimate triumph over tyranny
through Law. A just law, where those accused without any
evidence are Innocent, and WORTHY yOur defenses. Get to it.
Kill any bushite bomber and be loved by God's America.
Nature of Good and Evil
Christians Demand Bush be Impeached for Worshiping Satan
Lt. Denton to the completely innocent as god loving
'You die, you die, you die'
Lt. Denton must die. We apparently have him on video blowing
up People not guilty of anything. He shall die as the dope
pushing cop killer he is, and we'll use his brief existence as
a beneficial measurement to determine, which other demonic
bushite soldiers, who as bonafide 'evil doers', disagree with
such Just action - be put to death for our Freedoms also.
Simple for everyone to understand? We think so, so says the
Son of Man.
Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces
/ / After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price
that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death
with drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!),
that American intelligence officers had been working alongside
them at the Jamiyat police station \ \
Death to the zionist bushite enemy forces, death to the
ungodly enemies of Man who torture innocent people to death
for fun - expecting Johnny's America will not raise a word in
defense for the Human race, or our guns to defend our loyal
brothers to the cause of Justice. Death to the bushite, death
to God's enemies who lie cheat and steal from Humanity to
assist in the escape of those responsible for 911.
/ / Prime Minister Stephen Harper "We will conclude a formal
agreement so that we never again face these baseless
allegations," he said. Thirty Afghan detainees have claimed
they were beaten, whipped, given electric shocks and denied
food once they were transferred to Afghan security forces by
the Canadian military \ \
These demons who war for ZIONIST censorship are a bunch a dope
pushing cop killers, who murder innocent people they call
'Taliban' better known as in Arabic - students.
Proudly kill the bushite who would drop from the sky,SEVEN
MILLION landmines on our cities to kill our children for
decades indiscriminately, while offering our Humanity to God no
apologies. Proudly kill the bushite savages all to
desperately survive ourselves creating a better world through
fair, free market communications. To warring for Liberty as
true Freedom wills, is for Justice understood as measured, not
just made up out of nowhere for the pleasures of those truly
Satanic. So spoke the King of being the wisdom we here
revealed by statement of timeless fact. Good will triumph
over evil. That's that.
Tenent "Lets everybody tell the truth."
It seems Tenent wants to inform us he actually meant when
saying "slam dunk" - that, selling the war to the American
Joe, without establishing any real facts would be easier than
anything against the powerless as media unrepresented!
/ / Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who has called for a withdrawal of
all U.S. contractors from Iraq. "They charge whatever they
want with impunity. There's no accountability as to how many
people they have, as to what their activities are." \ \
Kucinich for President!
Bushite War LIFE Itself - and - They Couldn't Care Less
'Alpha company patrols the poppy fields.'
20070420_taliban28.mp3 (pbs broadcast)
"About the poppy harvest, currently gathering pace all around
them, they couldn't care less." Instead they kill unarmed
innocent people indiscriminately as enemies to ALL HUMAN LIFE.
They Couldn't Care Less
The 82 Airborne, in assisting in defending the world wide
distribution and production of heroin, tells of murdering
innocent farmers, that would never raise a gun in anger, are
those they openly confess to target for first degree murder as
labeled the, second tier Taliban. That's when not defending
American Pension thiever ENRON'S pipeline managed under their
extremist Muslim fundamentalist regime of intolerance for
public communications, as the continuing thieving of 80
percent the Humanitarian Aid given by Canada to feed the
STARVING, and school our children of the impoverished
Afghanistan, as so reported. Eighty percent. 80. 80 percent
stolen. I'm telling YOU: CBC couldn't care less about what
Canadian soldiers are actually dying as COWARDS for:
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly
partners in crime" CBC national radio management needs to be
arrested in Canada for high TREASON. Please, be a Patriot,
and demand these zionists allow open communication with the
facts to save the lives of Canadians soldiers they hold in
contempt to die as the bad guys committed to no better good.
Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade
/ / [...] the [New York Times] piece details the torture of
[Innocent People] Sunni prisoners at one of the new
American-Iraqi "security stations" \ \ Kill the bushite for
America, for Justice is Freedom. Lawless mercenaries are not
granted by our will to survive truly. A "lawless" enemy
granted "immunity" by bushite evil phonies, is that of which,
holds ourselves in their confessed contempt for Justice.
Receive thanks from everyone, GOD included, by rightly
destroying such inexcusable treasonous ungodly enemies of all
human life.
Torture is a crime against God and Humanity. So, likewise,
joyously, with pride, destroy the neocon traitors of Justice -
for the true Love you have as Freedom willed - is as granted.
Don't buy their demon lies by blind blanket false assertions,
against YOUR Humanity's Innocence in tyrannical bondage, all
done in to fool you believing, we have no rights to be heard
in our presence - here existing freely. Therefore, to survive
US all for something better, halt the 'escaping' murderous
bushite thieves for God and America. SOLDIERS: Instead of
dying for nothing, my wannabe Patriot Brothers, try joining
Liberty's cause, which is our cause truly. Is it because
corporate TV zionist money whores, are cowardly and ignorant,
as evil hypno muggers, in MY dying for real America, that YOU
refuse to speak Now in your Humanity's begging further
defense?, on evidence being the only requirement to establish
a person's guilt or innocence? for ungodly terrorist
activities committed in our name by bushite bombers from the
neo-conned AIR FORCE, who, as rotted juveniles, cheeringly
bomb us People indiscriminately leaving a Church as something
TRULY SATANIC? To dare, in our presence, continue threatening
harm against an innocent child of wonder, not yet even born to
God's suffering world? Bushites war LIFE itself. So then
pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the
enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged
truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny
THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes
they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices
heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly.
Look, these neocon zionists KNOW they are OUR enemies
Israel Knesset member Talab al-Sanai "It took Israel 37 years
to develop and perfect these barbaric methods of repression
and humiliation," al-Sanai observed. "Surprisingly, the
Americans surpassed and outmatched the Israelis in their
[Zionist] savagery in less than two years."
Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those
who hide OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down
for GOD, despite what demon lies they argue give them as
Satanic to avoid "The Law".]
Glenn Beck Threatens [INNOCENT] Muslims with Concentration Camps
/ / Look, these neocon zionists KNOW they are OUR enemies.
They want to divide the People, so we won't complain about
dying for their contempt for freedom by Justice. Bush used
zero evidence to implicate Laden, while immediately working to
close outstanding criminal investigations. What is it my
friend that YOU can't figure? \ \
War and the Police State: Complicity of the American People
/ / On September 11, 2001, corporate media and the government
elite launched an aggressive political and media campaign upon
and against the American people. \ \
/ / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?"
MSNBC told YOU when interviewing Tom Daschle in discussion
of the official public contention, that immediately after the
terrorist act of 9/11 in New York City, (where thousands of
American People were murdered,) bush and cheney frantically,
desperately, INTENTIONALLY, worked paid overtime to close 9/11
(the justice-freedom thing) Investigations on who or whom
planned to get away un-apprehended with the still living as
freely wealthy General Ahmad. \ \
911 "truthers" don't want to address the hard evidence like
the clear as day video of steel running like water from the
WTC towers, for, as Humanity witnesses, they'd rather watch
silently, children murdered indiscriminately, before,
acknowledging wise godly men from our communities who speak
ONLY facts on America's derision for real, open market Free
communications - freedom fighters who ACTUALLY defend the
innocent from the neocon bushmob traitors. Each day we hear
of near hundreds of US murdered by the godless Satanic
THEIVING "American" forces in Iraq. without near a peep of
concern by "America". Lawless bushite mercenaries torture
rape and murder, paid to do so by the WILLING American tax
payer, and near 300 million "People" (the NAZIS) can't find
the effort to pick up a princely phone and call the ENEMY pro
child killer George Norry, (who broadcasts every day across
America nationally for the IRRATIONAL neocons,) to air any
real concern for our Lives. True, the demon enemy censors OUR
calls, and contrives WE a buyer without questions, but he
doesn't censor You always forever. So, get to it fukhead,
JOHN is growing angry with americans of EVIL ignoramuses
escaping the bushmob for crimes against MY HUMANITY. The Son
of Man States: Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS
enemies, who lie cheat and steal to assist in the further
criminal escape of the ungodly bushmob for 911 as TRAITORS.
Loyal bushie McCain as bona-fide nazi savage "Bomb bomb bomb Iran.."
Reporter 'Mr. McCain, you demon liar nazi fu-ker, don't you
think your being insensitive to innocent god loving Iranians?'
Pro-Torture of INNOCENT PEOPLE McCain "Insensitive to what?
The Iranians? My response is lighten up and get a life."
Johnny America Lyrics: "Can't an American PROUDLY kill TRAITOR
pro-torture Zionist McCain for the Love of living Life Justly,
as Freedom was Country?"
Investigating the Investigation
/ / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \
PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I quite frankly don't like the idea of
the Judiciary deciding who is on my staff." [at Justice]
PRO-TORTURE Gonzales "I did not make decisions about who
should or should not be asked to resign." [in mid-term]
As US State Attorneys?, whom have the most serious of American
Justice Department Motions of Defense for REAL Freedom?, he's
not concerned directly with?, nor would "like" democratic
Peoples to be allowed to care either?. IF he gets HIS way he
says - as minding for the criminal master. True, Americans
are generally, extremely cowardly as Bush's freely giving
PAYERS, led for more ungodly sacrifices in fascistic silence,
but this continuing charade of incompetence gathering against
our entire Humanity, is going way beyond acceptable to
everyone concerning. Johnny Wizard conceivers and otherwise
non-believers state together:
The Iraq war against Christ has no true justifiable cause.
Torture is against the law warranting immediate death sentences
The Zionist AIR FORCE bomb people indiscriminately as Satanic
The bushmob stole all the Development Funds for Iraq
The bushmob are stealing ALL of Iraq's oil
The bushmob stole 100s of billions from censored AMERICANS,
while George W. Bush personally stole 50 billion from America
in the first four months of stealing the initial election.
little sister and put her in front of me . . as the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and
then I laughed maniacally." [, then were heard the cheers of
godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening to God and Man as
the unholy enemy.]
What ever happened to butterfly kisses after evening prayers?
Are you telling me, an American Father, wouldn't gloriously
kill this lawless bushite enemy and his demonic ilk, for our
love of girls everywhere? Or, how about the UNARRESTED
soldiers we witnessed on video beat shoeless children
pratically to death while laughing and cheering? Or like
those that speak zero defenses for Haditha's confessed MASS
MURDERING irrational women and child killers? The REAL demons
CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and
slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but
their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass
murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."
To, for God, gloriously, with love, kill these unarrested
murderous continuing ungodly bushite nazis, is to war the TRUE
enemies of Humanity to save the lives of our precious loved
ones. \ \
Art Bell, "the thief", is really fuking evil to GOD as America..
being a blatant naked LIAR to the American Patriot Warriors
Death to the bushite, death to our MURDEROUS enemies, who lie
cheat and steal to assist in the criminal escape of the
bushmob for 911 as CLEARLY TRAITORS, so says the one and only,
King Johnny Wizard -
President and CEO of
Shareware Earth Co.
/ / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was
authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \
Treason charges must be sought against zionist reporters
who LIE with such blatant disregard for your freedom in America.
Bush Won't Turn Over Emails Until White House 'Reviews' Them
/ / Bush and the RNC should be immediately sued. There are no
sustainable Executive Privilege arguments here: the emails
were already sent over a NON-GOVERNMENTAL email system. In
other words, if sensitive/classified information was sent over
this system it would be a felony and impeachable. Any
official information sent over this RNC email system would
also be a violation of the Presidential Records Act. \ \
It's like a catch 22..
So, the demon liar bush tells US, the terrorists would rather
travel to Iraq to kill Americans indiscriminately, than come
directly to America from wherever instead, to kill anyone who
silently supports the indiscriminate murder of our humanity.
CHRIST HATES the godless bushite nazi THIEVES, who by LYING,
murder our loved INNOCENT family members, all to steal our
good names in God. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies.
See the bushite, you kill it for Christ, you kill it for
America, you kill it to defend Yourself.
/ / RENOWNED metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proclaimed on TV on
Thursday that Sept. 11, 2001, was a more significant date
than most of us realized. It was, in her words, "the first
time in history that fire has ever melted steel." \ \
Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators
- Adolf Hitler, 1938 -
/ / Why would [subhuman bushite] guards torture a man they
considered innocent? \ \ Because they are openly enemies to
Christ. I say, kill it for America when you can, God bless.
/ / "As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East,
I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence
community's assessments regarding Iraq," Pillar writes. "The
first request I received from any administration policy-maker
for any such assessment was not until a year into the war." \ \
Bushite will kill America
/ / At 9:32 he saw and heard a bomb destroy the offices of the
Pentagon auditors. 40 military officers investigating the
missing money were killed. The CTC was destroyed too. You
can read more here: \ \
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Please, if you must forsake me in your personal
cowardice and self loathing, don't forsake GOD and America by
not killing with PRIDE, these bushite dumfuks of NATO the
first chances you get. Love liberty as if it were your own,
and kill a lawlessly murderous bushite nazi savage for your
love of anyone included. (You can quote me forever on that.)
Let Johnny speak!
Do you expect yourself to fail trying?
It's all up to You my friend, it's all up to you.
Onward Christian Soldier.
IDEA: Let's get our show up and running, by allowing open
public investigations To be conducted internationally, with
open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and
every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then,
all of everything else still left outstanding murdering
ourselves. Whadoyahsay??
'We were torturing people for no reason'
..but for a bushite's Satanic pleasure,
death to the tyrant thieving bushite sadists,
death to GOD'S ENEMIES who war freedom in America to help escape
Our Mr. bush Jr. for the crimes HE DID with Ahmad on 911
Do we have a problem here in any way?
/ / A spokesman for Aegis Defence Services, said: "There is
nothing to indicate that these film clips are in any way
connected to Aegis." \ \
Not now according to CNN, bushite enemy Tim Spicer, and the
Pentagon. This UN-NAMED spokesperson WILL be tried for aiding
the crimes of first degree murder with it's lying racist nazi
filth, who like getting away murdering black guys for fun and
profit in iraq, paid for by A cowardly DYING AMERICA.
The Pentagon's Power to Jail Americans Indefinitely
Look, demon enemies of Christ torture innocent people for fun,
paid for by the silent American tax payer. Americans refuses
to bother making a simple phone call to Coast to Coast to
raise some concern. THEY don't. They refuse to hunt bushite
down in their streets for death to defend the innocent held
indefinitely against GOD'S will. Death to the bushite, death
to Johnny's godless, lawless, fascist enemies of FREEDOM.
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
/ / Never in modern history has country been forced to pay for
its death, torture, and destruction with its own money - its
own oil revenues. A country where thieves are entrusted with
its richness and where murderous gangs are entrusted with its
security. \ \
Look, CNN, CBC, and FOx News know the bushmob did 911, but
will smile while watching your son or daughter sent out to die
CONNED by their demonic hatred for US freely communicated.
How do I know this? I made the effort of making the phone
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio
hosts allow free communications, absent their personal
contempt for preserving freedom to be our America. George
Norry WILL kill Your American child for the contempt he truly
holds for our lives here. He says he only supports murdering
Arab children for the neocon, but when your not looking in his
'shadows', he'll kill your child too, don't doubt it for a
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
NATO forces shoot Afghan child, run over another
The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©
/ / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused. They
are getting a chance at a future the likes of which would
never have been possible under the oppressive regime..." \ \
Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."
Rosie: Was 9/11 inside job to protect Enron?
The Ground Truth
The part where pro-bush "American" soldiers drive over
children to kill them for fun, all because they say our
Humanity let's those responsible escape retribution for being
Satanically evil as enemies to Christ, left me angered beyond
Glenn Beck "A complete lack of knowledge really, you know,
really hasn't stopped me [here at CNN] from pontificating on
any topic before, so here goes."
US Attorney's Firing may be [IS] Connected to CIA Corruption Probe
/ / On May 11, 2006, Kyle Sampson, then Gonzales' chief of
staff, sent an e-mail to deputy White House counsel William
Kelley, asking Kelley to call to discuss "the real problem we
have right now with Carol Lam [...] \ \
pleasure of the president
US Attorneys don't serve "the pleasure of the president", they
serve freedom lovers dedicated to defending America from
willful criminality. But, americans are too stupidly weak to
demand Coast to Coast hosts allow open communications on
America's highest of concerns. Bushite america would rather,
in silence, thieve from God as our Humanity, than serve the
protections of Justice as ourselves.
/ / According to the Islamic understanding of power, the
Mujahideen don't compete for the positions in the leadership. \ \
"Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he [the bushite nazi dumfuk 'Taliban' 2nd in command]
said. He did not elaborate.
Hmmm. Allah is all, and negotiating for freedom from naked
bushite tyranny is won EASILY through communicating
understanding. The tribal strategy of Afghan fighters, where
Allah is Oonerroh, seems to be not the only thing missing from
the statements of this "Taliban" RELIGIOUS FUNDEMENTALIST top
top top leader. Only "second" to Omar the Just. (Apparently
an individual this current bushite incantation of "Dadullah"
is totally un-familiar of.) Omar, the Just, whom Dadullah
claims he receives his Top Secret nobody can see'im orders.
In other winds: Bill a bushite for God and America, an all
day long you'll have good faith in a world freeing ourselves
of godless dumfuk tyranny implemented by the horribly foolish,
as deeply ignorant of Allah, bushite demon liars for the
traitor neocon. TRAITORS!
"Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he [the bushite nazi dumfuk 'Taliban' 2nd in command]
said. He did not elaborate.
Allah is all, and negotiating for freedom from naked bushite
tyranny is won EASILY through communicating understanding.
Omar the Just knew this to say so, as do I. And this is why
corporate news professionals forbid me to speak openly without
nazi censorship, ON OUR AIR-WAVES, because I am honorable,
right, and true as believable. While America's fun guy,
zionist George Norry, states to support PUBLICLY, the ungodly
murder of innocent Arabic children for nothing but his
personal contempt of YOUR DYING LIFE, while further wanting to
invite thoughtlessly nuking places on Earth all for his secret
hatred of US freely commutating. Typical bushite. Ending
with to tell US again 'convincingly', that bin Laden did do
911 as a terror-ist bad guy in G's World!!?! How so? EH?
How so? he don't care man, he don't care. He and his family
have millions of dollars to sell you out, so why care for your
struggle to survive in bushville soldiering? Frankly, George
Norry is a total dickhead. True, he has lots of money in
America, but he's still a dickhead nevertheless.
Alex Jones and me aren't on the best of speaking terms, but I
will state, a desire to address every same challenge he has
adroitly addressed as publicly lacking. And when I am
addressed 'officially', I will campaign to put US in the space
to realize, we are the government, we are the people. We
don't need to run to the hills and encamp ourselves away to
defend ourselves to the max from the man, we are the man. I'm
telling yeh, I know this to be so as the sea is we magically.
Equal rights for all in God's name is self evident. Self
evident to ME anyway... but well.. who am i?, right - I'll
tell you as I have for more than a decade as a living fiction
forsaken for lack of anybody anywhere understanding in
totality what I am here on Earth as true Son to Man - a
'understandable' timeless stand in for G to gain recognition
through as honest broker. [I've been everywhere around
forever, and.. blahblah.. I know people really don't care to
know of ancient wisdoms, truths that guide the order to the
Universe, cause often they think I'm beyond their
comprehension as a 'better than', when all power is in equal
respect for others as our hurting brothers and sisters
suffering with tyranny by our collective willful ignorance on
Justice.[God's bestest is Just for every reason being thus]] I
am one serious genius by no accident in words you have as much
right to contend for yourself being, if you'd only believe we
have some good ideas here to really defend ourselves with.
Please my American friend, help US speak out freely Coast to
Coast. So we together can start, on demanding Justice for
all, as innocence in serious jeopardy. Dadullah is most
likely an individual who holds at least some control over
official military functions of NATO in the region. So, we're
going to seed loyalties of the rare Patriots in the force to
recognize our need to isolate who supports, not talking FREELY
for peace easily in Afghanistan without question. No evidence
was brought against Laden, therefore, the Taliban were True
Patriots, and bushite traitors are pure racist nazi filth
ridden, toxic, as being cowardly dishonorable as despicably
evil, enemies to us all. Put US in Command.
Question the bushite, question to anyone who mumbles
disagreement in the godly fact, that WE, as Humanity, will
spend the better part of this next generation, hunting every
last war profiteering nazi war criminal down for our real
Freedom from their, so errorred "endless" tyranny of big money
terror. Lawlessness with be outlawed, and ANY corporate
american who mumbles otherwise, as an enemy totalitarianist,
the clear ungodly, (as should be criminal,) will be put to
challenge by their very own children, or parents, or bleeding
dead brothers. Hannity must be tried for death as lying that
the holocaust never happened from Iran. DEATH to the demon
liar nazi fu-ker I say, DEATH to the demon liar nazi fu-ker.
/ / According to Danish Karokhel, director of Pajhwok, the
Italian government should negotiate directly with Dadullah.
"Italy is negotiating with the wrong people," he said in an
email to IPS. "The only one that counts and decides is Mullah
Dadullah." \ \ Oh Yeah, but what about Omar the Just, And...
hmmmm. who is Karokhel today anyway, and when was the last
time anyone seen him alive?
/ / How did a member of the Taliban in Afghanistan get hold of
the phone number of an ABC news producer? Afghan 411 must be
REALLY good! \ \ iiIII! can't even do that.. well...
easily from Canada as an official non-fugitive that is. Just
what is the going rate of satellite phone service out of
Afghanistan? Remember: evil is DUMB about everything,
including technology. Or so, how are we missed for report by
point to point presentation using the same old satellite for
phone service? Repeatedly calling the same mumblers? Jesus,
If we really worked at it, I could probably reach where they
were in a day or two by hitch-hiking.
"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" = "bush's ungodly partners in
Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our
elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their
flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for
clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like
immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil.
/ / "Those who negotiate in the name of the Taliban will be
killed," he said. He did not elaborate. \ \ He's either with
the proven cowards of JTF2, or the two or three "CIA" guys
secretly hunting bin Laden in caves out there with tens of
billions of dollars. SPENT EACH YEAR 'unknowingly'. (No
reason why, but, they just can't tell You, as the paying for
it really while DYING) Put US in Command.
/ / The Mujahideen aren't students of power and don't compete
for power like others do. We are students of truth and work
for establishing this truth and for this cause we sacrifice
our power \ \
/ / Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, the President's
pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas.
Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand
behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000
citizens prior to the 2004 election. \ \ Timothy needs to be
arrested for high treason, for fixing an election, or instead,
what? we'll make him a State US Attorney in bushville?
kill all of them
/ / In his testimony on Wednesday, Pfc. Bradley Mason of
Company C said that on May 8, the night before the raid,
Colonel Steele told soldiers to ``kill all of them.'' Three
other soldiers gave similar testimony. \ \
I would offer rewards for more soldiers to come forward. Why?
because there truly is, no honor among thieves. Every bushite
soldier in Iraq for the liar neocon is minimum, a purposeless
dumfuked cowardly thief. See? if you offer a reward, and
they don't take it, their 'fellow' bushite, kill'em for it,
right? why take the risk it'll cash in over your worthless
life? For, who can trust a lying bushite nazi savage?
certainly not a lying bushite nazi savage. In other words:
speak against committing war criminal acts of lawless
aggression in Iraq for Bush, as CLEARLY un-American, and I'll
try to forgive you as human. Or, I guess you'll kill
yourselves in mutually muted total contempt for this universal
life as actually worth something.
When you see and hear on video, sexually dysfunctional, as
sadistically satanic grunt puke pro-bush soldiers moaning,
while deliberately killing innocent defenseless Family People
running for our dying lives from a holy church, or as just
simply anyone standing near the side of the road, then, my
friend, you'll begin to understand what evil actually is.
And, what needs to be done to seriously save ourselves.
Seriously. Justice must be won sooner than later.
Five Star American General Johnny Wizard will train American
Soldiers to recognize such demonic behaviors in combat as
worthy of immediate frag to defend the lives of truly fellow
honorable soldiers. Soldiers ACTually, committed to freedom
from godless satanic dumfuk tyranny of the antichrist demon,
Mr. evil personified, the UN-ELECTED 911 TERRORIST, George
Walker Bush and CO..
/ / "He realized that they had killed these three [innocent]
detainees, and in that moment, yes, he decided to help his
[ungodly murderously nazi fascist] squad members, [escape
Freedom through Law wisely practiced]" Gorecki said. \ \
There is much self evident truth hovering above the realities
of such statements. For the exampled fact, that he did
actually use a weapon against 'his' troops, 'to save them
punishment', says a great deal more than they contend we hear.
Now really, how ''we be dying as godless war criminals for
demon LIAR Bush'' dumb is that? (and how does such an evil
thing steal our military command in an un-defended Johnny's
America? as a dying for bushite tyranny, irrational neocon
war wanker? like holy fu-k..) Remember: evil is real.
The time is now.
Let Johnny Wizard on Coast to Coast everywhere god damn them
man, get US on the PUBLIC radio to make something better of
ourselves by communicating freely. Do it!
Praise Jesus, and pass the ammo forthrightly. I'm a hungry man.
The Iraqi "Government" has arrested the woman raped by three Iraqi
/ / Janabi shocked Iraq last month when she appeared on
Al-Jazeera television and accused three policemen of detaining
her and then raping her in their garrison.
Her story earned a fiery rebuttal from the Shia Prime
Minister, who praised the policemen and promised to promote
them. His office released a medical report allegedly taken
from a US military combat hospital that said the woman had
been beaten [..] \ \
Look, pro-bush anti-Americans are enemies of every Life.
The Iraqi "Government" has arrested the woman raped by three Iraqi
/ / The Iraqi Government has raided the homes of eight Sunni
MPs in the last week, Salim Abdullah told The Times.
A senior Shia official said raids on the homes of Sunni MPs
Khalaf al-Ayan and Dhafir al-Ani had found bomb-making
materials. \ \
This is simple bushite tyranny of the dumbest order. No MP,
beit pro or anti, is going to conveniently have such things
inside TWO ADRESSES! Not impossible mind you, but highly
un-believable. But that's what you get for bushite liar
tyranny, a bunch of godless war criminals stealing our
democratic virtues by flagrant idiocy.
Look, pro-bush anti-Americans are enemies of every Life.
US officer "upset" Iraqi suspects taken alive, court hears
/ / A US military officer sounded "pretty mad and upset" that
a group of soldiers had taken suspected Iraqi insurgents alive
during a raid in which they had been told to kill all military-aged
males, a court was told Tuesday. \ \
Come on now, who wouldn't take great joy in destroying any and
all such ungodly bushite hatred for Humanity in this light of
day, eh? In fact,why don't American Congessmen, who believe
in defending Liberty, campaign JUST that? Why not??? Is it
because they're LIARS?
Like Coast to Coast's fun guy, he ain't taking our screams,
George "pro Arab child Killer" Norry??
Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our pirated
authority through defending the further 'escape' of the
bushmob for 911.
/ / As a result, the Defense Department put up a Web site in
2005 designed to clarify [to the dumfuk bushite demon liars]
that sexual assault is illegal [...] \ \
Rumsfeld, as it was told on Oprah, doesn't want any arrests of
bushite rapists though, so has worked to deny Justice for
female grunts by denying all requests to the 'Pentagon' from
American Police Departments. [and you thought he was fired!]
Why? because, they, the very weakest intellectually of
America's - do what they're told teen kids, ALL don't have
rights anyone in bushite corporate america is willingly strong
enough as a dedicated Leader to speak in demanding defense of,
for innocence.. Why? because they soullessly advocate
continuing bushite war crimes for a stolen dollar. Stuck that
way apparently. Support my rise to speaking publicly for open
challenge on the rights and privileges of all concerned
parties. Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule
our pirated authority through defending the further 'escape'
of the bushmob for 911. I would like to form a global posse
of sleuthers to identify on international open line radio, all
guilty INDIVIDUAL parties by evidenced conclusion on our
highest of priority issues, and get started with the nothing
to hide from anyone global arrests, with PUBLIC court
proceedings, done all for our public interest as the refusing
to further fall as innocent murder victims.
Let's save some lives, what do you say guys?
Or, are we going to go further with this: George W. Bush:
"If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win."
"If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win."
I know, it's seems odd that I am, at the same time, offering
answers to any question on the science of God as is pertains
to Justice measured, but this is just who I am to be conscious
man. So, if we can get over the shock of me being so
especially normal, maybe we can then realize, I have some
simple good old ideas that transcend through time by rational
understanding communicable between any two people. I am not a
"miracle worker" to all those I advise to not eat Aspartame
because it's a poison that also makes your body crave
un-needed carbs, that will likely convert to more unless fat.
So, it slowly kills you, while making you fatter than you need
be along the dead end journey faithing in "the system". So,
why do some do it religiously? Who cares (for now) but to
say, our governments are failing US miserably. I spoke
personally with one of the head scientists in Canada at
"Health Food and Safety", and he told me the scientific
analysis done by reputable scientists I found freely available
repeatedly on the internet years ago, was completely true.
(It breaks down to formaldehyde, and methanol (a slow lethal
poison), among other shockers. Poison. P-o-i-s-o-n-s in our
food stuffs. Poisons.) However, he could take no action to
defend Canadians "officially" because we, Canadians, have our
corporate interest news departments completely refusing to
defend ourselves from corporate exploitation anywhere, and as
natural consequence, we, as the dying world, would together
unrepresented, probably lose a law suit from mutant Monsanto
through the self inflicted bounds of OUR censored WTO program.
- instituted through the top secretly mastered puppet people
persons of the 'unseen' NWO I guess.
I'm telling you, we need me as King.
Look: Aegis's workforce, for American PAYING profit, has been
publicly disclosed through CNN to be shooting people in Iraq
indiscriminately for your money, and when the Pentagon was
contacted by Nick Roberts about what would be done, they
responded, nothing would be done by Johnny's America but to
increase the multi-hundred-million dollar contract with demon
enemy Tim Spicer to continue. Now... why you ask? Because
the neocon liars, steal money by lying to cowardly American
kids about what they mindlessly, without thought, give their
souls for. Tim Spicer openly hires South African goons to
commit hardships for American GIs to die without end for, in
lawless tyranny. Peace sells less money for the neocon war
profiteers to murder the innocent American as. (Iraqis,
along with the rest of Humanity's Men, WILL eventually learn
this truth, or life for you will end.) As an Arab hating
bushite, (like what you'd find as a publicly proud practiced
hatred for all Humanity, by an Amerkan dumfuk soldier in
Google's alt.religion.islam), they say nothing for Freedom by
Justice, but root themselves to Spicer's monsters who like
killing black guys, as world renown mass murdering racist nazi
filth. That's why zionist Israel loves them so much.
Look: Somebody stole four trillion dollars out of the Pentagon.
Look: Greenspan STOLE four trillion American dollars for his
international billionaire banker friends before 'leaving'.
[Asian market chaos SCAM]
Look: Lotteries everywhere in North America are running the
same PROVEN criminal scams that cost US ALL billions and
billions of public dollars that, without question, (as
MATHEMATICAL FACT), regressively destroy our dying
communities. CRIMINAL. [Solution: 100 percent cash payouts.]
Look: corporate magic TV people couldn't care less for US if
they tried. Ahmad funded Atta. bin Laden claimed he played
no part in 911. And video of steel running like water moments
before the first tower fell is freely available for download
all over the place. CBC, CNN, FOXnews et al. know the
Bushmob did 911 in other words. I've spoken to most of those
'in control', and I'm telling you, they're losers, and they
know it. Remember: they'll censor my voice to send YOUR
child to die for no better good, or reason understood, while
entertaining. Weekend TV in North America totally sucks.
Now, why do YOU think that is brother? The more powerless
they make US, the more money the neocon zionists can murder
Humanity for, thinking they might just get away from this if
we continue to take no action in defense of anyone as God
would will. Let me be Your servant King, by backing me up some
here. We need some dollars to eat, and I need it now before we
starve to deaths.
Look: Barbra Bodine did the Cole bombing. [the Cole whose crew has
been completely overhauled. Where are the many who served there NOW
Look: America has kidnapped countless thousands without evidence to
be held against OUR will indefinitely. [Like the NOT Jewish Israel]
Look: innocent people are being tortured to death by those who hide
OPENLY in America's uniform. [let US hunt them down for GOD, despite
what demon lies they argue give them as Satanic to avoid "The Law".]
Look: the bushmob war profiteers STOLE the Iraqi Development fund
Look: the more than 100,000 security contractors for
Bush are officially deemed lawlessly unaccountable to
Look: Negroponte PERSONALLY stole the Iraqi emergency
water provision money
Look: Sattler OPENLY committed the worst war crimes of
all Humanity's history
Look: I am a guy that is regularly denied public access to
our national radio programs because I speak documented truths
consistently on behalf of real honorable soldiers and police
officers. I agree with most, if not all facts Alex Jones
importantly brings to our attention, however, I almost as
often, disagree with his conclusions.
Support my cause, which is your cause.
King Johnny Wizard
President and CEO
Senior Military analyst, Rob Riggle "In the field John, the
soldiers are out there, every day, risking their lives, for a
common Ideal: that none of the President's decisions be
This is more true than a bushite would admit before murdering
a honorable father to rape his young child, like Lcpl
Boudreaux freely confesses. Boudreaux will tell you, openly,
you have to murder the Arab father of the Arab child your
planning to rape, because if you don't, that Father will spend
the rest of this life, hunting you down in the streets to rip
you limb from limb for it.
Let US, me and the few, proud, and the brave, bring that
Father's intent to bare on lancing Boudreaux, and any other
who would sing in it's ungodly defense.
Zionist american media celebs do tell, everyday, soldiers for
the neocon are all Heroes. (True Hero worship has long gone
dead, and simple common respect for the starving man of Johnny
Wizard is almost entirely illusionary, but for the love of God
has for me, the Son, to never stop caring religiously.) While
McCainites advocate imprisoning any (chosen) man in America
(with our familiar "Exploitation Units"), who has a picture
anywhere on their computer of a fully clothed teen, while
denying this following censored video of children being beat
to death for fun and profit is real. When I watch only thirty
seconds, my rage as a god increases beyond anything anyone of
Humanity can even contemplate, and i start crushing bricks in
my hands with fury, twist iron bars into pretzels, all as a
foolishly feeble attempt to personally have killed those
present in this video. Then I cry. I cried for these
children present in this video the first time I watched it,
and I cried last night briefly, before stopping it.
Please, my brothers, join me in hunting each and every bushite
present in this video down for death. For a Love of God that
will never end, until we have seen each and every responsible
child killing bushite present brought to true Justice extreme.
/ / British Soldiers beat unarmed Children
Even after they plead them to stop they continue and
the cameraman seems to be having an orgasm.
news_of_the_world_uk_iraqi_beating_video.wmv \ \
Did you know Blair had arrested the reporters who reported
this initially? Didn't think of defending children, no sir.
For, the commentator, who gives the play by play, while
masturbating, has been given forgivence because it's an heroic
"Christian". Not publicly executed. This must change for the
better. Here is where I will make my final stand, and where
heaven shall part from hell in America.
9/11 WTC Molten Metal
Men pick military as sentence
Great, more criminal heros to victimize Humanity for.
George W. Bush:
"If the absence of violence is victory, no one will ever win."
But for those of us who would believe protection to be a
heavenly good thing actually he means? What the. does he
mean?? Find out!, in the new candid, let's talk politics
interview, with no other than, PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.
(talk about having connections!) Have your mind blown on his
TRUE wisdom, seldom since ever, so wisely articulated in a
more private setting, than this: The Story of the Millennium.
ARE YOU TALKING TO ME? - A Johnny America Exclusive! - a
candid interview on Bush's deeper than ever political thoughts
about the war, up front, and personal. Surely, an historical
event such as this, with the revelations contained in his own
shockingly powerful words, while granting a stage in Johnny
Wizard's World, is frankly, beyond the pale, quite shocking in
perspective I'm sure I would state again. I feel confident
Bush's surprising candor on life's humbling higher meaning
wont make the crazies 'out there' any more less right per say.
As for the barely living of you passing travelers to our dying
Realm.... be ready to be taken on a journey of such profound
discovery, with a wit never before witnessed from President
Bush!, all about the cruel hardships Americans continue to
endure without guidance through effective leadership. Without
evidence to form his guilty verdicts. That orders the murder
of the innocent with. I kid you NOT. Hey? maybe the Son of
Man doesn't have to wipe out the entire human race after all..
With Bush co-operating now, I personally believe, no, I know,
we're going to make a go of this after all.
Let US speak in challenge to any or all bushite enemies
NATO war plane bombers must be hunted down by the will of
Humanity to be gloriously publicly executed to defend the
innocent lives, they once again, have indiscriminately
murdered in Afghanistan without a sliver of evidence, but for
to say, some dumfuk had a 'rumor' that a single individual
SUSPECTED to be an anti-heroin pro-child defending Taliban
supporter, granted the bombers of NATO to wipe out an entire
village MURDERED indiscriminately by the TRUE demonic enemies
of LIFE. Please, if you must forsake me in your personal
cowardice and self loathing, don't forsake GOD and America by
not killing with PRIDE, these bushite dumfuks of NATO the
first chances you get. Love liberty as if it were your own,
and kill a lawlessly murderous bushite nazi savage for your
love of anyone included. (You can quote me forever on that.)
Giuliani told ABC's Peter Jennings on September 11, 2001
'..and I was operating in there [75 Barkley St.], when I was
told that the World Trade Center Towers were going to collapse.'
Did you know that the international Johnny Wizard comic book
is out there? Don't miss out on picking up a copy for
yourself, or your loved ones. And did you know, I'm trying to
get on international radio without a censor to thunder my
audience back into submission. I HATE HANNITY. All I want is
free open debate to resolve this crisis, that doesn't have to
be so ruining our dying worlds without questions forwarded by
the dumfuks. Justice is Paramount through reason to be so.
The Bush Administration have been up to no good, escaping for
911, that New York City should sue for. Hire me on as legal
consultant buddies, cause I'm like near starving broke here,
with supreme court challenges failing my cost factor, and
hunger pangs slowing our progress on fighting unjust
incarceration. I desperately need money, like now, as a gift,
or an advance on a industry paid private consultant gig. Or,
instead, maybe you'll idly watch some innocent person
willfully be sent to prison by liars in your demonized name,
to defend the ungodly evils of war criminal traitor, our Mr.
Bush Jr. in foolish disguises. Your call Bud.
be Wiser,
Johnny Wizard - Patriot Liberator of Eternal Destiny
(i.e. REAL sustainability as self sufficiency)
(i.e. nothing is separate from existence ourselves, not even
time, and Justice is binding to defend our lives if practiced
fairly with it's elemental divisions through reason. Example:
a person accused of a criminal offence, without any evidence,
is INNOCENT. Those who say otherwise, are the actual
terror-ists. Civilization's ancient Founder Hammurabi,
suggested just to openly publicly have executed those who lay
capital allegations without any evidence, while working to
close outstanding criminal investigations. A made CRIME
within ourselves Hammurabi claimed, and by thinking such ways,
brought birth of 'Civilized' to an untamed till then, chaotic
confusion. Old becomes again anew, because Americans are weak
as polluted, and too cowardly to defend the rights of US
innocent. Let's change that. Support my climb to
international controversy, with my unchallenged claims of
direct accountability being sought, for the 911's neocon war
terror plot.
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P.S. someone tell Hannity, I got a beef with
his demon lies to sacrifice our guys. I'm calling
Hannity out to explain himself freely to US now,
as a demand for an immediate match between him and
ourselves in the dug pit of his utter contempt for
our free to be alive communications.
'A military judge ruled last week that Watada cannot base his
defense on the war's legality.'
Telling US what?, that it is a crime to not commit a crime?
It isn't only high treason against America the ungodly bushite
are guilty of, but of a madness held by those truly Satanic..
/ / 'Why are you taking pictures? You don't have permission."'
[...] the [bush whore] American, speaking through a translator,
warned him that he did not want to see any AP photos published
anywhere.\ \
No bushite was found gloriously killed for country, yet, they,
the godless bushite enemy, continued to shoot innocent People
indiscriminately for a distance of six miles, while likely,
secretly masturbating each other as bushite liars do always.
The pro-bush irrational military said only eight innocent
un-armed Afghans were counted as murdered deliberately, by
those who believe our Mankind, can not ever find themselves
accountable, without zionist controlled, corporate news
permission. See? The military counts mankind as zionist, but
I am a man of real men, committed to defend our world from all
enemies, foreign, or domestic. Unlike a bushite traitor to God
and America, who's word, as Oath, means as much to them, as we
do. Ungodly as they are loveless, the bushite, is Life's enemy.
See my friends, this is why I, as the Son of Man beg and plead
for all able bodied men, to kill treasonous bushite on sight,
for every time you love God by defending the innocent from
murder, (the innocent whom any pro-bush corporate professional
hold in total self contempt,) you save REAL peoples lives, and
you defend God's good name to love God as ourselves committed
to true Liberty. Bushites are enemies of freedom, enemies of
God, and worthy of death, before allowed to further bomb
people indiscriminately like the commanders of NATO order day
after day without risking instant frag because, bushites are
blind cowardly thieving nazi fascist savages, brain damaged,
who believe as satanic demon whores of Molech, they can con
all of US including me forever, just like dare dubya. Dumfuks.
God is Great!
Former FBI Director Calls For New OKC Bombing Investigation
/ / The FBI man in charge of collecting evidence from the
government building destroyed by the Oklahoma bomb has called
for the case to be reopened. \ \
First things first: America must demand the immediate arrest
of those who told America the victim committed suicide, when
clearly, due to autopsy photos, the individual was tortured to
death as the innocent. So, the 'officers' responsible for the
fraudulent claims, need to be arrested for accessories to
MURDER. The torture will earn them both the death sentence,
if found guilty under STANDING AMERICAN LAW. And any bushite
like a, it's always a great day George Norry, who purposefully
with criminal intent stands in life's continuing way for
Justice's demand, American Patriots will phone to Bill with
every once of pinky power we have at our disposal.
Support Johnny Wizard's personal challenge against thieving
LIAR traitor Hannity, and his corporate nazi bush whores who
lore our stolen values by how much they can deny US privilege.
Coast to Coast radio hosts need to be publicly challenged for
debate they deny US knowing of together naturally speaking.
Great example of our Problem: CBC National Radio, in Canada.
When a caller phones during the very rare moments we're taking
public words, have a pre-broadcast rig-a-ma-role question
session, you'll have with not only the OFF-AIR screener, where
he'll probe you for controversy, but after the first process
of noting in book form your disclosed intel, will notify you
that; IF your independent thought is granted by the "Producer"
(- who reviews everyone - rules are rules -) Our national
station will phone you back this afternoon, so stay tooned, to
line you up with your baking gingerbread creds. They never
ever dido! The more Brilliant you are, (like the highly
charged as extremely charismatically charming, wild man ruler,
Johnny America - the media phenomenoner) the higher
probability they'll find POSSIBLE concern, on their do nothing
for your taxed attitudes..!. Why take chances someone might
show a greater living responsibility to a real suffering God
as our left corporately forsaken Country?.?.?. A dying
Look, seriously, my friends, we have all the answers to our problems.
Support Johnny Wizard's personal challenge against thieving
LIAR traitor Hannity, and his corporate nazi bush whores who
lore our stolen values by how much they can deny US privilege
of equal standing.
Get it done brother.
/ / Corporate TV News people are part of a death cult that
doesn't rely US on evidence for proof they say we believe them
unbiasedly without question. While forbidding ourselves to
hear OUR calls for real Justice. \ \
Albeit, some rock/country/pop stations are now wading a little
ways to allow minimal defensive communications on behalf of
our truly dying communities. [i.e. the THIEVING Lottery
actually takes more than communities get returned in cash
transfers from the government, and this, beat up the
unrepresented poor, actually ends costing EVERYONE more.
[read "Stand Together, or Don't"] You don't know Evil until
you hear CJOB's radio host pontificating on it's greatness to
deny our community any time to respond to their direct
criminality against OUR interests. A near 75 percent of Our
radio content is private commercials, while the rest of twenty
percent is amateur sport updates. Why don't the strangely
often fat slob sports fanatics go away on their own as blood
sucking leeches, and stop denying us more serious subject
meters with 'we're just too dumb to hear' censorships. In
Winnipeg, it is a teensy, tiny authoritarian illiterate group
of sports crowers, that the station has devoted the Province
entirely to for private financial profit. And so, what is
someone in Selkirk Manitoba going to do with the play by play
radio commentary?, not listen like everyone in Winnipeg does
since, that's what. I personally can't even bare the wasted
time, to finally get on to be immediately hung up on
impolitely by a Station who literally robs from our community.
More than 600,000 live in Manitoba, as apposed to a small
cadre of proven criminals who stole our public phone system,
or took a PULBICLY paid for Private arena or Private sports
facility that cost us practically billions to get in the front
door of the already completely paid for by ourselves ten times
over, to maybe see a concert that Ticketmaster charges half
the ticket price to simply just print a paper ticket/contract.
ENTERTAINERS, let me be your manager's Manager instead, and
I'll get you every last penny your fans paid to see YOU with.
I could practically double your earned earnings, or, are you
instead going to blindly give HALF your life to a scalper,
who's done nothing creative but hire someone near minimum
wage to press a print button religiously. I'll tell you what,
we just won't do any more good shows until we can get this
remedied by freely communicating our concern for dying
soldiers left further without measured value, left to
actually DIE in the gutter as homelessly forsaken.
Take care by taking action.
God we can't do this alone, I need you.
Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against
Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts,
who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell
of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them.
Let's do this.
Use this address in Firefox to get daily News podcast of Alex Jones.
/ / If you don't have an instinct, to stand up for women and
children, your not a man. That's what men are supposed to do,
it's not anything *special*. I'm nothing special. \ \
/ / KBR's Tiger Team stayed at the five-star Kuwait Kempinski
Hotel, where its members ran up a bill of more than $1
million. This outraged the army, whose troops were sleeping
in tents at a cost of $1.39 a day. The army asked the Tiger
Team to move into tents. It refused. \ \
See? KBR is now privately running hospital care for the
dumfuk grunts, so, what would you expect but rat infestations?
Oh, you never truly thought... what being a "Liberal" or
"Conservative" victim is. Are you pro Liberty, or pro tyranny
is the question riddled really.
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal
shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's
just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
- President George W. Bush
Kill a bushite and God will love you for defending US,
the innocent in war time.
GOD PLEADS: KILL the lawlessly thieving demonic bushite ENEMY of Life.
/ / Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was
authorized by U.N. Security Council \ \
Seriously, the propagandists responsible, need to REALLY, be
put to death after found out through US public court
proceeding. NO ONE would disagree that Iraq is a war crime,
where more than a MILLION INNOCENT PEOPLE have been raped,
tortured, or murdered by dumfuk bushite grunts. If YOU
actually think about it, all of everyone would gladly kill an
unholy bushite terrorist, before allowing it to murder
families running for our lives as loving Church goers.
/ / · Clandestine operations against Iran and Syria, as well
as the Hizbullah movement in Lebanon - even to the extent of
bolstering Sunni extremist groups that are sympathetic to
al-Qaida \ \
Look dummies, by Bush funding bin Laden forces, he is
undermining the troops to DIE. Lawless American can not be
allowed to accept this from the actual demon anti-Christ, can
Death to our Enemies
My friends, People are dying because the, Israel=Jew, magic
radio and TV crews, wont broadcast THE TRUTHS of our publicly
available findings. Police findings. People are dying
needlessly, illegally, irrationally like meaning really
stupidly on Bush's behalf, for they claim, we don't want to be
'embarrassing ourselves' with MY wisdom, You people seem to
not be there for God when the chips are way down, and truth is
plain to see.. 911 was an inside job, and CBC with CNN don't
want to tell us about it, but will watch our LOVED children
lied to, to go out and die further for a causeless war of
criminality unparalleled in it's wickedness.
Support my calls for open communications on "America's"
Coast to Coast radio network, to accept any open challenges
for those who disagree that America demands Justice for
Ourselves above the intent of the censoring bushite criminals.
/ / The [MERCK] experiment was followed by similar hepatitis B
experiments using gay men in Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Chicago, Denver and St. Louis, beginning in March 1980 and
ending in October 1981, the same year the epidemic became
official. [...] By 1984 (the end of the study period) over
40% of the men tested positive for HIV. [...] One fact is
obvious: There was no AIDS in America until the exact year
the [MERCK] government began experimenting with gay men. \ \
/ / Fact 1: The study was conducted over a four-year period,
which means, with such a short study, we have yet to know the
extent of any adverse reactions from the vaccine, especially
the 250 girls around the age of 9 that were administered the
vaccine and who have not yet reached the age where they're
likely to be attempting to become pregnant.
Fact 7: This vaccine has purportedly been shown to protect
against four types of HPV--6, 11, 16, and 18--while there are
over 100 strains of HPV. Does that make it worth it, even if
these are said to be the most common types of the strain? \ \
/ / The average age of diagnosis for cervical cancer is 48
years old. But they propose to give this vaccine to
11-year-old girls. Not even Merck says the vaccine will last
nearly that long. Merck says they don't know how long the
vaccine will last. \ \
Nichols Fingers FBI Agent Directing McVeigh in OKC Bombing By Name
/ / Last week, investigators with the UK's Serious Fraud
Office (SFO) [...] In other words, public money earmarked to
help lift Tanzania's children out of poverty was instead
laundered into the coffers of BAE and Barclays, with Tony
Blair acting as bagman. \ \
Stealing from the starving, yet, still not news worthy.
(Have you seen Palast's recent broadcast on Vulture funds?)
Certainly, not ever on "America's" Coast to Coast right?
See what I mean? Let me speak freely for freedom why don't
you help yourself see?
Bush Contaminating our Drinking Water
/ / Leaks in underground storage tanks can contaminate water
supplies used by nearly half of all Americans, and the GAO
reports there are some 117,000 known leaks across the nation. \ \
Don't let these neocon zionist bastards do this to US.
Bushwhore Tony Snow "[...]We konw[...]"
General Pace "[..]WE DON'T HAVE PROOF[...]"
Senator Hagel "..we're decimating our National Guard."
Again, commander Blount, a Saudi, from the third infantry,
gave out 170 TONS of plastic explosives from Qaqaa to kill
Marines with. And, "American Patriots" don't rightly bill the
true demon nazi fuker for it. Again, Blount, a Saudi,
confesses to ordering SOULLESS bushite soldiers to murder
People indiscriminately for profit, all so to let US know he
is there still laughing with our stolen billions. Bill the
bushite Bush bitch Blount, a Satanic demon ENEMY for it.. why
don't you? as the snookered to sacrifice your loved Family
Guy, American Dad? Corporate TV News people are part of a
death cult that doesn't rely US on evidence for proof they say
we believe them unbiasedly without question. While forbidding
ourselves to hear OUR calls for real Justice.
Get it done.
promoted through the tyranny of censorship
Corporate News America's Terror Expert, Gaffney, who publicly
advocates the rape and murder of the innocent in Iraq to
thieve from for the 'escaping' neocons, (as the truly
UNGODLY,) stated these words about why American Soldiers
continue to lawlessly DIE sacrificed for no better good or
reason understood, as total willing dumfuks under deep
"It is not George Bush, it is not the Neocons, it is not
people who have been advocating waging that [IRRATIONAL 'Evil'
UNJUST] war [against the established innocent] where we find
our [hidden from view] enemies, who are responsible for that
fact that we are indeed in a global war [sacrificing our
conned kids to the un-accountable war profiteering thieves of
American labor as the UNELECTED]. It *is* the enemy that
started it, that is pursuing it, and that is trying to bring
it here back here home now. [, and that way, us neocon
zionists would miserably fail against those who would speak in
freedom's demand for Universal Justice. Real freedom I mean
of course, you know, evidence to form conclusion factually,
public trial by questioning juries, blah blah blah. We can't
have that Now can We? Colmes? Greenwald?]"
"," = swinging pocket watch
Don't let these neocon zionist bastards doe this to US.
Either Gaffney suffers from some blind dolt syndrome, where he
clearly can't see himself flailing madly in criminal
ignorance, or he's an accomplis of blatant treachery, to help
escape his demonic war profiteering benefactors who murdered
thousands of Americans for similar gains through the
unspeakable bonanza of the "Pearle Harbor" like event that 911
was. What the peenackers publicly stressed they would crave
to fool US into Iraq and beyond as glorified war criminals.
911, New York City, where thousands of Americans were
murdered, and millions polluted. killed like now American
teen soldiers with the Iraqis. Led by a Sattler, or Mattis,
Blount or Russell, who order the murder of women and children
openly, and 'they', the actual soulless minions of the demon
antichrist, the true dumfuk cowardly enemies of Humanity,
don't cut them down instantly instead for Life as cherished.
That must change for our betterments. Kill any bushite bomber
and be loved by God's America.
Any Commander that doesn't support the arrest of those
responsible for 911 and the subseqent neocon war crimes of
Iraq, is a traitor to God and Country. Death to the bushite,
death to our enemies - so says Johnny.
How much much God take as taken, before you people get on over
this criminally empowered war monger Congress of an unelected
lawless dictator demon, and call them out on the turning talk
commercial radios, all to finally truly defend ourselves with
a good media plan for results.
Make the call, be a man.
further to the death cults of corporate news:
Realize, our corporate experts on Life in the national news
agenda, don't work to defend our children from mercury in
innoculations they promote for profit. Nor, do they tell US
about radio-active depleted uranium. Instead, as now, they
look to blame others, even God, when suggesting dna is
responsible, as if the American corp public could even comprehend
multi-demensional cross kingdoming. They can't, (too stupid)
but their Satanic death cult [no evidence] where they News
pretend and WE DIE, they are willing to continue to go with
by refusing all calls. Ahmad funded Atta, but they don't
want to tell US there either. Look how many people they have
so far watched murdered as the innocent for zionism while
Support our call to be heard my brothers.
Sir Ken, head of the Crown Prosecution Service
"The fight against terrorism on the streets of [..] is not a
war. It is the prevention of crime, the enforcement of our
laws and the winning of justice for those damaged by their
You got that right. So, join US in demanding the quick
trials, and public executions of known bushite enemies who
murdered Americans on 911 with general Ahmad, and who with
Peter Powers, murdered the innocent in Britain for more stolen
goods against God. And anyone in the air force as bushite
bombers should be a great joy for US all to hunt for
prosecuting too. The bushite dumfuk is an enemy to our lives,
with it's blatant naked contempt for the innocent, who like
the demon liar THEIVES at CJOB, George Norry, or Hannity, will
forbid ANY human defenses of the lawless dictate of the
IRRATIONAL tyrannical demon antichrist, all so to victimize
more of You as the censored forsaken.
REPENT. [from the Greek, meaning to think.]
The TRUE Son of Man Johnny Wizard Exists Born to this Eternal
World to end permanently demonic bushite enemies of Creation.
Help Life out by destroying cowardly America's greatest threat
to the Species, the greatest threat against Humanity's Freedom
to be Loved by God. Corporate nazi zionist bushlores at CBC,
CNN, and criminal thieving from the desperately poor in
Winnipeg CJOBers forbid open communications, and I can't 'take
over', because then I'd be defeating my own, power to the
Peoples argument. So, it really is up to YOU, yes you
there... reader. Who.. really..? YOU, here, now. Life
begs, takes a stand for your fellow man, and demand our voices
heard for the defense of the entire human race. And be quick
about it. Repuglicons don't want freedom from endless war
where they kill your forsaken kids, for we all know, bushites
would be publicly tried, then spend the rest of their
treasonous lives behind bars broke, or dead from lethal
injections made popular in America. Again, officer Bowman is
responsible for letting 'escape' those from Fort Detrick, who
attempted to murder the American Congressmen who thought going
into lawless tyranny, !makes no sense! Where is corporate
America on our issues when OUR free speech is ruled by the
irrational evil minds of Limbaugh, Bell, and Norry?!?!! Back
to Bowman: Bowman, also is responsible for sabotaging the
Moussaoui warrant. And, how much you wanna bet, he's probably
the same bushite who found Atta's passport, and likely had all
19 names of the high-jackers to give CNN, CBC, and FoxNews
just like the neocon's "bin Laden" would have too. Take the
publicly prancing bushite enemy out for questions by yourself,
if he doesn't plead his defense publicly on Coast to Coast by
tomorrow. Remember, there ain't an "Intelligence" group worth
their salt on the face of our Earth, that doesn't know exactly
what I'm doing here honorably for a real Justice made through
careful thought. So, support Johnny Wizard speaking for
public challenges internationally, and with the 23 plus
co-operating for life 'Intel' agencies, along with, anyone
else who can join in on the call. as a growing number of
Patriot Soldiers, who trust yourself to see, this wanting of
Justice isn't complicated. A person accused of a terrorist
event without any evidence, has our accuser a bushite, who
should be watched carefully until verifiable conclusions are
done by the understanding of fact. Not faith. With George W.
Bush making real decisions in faith, expecting us to believe
as corporately broadcasted unabashedly unbiased, that he
is not a deliberate incompetent monster war criminal
of unfathomable evil?, who is just too 'stupid' to understand
why we are innocent until proven otherwise?, is really
something we all need to scream about to save our dying lives.
"[..] just like the neocon's "bin Laden" would have too."
However, the real Laden, on video taped confession, claimed he
played no part whatsoever in 911, then later, offered himself
for arrest, confident he would be acquitted. Not corporately
newsworthy though, so, few even know why their American child
was later died in the terrorists act of corporate contempt for
US living Freedom with something greater as real Justice wills
Yours again,
King Johnny Wizard
/ / IDEA: Let's get our show up and running, by allowing open
public investigations To be conducted internationally, with
open line challenges, so we can publicly isolate each and
every bushmobster personally responsible for 911, and then,
all of everything else still left outstanding murdering
ourselves. Whatdoyahsay?? \ \
Art Bell, the zionist enemy of Life, wont allow free
communications with the established facts though,
What do you think? Are you truly all alone on this?
Again, more than half of the money being spent on demon Bush's
wars against life's reason for being, is completely left
un-accounted for thieving. Not spent to offer dumfuk cowardly
soldiers help hunt to kill bushite rapists and torturers.
Stolen American values Just like the bushite soldier on the
ground, who after gunning down innocent people in the street,
go through our pockets to steal the spared change. Kill a
bushite for the love of God why don't you my American Patriot
brother and sisters?, today!
Again, my friends, Art Bell and George Norry have thousands of
bushite dumfuk in America that will phone them to tell US how
greatly they are to have no care for dying freedoms in
America. While when the humans call, Art Bell for example,
between breaks, when privately screening his calls, just hangs
up on anyone he fears might articulate things like Ahmad
funded 911's Atta, according to the FBI, in defense of
America. I say, we at LEAST, talk about putting them both to
death for treasons against Your Life dying teen soldier,
wannabe Patriot. Make sense?
Again, corporate nazi america states 30 percent of America
supports the ungodly George W. Bush's demon antichrist
action, when in truth, it's less than one in a thousand. it's
just CBC, CNN, CJOB, and Art Bell the liars ain't taking our
calls for enlightenment. just like they treat the innocent in
Palestine for zionism's encouraged racist in-action. For what
does a fan of 'we're the best' Coast to Coast radio network
family know about nothing after we witness them froth at the
thoughts of nuking countries, or calling for enemies, none of
us here in North America have any real problems with?
People of Earth, know, these bushite soldiers war Creation
proudly with repeatedly committing aggravated felons, and
South African death squad goons, all to war Love for the
neocon god haters. Who, as peenacking atheists, as their very
own documents stress, would murder anyone of US for a stolen
Unhinged and unfit for office
Protestor's sign:
"killing innocent people is the problem not the solution."
/ / A Winnipeg bodybuilder, who had to be forcibly removed
from a flight to Winnipeg, was denied bail in a Minneapolis
court Friday and will remain in jail until his trial. \ \
My friends, People are dying because the magic radio and TV
wont broadcast our publicly available findings. Police
findings. People are dying needlessly, illegally,
irrationally like meaning really stupidly on Bush's behalf,
for they claim, we don't want to be 'embarrassing ourselves',
leaving our forsaken Johnny Wizard's Wild Wow World of Wonder
Wording Wees!.. mostly just appreciated by myself as sole
surprised spectator, because you people seem to not be there
for God when the chips are down, and truth is plain to see..
911 was an inside job, and CBC with CNN don't want to tell us
about it, but will watch our LOVED children lied to, to go out
and die further for a causeless war of criminality
unparalleled in it's wickedness.
Do you expect yourself to fail trying?
It's all up to You my friend, it's all up to you.
Onward Christian Soldier.
/ /the traceroute traces the IP not to a business, but
to a university! \ \
Wuterich "shoot first and ask questions later"
Wuterich "shoot [defenseless innocent women and children]
first and ask questions [from the corporate zionist pro-kill
anyone for a stolen nickel propagandists like demon enemy
AIPAC Hannity, George Norry, or, censors his calls for neocon
war criminals traitor Art Bell] later"
/ / commanders may give orders to ``shoot first and ask
questions later.'' \ \
This is why the Son of Man through God begs the Peoples of
Humanity to kill on sight, the enemy bushite betrayers to
Life. Ourselves, the innocent. These soulless grunts don't
destroy such deserving commanders, Like Blount, Sattler,
Russell, Wuterich, Pantano or even Kimmitt, and instead, as in
Fallujah, murder every woman and child present, while stealing
all our given monies for desperate life saving help. Anyone
in the Air Force deserves to be justly put down, for, I've
NEVER seen any legitimate bombing campaign, but for to kill
People indiscriminately like NATO regularly does with
radio-active toxic waste, while then sending in the dumfuk
Marines, or the 'from the coast' Canadians, who of course,
rightly get killed on the ground in retaliation for such blind
evil stupidity. Please, I beg, help Iraqis, and kill the
bushite thieves to defend our forsaken God. American
children, help me my loves. Please don't allow the bushmob to
escape for the treasons against America on 911, for, bushites
are OPENLY traitors, as the TRUE enemies of evidenced Justice,
as the Freedom to do our own things loving God on our own.
Besides, most bushites aren't even registered American
citizens. Bushites need to be hunted down for destruction -
by the Loyal Christian American Patriot Soldier, the ones who
war to win against those who torture US innocent to death as
the ungodly Satanic LIAR enemies. Save the Humans, kill a
bushite false accusing traitor of American Freedom To-day, and
become a real Man in the presence of Johnny America, an actual
Man of Men, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.
McCain is insane
/ / The proposal, which Sen. John McCain is planning to
introduce on Wednesday, also would require ISPs and perhaps
[!?!] some Web sites to alert the government of any illegal
images of real or "cartoon" minors. Failure to do would be
punished by criminal penalties including fines of up to
$300,000. [...]
What images must be reported? Illegal images of minors, which
includes clothed teens in "lascivious" poses, according to the
Justice Department. Obscene "cartoons" and "drawings" also
qualify. (18 USC 1466A) \ \
Alert the USER! not tyrannical leaderless dumfuk thievers,
for it is the expresser who, if any, that is guilty of a
determined illegal expression. In 'The' Canadian case, they,
(once proud IRRATIONAL bushiter THEIVES [pro Afghan child
killers determined to help the ungodly demon Bush's 'escape'
for 911]), want/HAVE to put MEN is prison for beautiful
pictures of girls in panties, or bubble bathtubs being. IT IS
demonization. Leaving twenty year olds to look like they
could be tens in a singled out of context womanly derriere,
that our Jurys nations-wide, are generally, denied to perceive
normally, if at all. McCain knows he is an enemy to God's
children everywhere. McCain speaks NOTHING to demand the
execution of hiding as 'British' soldiers who on prized video
tape, beat to death young barefoot children for erotic fun,
nor on mercury vaccines not banned minus "The President" in
name. BANNED. So, where are the North American multi-million
dollar "Exploitation Units" to defend our King's children from
TRAITOR pro-torture of US as the INNOCENT McCain there then
eh? Units who he holds hiding behind himself somewhere in
high blind praise as a rich group of child lovers I SAY???
(Is a heroin pushing bushite THIEF that supports the 'escape'
of the bushmob with indiscriminate bombings in Iraq or
Afghanistan, Lebanon, Haiti or Somalia, even capable.! of
real human Love I torturingly ask dauh gangsta rappah?
buddies where are You there in the stomach of the Beast
celebrating?) McCain is a demon enemy of Life ourselves to
promote the arrest of all the goodness that beauty brings in
the heavenly art of our clothed teens. If it weren't for
Earth Women, God's boy, Johnny Wizard, wouldn't even be here
to bother. It's the reason I first picked up a guitar, it's
the reason I did my early plays, then monster movies, and it's
the reason I praise the orchestra of the Heavens in Dream, and
well.. it's just the reason for everything. I speculate
sometimes perhaps slyly that G was kinda lonely all by
ourselves for zillions of years, whom, for entertainment,
loved us up on the entranced exit starting - before a
beginning without ending, yet, as outer there, is still the
insider here, forever being we sorta, and gave us this foolish
boy for the mental gymnastics. All in good fun. Rocking on
to leave all as Mystery, never realized forever and a day in
Eternity. You are a Servant, as so I am. Quite a place eh
kid? So as it looks now presently, we're here still barely
hanging on striving to survive against Mr. Bush's continuing
unfair irrational tyrannies of clear injustices committed in
Your Name against our Humanity, or, end ourselves dying
without true representation, left falling further forsaken.
[Home is home sweet home as in Chicago, as we always was going
to with or without our loves heaven bound. For I'm starting a
journey back to where I belong, where the food is good, the
music's great, and life is truly worth living as miraculous.
Sorry everybody, but that's the way it's gotta be for my Life
to have meaning terms.] Long story short: Females Rule, and
wiseguy Johnny is Freedom King for this moment Being.
Please help God.
We have to overhaul how all our national news Podcasts are
assimilated through corporate nazi zionist censorship. Art
Bell and George Norry are enemies to ALL american teen troops
put in harms way to die as bad guy irrationally for the neocon
God betrayers. Why? because they purposefully lie to have
YOU die as innocent murder victim. Death to the bushite,
death to God's enemies.
Be a friend if not an enemy,
Your buddy,
King Johnny
Well, gee, Iran has no nuke program, in anyway, shape, or
form, but Israel wants to murder more of humanity for their
ungodly lies anyway. The enriched uranium Iran is making, can
not be used for a bomb because it's only enriched to 2
percent, and to get the bomb making stuff, you need a
COMPLETELY different technology. But science?, in bushite
america? Nazi America would rather be nazi chauvinist pigs,
before admitting the Son of Man exists, or to go to the
trouble of phoning someone who refuses to take our public
calls for Justice. What religion is this America?, where
Human life has little of no value? And Johnny's love means
How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask
my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere. How? FOUR million
land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not
Aparthied, nor stealing a Christian's Home I suppose..? How?
An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With
/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \
Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to
commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it. You
defend this Patriot American Citizen as if Your America
depends upon it. The "Judge" who publicly forbids to hear
Watada's freedom defense, an Oath every Soldier swears to God
with, is a "Judge" who needs to be privately arrested for
treason against YOURSELF. Support my call to demand our
voices heard for Just causes, or go die silently to the grave
prisonized in a military dictatorship your 'neighbor' will say
quietly of, (under his bushite breath,) good riddance to
caring where my pusher's overdue payment goes to??. who the
kcuf are you?? ... Eiiiaaahh! Jesus kills bushite for
- On yet another, praise be with US, Alex Jones News Podcast -
Bob Watada: "He did his own research, and he found that there
was not only deception, but clearly lying by the commander.
Now if YOUR boss lied to you, and put YOU out on the line, so
that you can get KILLED, what would you do? You know, your
certainly not going to walk out there... and this is what
[Patriot] Aaron is saying, hey look Our Commander lied, and
he's lying to the People. and We, the Soldiers, can not go
out there and put OUR lives at risk for the oil-barons." enforcing the irrationalities of 'who needs evidence'
tyranny against the innocent as America Dreams. [I shouldn't
have to tell you anyway, but, freedoms are crying due to The
People's in-action to defend US innocent. And we wonder why
repuglicons put themselves greater than our, no greater
Taliban.. Corporate News Americans who are, in silence, not
taking sides regarding American Women, [MY BABES], acquiescing
to accept these mercury vaccines without filling questions.
Without QUESTIONS! Your Loves, my Loves, God's Loves.
Support my calls to be heard yourself. If your a Male, and
confusedly dumbfounded as I am on the mystery, just think of
yourself perhaps as a, free as a bird lesbian with rights to
be respected too - through the foolish spots with lost
yourself cycles on who truly Masters our Universe slaveboy,
[i know women can be intimidating. (especially.. the Black
Widow and old re-runs of the Shirley Temple.)] and get US
personally in the what is again, Our still hanging on
international News already! We all can agree, we love women.
Men? not so much. Let's go Coast to Coast man! On CNN! CBC!!
The Fight for Survival slog match between, Johnny 'just tying
his shoes' America, and Warmonger Liar, Sean Hannity -
televised World-Wide!!! With Cheerleaders, beer, pizza, and
beer! YEAH WAY!!!
Who's with Me?
It has been reported that some special ops out of Britain are
paying for terrorist attacks to happen in Iraq to insure more
Americans give their lives in praise - as criminally
sacrificed - to the demon antichrist, Our Mr. bush Jr.. All
unjustly suffering because corporate news america cowardly
refuse to defend freedom, by defending the truly innocent.
Nor, will Coast to Coast allow me to speak on "American"
radio. Let's change that. Will you make it so Commander?
Cause I'm ready.
A Public Letter to the "American" Coast to Coast Radio Network:
1. We, as the People, demand you allow US, the human species
to openly discuss the public evidence on who funded the
terrorist acts of 911 according to the FBI. And full
disclosure on the science of building Seven.
2. That the Iraq war never had, nor ever will have a
justification, concluding Naturally, that all stolen Iraqi
money must be returned by the will of GOD to the victims; with
those responsible for stealing it, made to pay US back, with
the true American Patriots to be found, backing US up 100
percent. The bush administration has teamed our kids to
mercenary forces who have no loyalty to freedom but to freely
die another Marine for more dying stolen values. While
successful at it corporate America, just lies and lies and
lies without shame, nor apology for the death of your poor
cowardly kin.
3. Also, that mercury tainted vaccines are deadly stupid.
Mercury is scientifically understood, without question, (no
doubt) to be a neural-toxin, and, Influenza is a constantly
mutating virus. So, pre-determining which 'deadly' strain is
going next, is only because the WHO wants to continue killing
US for huge cash profit. With cult slaves, like those who
forced Jones Towners to drink at gun point, are the same as
those who now demand we give our girls of America from Texas
such. It seems the magic TV news people don't want to trouble
us on this matter of our actual survival.
You must wake up to life's demand for you to defend our dying
lives my friend. Please? Make the call, be a man to defend
our women. Be a man to protect our children.
Support our call to be heard my brother.
That's all.
Iran prepares first nuke strike
See?, demons exist!
More settlers videos: "We killed Jesus, we are proud of it!"
Remind the Son of Man to hunt them down for better good
as we together are, why don't You see? I'm Your brother!
/ / State Department spokesman on 24 January, "that Iranian
agents are involved in these networks and that they are
working with individuals and groups in Iraq and are being sent
there by the Iranian government." \ \
We all know Iran has been trying to help Iraqis openly, so
then, what does such willful contempt for your life grant this
'spokesman'? Or, how about when Bush stated Iranians in Iraq
deserved to be murdered? (Later, the demon re-worded
himself in attempt to conceal HIS true evil identity.)
Remember the Bathists actually warred to kill and won against
al-CIA-duh forces that were caught hiding in Kurdish
territory. Killed "bin Laden"/bushite forces! Now, bushite
tell US Sunni is in kahoots with Laden. (In otherwords, Kill
a cowardly enemy of Life bushite for America to defend Iraqis
as a godly act.) Death to the bushite, death to our enemies.
/ / Tariq Aziz, the Christian Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister
said in mid September that Baghdad had provided assistance to
America's Kurdish allies, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(PUK), when forces supported by al Qaeda attacked them. He
said, ``We gave [Jalal] Talibani [leader of the PUK] weapons
and ammunition, we helped as much as we could. We are not
allowed of course to go into what is called the
semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan physically, but the help
we gave helped Talibani in his fight for it.'' In fact, added
Aziz, ``Talibani was among the opposition leaders who went to
Washington and spoke to Dick Cheney [US Vice-President] and
Rumsfeld. He told them what had happened, so they [US
government officials] must know.'' [Independent 9/23/02] \ \
Why Can't Americans See It?
The Latest Hoax : The real origin of `Iranian' produced IED
Light and Shadow
We need to publicly devise some real-world strategies to defeat
the ungodly enemy, the bushite neocon zionist traitors to Life.
Death to our indiscriminately murderous thieving enemies of
God's Creation, who war Creation for bush's personal escape
for the crimes of 911 Christ would say right, wouldn't you say
so likewise my brothers and sisters, of the Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish religions in belief?
Great words from the lawyer of the thieving bushite child killers of
/ / "There were Harriers dropping 500lb bombs on buildings.
If they're dropping 500lb bombs without knocking on the door
first, how can you argue the troops on the ground did anything
wrong?" \ \
2000lbs of radio-active toxic waste that will murder for years
more like, while after, then striking again to get the god
helpers and screaming children, then even, as in Fallujah,
going house to house to murder every one, young and old as the
truly Satanic. Just obeying lawless orders to thieve from
Humanity as bushite for neocon zionist traitors of G-D doesn't
fly in the big book. When anyone kills a bushite, all
humanity benefits truly from the defense. You defend a real
suffering God by ending a soulless bushite threat against our
Bill Sattler.
/ / to think that these could have been just dumb ideas or
incompetence. (L. Paul Bremer, for instance, who made the
"dumb" decision about dismantling the Iraqi army, prior to
becoming Iraq's occupation viceroy, had headed the nation's
leading risk assessment consultancy, and surely knew what all
the risks were of his various decisions.) \ \
Bushite TRAITORS got rid of the ORHA plan.
Exit strategy to save the lives of dying Americans:
War bushite LIAR zionist repuglicons who did God wrong on 911
War bushite who LIE to American Sons and Daughters to not hunt
those who stole billions with ear-marks, Social Security,
no-bid contracts, Iraqi oil, ect.
War those who stole the Iraq Development Fund, and the
emergency monies left to save the lives of our dying children
War bushite who feed soldiers radio-active toxic waste as harmless
War bushite who support torturing the innocent to death
War bushite who sing about the joys of murdering Iraqi children
War bushite who beat to death barefoot Iraqi children
War bushite who jokingly beat lamed dogs for fun
War bushite who claim they are lawlessly un-accountable as liars.
War bushite in the air force who target bombing innocent People
like in Fallujah or Somalia with land mines and mini nukes
The godless as lawless bushite is the enemy to America, kill
it proudly for freedom, as an undying love for a real God and
/ / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \
Again, a Patriot Soldier whos only crime is that he refuses
to commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it.
George Norry and Art Bell are enemies of American chances for
survival of our dying teens. Their contempt for Justice in
America is blatantly EVIL, and worth killing before they do
another dumfuk, they hate US, zionist demon broadcast.
Traitors to God and Country George Norry and Art Bell are.
They'll laugh, sing, and cheer while KILLING your CENSORED
forsaken Son or Daughter, needlessly trapped sacrificing with
the ungodly 'lawless' bushite zionist enemies, all before
allowing any REAL Americans to SIMPLY discuss evidence as a
requirement to convince ourselves of something. Norry, that
demon fu-ker, has an endless supply of bush whore callers,
that'll tell him, he doesn't have to read the news, read his
email, or hear the screams of dying innocent murder victims.
Sure, once a year, maybe, we'll get the Patriot popular Alex
Jones, but he's too terrified of me as Puppet Master, or US,
or talking about the NO CAUSE Iraq war, that Iran doesn't have
an ability to create weapons grade uranium, or that General
Ahmad funded 911's Atta.
Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.
/ / Four US oil companies, namely Conoco, Chevron, Amoco and
Philips have concessions in nearly two thirds of Somalia.
This quartet of oil conglomerates was granted these contracts
in the final days of Somalia's deposed dictator, Siad Barre.
The US first military engagement in Somalia was fully
supported by Conoco. \ \
In the new world, these soulless bomber bushite of the air
force, responsible for blatant first degree acts of murder
against the innocent, would be hunted down by Humans, tried,
then executed gloriously in the defense of our living justly.
/ / Al-Maliki has promised he will no longer block action
against the Mahdi Army militia \ \
So, is the block head saying American soldiers so far have
died for lawless tyranny? Kill a bushite, to protect the lives
of us as innocent victims in other words, right?
/ / And the Iraqi people owe us a debt of gratitude?
Bush continued, "I believe most Iraqis express that. I mean,
the people understand that we've endured great sacrifice to
help them. That's the problem here in America. They wonder
whether or not there is a gratitude level that's significant
enough in Iraq." \ \
Is Bush saying US dumb bastards don't give enough in
sacrifices to himself as the demon antichrist?
New Recruit
Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is
saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush
bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for
murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi
resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their
demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who
absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason
given. All the while, labeling themselves, "pro-Iraqi".
Real Americans are those of US as humanity that believe
in liberty as Justice for all. Demon bushite nazi
whores, don't like those principles of freedom through
evidentiary findings though, for their false deity,
George W. bush Jr, wouldn't be stealing from the honest
hard working blokes who live for a better day that way.
The Iraqi children did nothing to deserve such awful
suffering and fright and death at the hands of the enemy
bushite. The bushite: who the demon anti-Christ
states, are un-accountable to any rules of law in this
Universe, like with his extremely foolish criminal
decree, 13303. I kill mindless parasite bushite nazi
enemy soldiers just for that alone as eternal defender,
and I do it for to win some mercy for a real living God,
who the fascist enemy bushite hold in their ungodly
contempt as LIARS.
I have the backing of every real man alive on this
planet, and we all know it. No voices of reason have
apposed my factual claims in FREE Usenet, and Art Bell
makes no attempt to defend himself as internationally
painted enemy traitor, and that says a whole lot to Talk
America. Why? Because Mr. Bell, the bushite
propagandist, knows too, I speak and act truthfully,
honorably, and righteously, while the talk radio
american bushite lies, cheats and steals from America's
America, that as bushite, leave undefended for criminal
plunder in Your name call censored from classed
enrollment. You have just as much a right to be here as
I do, and the demon bush, he ain't no better than any of
US when he is "excused" for the murder of well more than
a hundred thousand confessed as completely innocent
people on this planet called Earth.
The fascist control bushite, don't like You to think
independently for Yourself, for we independents out here
make them look as stupid as they are. Thank you very
much for that not so secret info.
Through the pronounced bush demon's gaffes,
embarrassments, and told complete total ignorance on
subjects like the science of economics, the whys of
constitutional law, or when the bushite takes credit for
indiscriminate killing of our families and friends while
parading it's all done in bush's name for our freedom,
or for 9/11, doesn't fool me, and should get you
thinking about reaching for your guns too, for bushite
rapists and torturers will not walk this world freely
un-accountable, for as long as we remain alive to hunt
them down and kill them if so be. As the soulless
disciples of the enemy anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
their "officially" granted legal immunity from all
prosecution means nothing to me as a honorable man
defending my humanity, or as living Creator, who brought
all into this new world to be free, and can just as
soon, take you all nazi bushite out the old school way.
How The Demon Bush Misled God's World
How Bush misled the world
/ / Once the document was declassified after the war it became
known that it contained 40 caveats - including 15 uses of
"probably", all of which had been removed from the previously
published version. Tenet further ingratiated himself by
remaining silent about the OSP. "That's totally unacceptable
for a CIA director," said Thielman. \ \
Thielman meant "totally unacceptable" as in HIGH TREASON.
Could it be any higher? Deliberately caught misleading
whore-dumb Congress to wage his immoral neocon 'escape' with a
unjustified criminal brutality against God as all of our
Humanity. A great deal more than a million innocent people
have been victims to the 'targeted' Zionist killings of the
irrational bushite enemy. Lawless enemies to Creation,
spreading their toxic waste who thieve, rape and murder
without reprimand from corporate news america, shall, I pray
daily, die justly in vengeances by the will of a real undying
Love for our victimized innocent family. Justice for Humanity.
Please, help US.
The guilty party of Haditha have confessed that targeted
killing of innocent children is fair game in their worlds, and
as confessed, they 'got away' committing the same Satanic acts
- going house to house in fallujah murdering more than two
hundred thousand innocent folks for LIAR E-N-E-M-Y Sattler.
Bushite corporate america, has stated in silence, the bushite
enemies of Haditha will never face public execution for such
offences, YOU apparently WILL NOT GRANT IT, too cowardly, and
in all likelihood, (like those of the Saudi Blount's third
infantry) will be allowed to walk freely down american streets
after being found guilty as politically supporting the robbing
and murder of innocent men, women, and children all because
we're rag-heads or niggers. The, deserving to die as
illiterately intolerable bushite drone soldiers HAPPILY,
WITHOUT QUESTION, co-operate with ANY lawless mercenary forces
such as south african death squad goons in finding the enemies
of themselves. Purposelessly ungodly bushite soldiers are
told they are DYING to defend Iraqis, while breaking out of
prison, mercenaries caught trying to kill innocent Iraqis for
fun and profit. While, at the same time, actually having
SLAVES from India preparing their lunches!!! And guess what?
they're coming to live bushite america as the patriots after
they get killed you're forsaken American Son or Daughter teen!
With millions of stolen American dollars to set up new
'freedom' operations.
Let US demand open radio
communications on the mathimatical facts to save our own
selves further victimhood to their personal contempt for the
true value of YOUR life. Thanks.
Can you help us speak this outrage to your local media outlets?
thanks again bud.
Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War
Impeach for Peace!
I HATE bushite with everything I am.
Johnny America - The Free World President and CEO of Shareware Earth
Join the cause!
Johnny America
- "The months preceding September 11 [see] a shifting of the
US military's focus ... Over several months beginning in
April [2001] a series of military and governmental policy
documents [are] released that [seek] to legitimize the use of
US military force in the pursuit of oil and gas." Michael
Klare, an international security expert and author of Resource
Wars, says the military has increasingly come to "define
resource security as their primary mission." In April, Tommy
Franks, the commander of US forces in the Persian Gulf/South
Asia area, testifies to Congress in April that his command's
key mission is "access to [the region's] energy resources."
The next month US Central Command begins planning for war with
Afghanistan, plans that are later used in the real war.
[Sydney Morning Herald, 12/26/02]
See? It's admitted that the zionists planned to STEAL the
rights of Afghans for Enron, by LYING to SOLDIERS to get them
killed as the American Pension thieving bad guys. Too
COWARDLY parasitic to hunt those responsible for murdering
thousands of "Americans". So, as a consequence, they, as
loveless bushite drones, die cowardly with the once great
America as enemy corporate fascists to Freedom's Justice, Our
Living God.
John's truth. Killing a THIEVING bushite is to save the lives
of the innocent they target for murder. The cowardly bushite,
dies sacrificed - all to help IT slavishly escape those
responsible for 'getting away with' murdering thousands of
Americans in New York City on 911. Sorry George W. Bush and
company, enemy traitors to God and America, not under our
eternal watch. The People has spoken forever on this subject
of direct accountability. Bush told us we didn't need any
evidence, well, I know that WE DO, so, fu-k you too George
Bush Jr.. This is my World..
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."
"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President
to explain to us what the exit strategy is."
- George W. Bush, discussing Kosovo, Houston Chronicle, 04-09-99
"First we sent Americans to their deaths for your lie, Mr.
Bush, now we are sending them to their deaths for your ego.
Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies
DUMFUK BUSHITE ENEMY OF GOD "This is not a job in anyway
shape or form, this is not a job. this is a lifestyle. and
we choose this type of lifestyle."
Traitor LIAR Hannity "Knowing the danger?"
Traitor LIAR Hannity "Well, isn't that the definition of Bravery?"
See, TRAITOR Hannity [who deserves to be executed for the
treasonous DOCUMENTED lies he tells America almost daily]
would claim any and all serial murderers and rapists in
America are the definition of bravery. Bushite dumfuks
deserve to die as enemies of America because they openly,
purposefully target the innocent to rob from and murder, as
bushite did on 911. They bomb cities. Thus is why Christ
[ME] tells loving children to gladly help Life kill their own
godless fathers or brothers who CHOOSE to commit these war
crimes against our humanity with their contempt for Justice,
Johnny and America. {Especially those in George W. Bush's
air force.] A bushite's hatred for America is blatant with
every monosyllabic grunt they make. In nazi zionist america,
they have a Zionist national radio program that forbids the
nation to know they're presently being victimized for criminal
sacrifice, and apparently, Americans would rather DIE, than
hunt George Norry, or Art bell for questioning. A nation of
fascist nazi cowards, who go silently to their graves in their
support of torturing innocent people to death for the thieving
EVIL bushite's pleasure.
Death to the godless bushite, death to America's lawless enemies.
Bushite Zionist atheists believe that I, as the Son of Man,
Couldn't be anything but their worst nightmare. No, WE, as
Humanity, will religiously really kill bushite continuously to
hasten the day when America actually fights to win, free
communications for Justice's claim. General Ahmad funded
911's Atta.
Die bushite die. Die bushite die. die bushite die.
/ / "How could I order men to die for something I believe is
wrong?" \ \
They eat radio-active toxic waste before asking, why would
we eat radio-active toxic waste without thinking?
/ / We are reminded today of how far the Iraqi people have
come since the end of Saddam Hussein's rule - and that the
progress they have made would not have been possible without
the continued service and sacrifice of our men and women in
uniform. \ \
Progress? Fu-k don't you too hate bushite with everything YOU
are? Iraqis had public health care, and University prior to
the bushite stealing everything they could as sworn enemies to
progress. Had a justice system that Bush never aired any
concern regarding the evidence requirement to form our
conclusions. kill a bushite and all day long you win God's
praise as a bonafide, as honorable, freedom fighting
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal
shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's
just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."
- George W. Bush
Kill a bushite and God wiill love you for
defending US, the innocent in war time.
"The truth of that matter is, if you listen carefully, Saddam
would still be in power if he were the president of the United
States, and the world would be a lot better off." George W.
The demon enemy of America, Our Mr. bush Jr., responsible for
911, creates hope in God that honorable men of this Earth,
will assist the Humans in hunting to kill bushite enemy
terrorists who support torturing and thieving from US, the
godly as innocent. Every time we hear of another bushite
death, god celebrates OUR wins over the ungodly demon
antichrist forces. Death to the bushite, death to our enemies
who murder innocent people with LIES against America and GOD.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the unholy benefit of the enemy
When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.
= Highwater =
A Soldier's Life Held in Contempt
The way I see it, is that I am completely documented correct
on who was responsible for the terrorist crimes of 9/11.
The affidavit that starts "1. National Security Issues" was
submitted in conjunction with my motion to request assistance
from the Court. The additional paper "Stand Together or
Don't", was an added part of the same affidavit.
The affidavit with 38 positions was submitted with the two
motions, "Order of Production" and "for the Crown to Stay
Proceedings". Duplicate copies of the same affidavit were
submitted in each respect.
/ / In another characteristic incident, Bush asserted, as he
has repeatedly, that any decision on withdrawal of American
troops from Iraq "will be made by military commanders, not by
politicians in Washington DC." \ \
Exactly. The demon enemy of life itself, Our Mr. bush Jnr.,
who publicly parades his contempt for freedom and God, must
be stopped for all costs, that include for sure, your own
as reader.
Realize, CNN and CBC have received this post, yet, continue to
lie to dying soldiers for the benefit of the enemy neo-con.
I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later
convinced for kidnapping and murdering reporter Daniel Pearl
in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal
authorities have told ABC News they've now tracked more than
$100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta."
[ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also reports the $100,000 transfer,
and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order
must have preceded June 2000, since that's when Atta and
others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money
($109,910 is received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June
19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]
On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby
guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only workable if Laden pleads
innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime
serious enough to "justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for
a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving Enron.
["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any
offense would have been sufficient to have Muslim
fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had
offered [as others of other nations had also] repeatedly
during the Clinton years.
CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do
any follow up on the intelligence, deciding instead on behalf
of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just
RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41
The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's
ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin Laden was responsible
for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of
State, Colin Powell, the United States has enough evidence to
try bin Laden in an American court.
The US Government said there would be no negotiations.
[This following document was the official damning account]
Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States
4 October 2001
[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]
"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case
against Usama Bin Laden in a court of law."
The document doesn't hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?
Investigating the Investigation
After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then
on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast
meetings repeated the request."
...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24
and by Mr. Bush four days later, but "on other dates
following" as well.
6. : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
October 9 2001 - The Times of India
"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed
that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"] director-general Lt-Gen
Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on
Monday, the truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed
here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because of the
"evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the
suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Center. The U.S.
authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that
$100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from
Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed] at the instance of
General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have
confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing
the link between the money transfer and the role played by the
dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they
said that Indian inputs, including [Omar Saeed's] mobile phone
number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."
No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none.
[So according to Bush's official top secret Presidential
directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in
911. Still, to save the lives of third worlders on the brink
of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that
fact for the behalf of now dying dismembered American GIs.
Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he
had no choice but to fight back to defend US innocent from the
ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all
fake video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close
to looking remotely like Laden, but for almost the facial
hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in
proportion to Laden's for example, and surely frightfully
shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for 911
either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and
CNN available in about twelve seconds with the power of the
former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill
"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were
U.S. oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi
Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von
"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to
stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert
Wright if he tells us what he knows."
Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of
complete innocence with "We don't need any evidence, we know
he's guilty."
" [FBI's] Edmonds concluded that documents clearly showed that
the Sept. 11 hijackers were in the country and plotting to
use airplanes as missiles. She said documents also included
information relating to their financial activities. "
The honorable Argentinean oil company Bridas' relationship can
not be understated as the Bush Administration's primary motive
on criminal invasion of Afghanistan to save his biggest
corporate backers, the American pension thieving Enron.
Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or stated,
that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest U.N.
resolution: 1441.
HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to perform
professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to
increase aerial surveillance..."
With complete, one hundred percent access to go where ever the
Bush Administration pleased without delay, left a situation of
an unjust war only detrimental to an ability to bring about
any good or better thing. American soldiers are being
sacrificed for no better good or reason understood, for if
progress will ever be made, it will be when they work to bring
about a political situation that was there in Iraq before the
Bush Administration starting murdering innocent people for
nothing . Well, not completely, for Bremer shipped 19 billion
to Greenspan early on, then, hundreds of millions were sent
Professor Steven E. Jones, a tenured BYU professor, went
public several weeks ago after releasing a 19 page academic
paper, essentially showing how the laws of physics do not
support the WTC's freefall[...]
"To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got
the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on
Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11..."
Tony Blair Speaking To House of Commons Liaison Committee
The Washington Post, 23 September 2001.
At American urging, Ahmed traveled ... to Kandahar,
Afghanistan. There he delivered the bluntest of demands.
Turn over bin Laden without conditions, he told Taliban leader
Mohammad Omar, or face certain war with the United States and
its allies.
Mahmoud's meetings on two separate missions with the Taliban
were reported as a "failure." Yet this "failure" to extradite
Osama without providing a shred of eidence was part of
Washington's documented design, providing a pretext for a
military intervention which was already in the pipeline. If
Osama had been extradited, the main justification for waging a
war "against international terrorism" would no longer hold.
Nor would the ready to go Patriot Act. Incidentally, when
MSNBC contacted the Whitehouse regarding the top secret
invasion of Afghanistan plan, it was confessed that the plan
had been "fully implemented"
Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal
matters, Legal Aid is not required to lend assistance on the
grounds that I'm not co-operating with the system as it
operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of
assistance I am requesting] Considering the complexity of my
judicial matter, I would request legal assistance from the
Court in these following areas.
1. National Security Issues
<BIG SNP don't miss out on your very own copy of the full motions>
In conclusion, I need to show where my outstanding character
was at, by indicating exactly what I spent my free time on, to
illustrate for our Court, my TRUE intent as motive on this
Yours truly,
for the Crown to Stay Proceedings
The Validity of the Law
/ / What is particularly disturbing is how the administration
misused intelligence information to make its case for war and
failed to plan competently for the postwar period. \ \
What seems even more disturbing, to me, and PBS' FRONTLINE, is
that there was a "State" plan, the ORHA plan to prevent
looting and carnage, but it was sabotaged by rumsfeld and
franks, so the bushmob could try to make some sense of
needlessly bombing the country for our labored dollars, while
robbing the central bank and museum by mopping up the mess
with the bodies of American Patriots still dying as da' dumfuks.
you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never
too late to change your mind, we are all in agreement, in
truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised...
Our Gambling Problem
Instead of our government deciding what services we need and
are willing to pay for, they'll have us think that by actively
promoting gambling to those we can take advantage of, somehow
serves them right, and us well.
Are you feeling okay buddy? Let us get out of here, and go to
/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,
"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. \ \
What is the Coast to Coast radio network Head talking
about tonight?, the re-re-re-hashing of the "Allaways
Interslinging" Bigfoot phenomenon? Where was I...
Look, you're not going to go to hell for not giving me a
couple of dollars to further my cause, but it sure
couldn't help to leave me without any support here
White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies'
/ / Specialist Damien "Monster" Corsetti--known
affectionately as the "King of Torture" among his Bagram
colleagues--was later fined and demoted for forcing an
Iraqi woman to strip during an interrogation at Abu
Ghraib. Yet Corsetti remains a free man. \ \
Will America hunt to kill the un-arrested bushite cancer
that knows thyself as the "King of Torture"? Who's
blasphemous open contempt for all that is God doesn't even
earn him a spot on America's Most Wanted?
/ / an epic study that documents the systematic nature of
torture by the Americans, and how casual it is, even
enjoyable. [...] as the head of Reuters said recently,
it is out of control. It is destroying lives in industrial
quantities when compared with the violence of the
resistance. \ \
/ / Mr Cheney told several Republican senators that
President Bush would veto the annual defense spending
bill if it contained language prohibiting the use of
cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by any U.S.
personnel. \ \
/ / Col. Robert Bowman: As other speakers have said,
they knew the American people wouldn't stand for it, and
they said so in their documents, and they said, unless
there's that new Pearl Harbor.
[...] and it is treason. [...] \ \
/ / · less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement in
security; \ \
(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")
/ / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from? \ \
/ / Irwin Cotler's credo is supposed to be "Justice, justice shall
you pursue" not ingratiation with superpowers who practice torture. \
/ / In fact, as they made clear on page one, the authors had
stripped out Falluja; their estimate of 98,000 deaths would
otherwise have been much higher. \ \
/ / Why does any American think that spying without a warrant
has any more effect in reducing the threat of terrorism than
spying with a warrant? \ \
Yet, FOX, CNN and CBC silently plead ignorance when
broadcasting for bushite favor on this rights issue. He wants
to pursue terrorists they'll tell us, but CNN, CBC, FOX and
others, won't tell us why Bush secretly feels FISA would
jeopardize such claimed inquiries? Sure, bushites are dumb,
but we're not that dumb to except this without knowing. It's
similarly like, Bush can't be my Chief because, Congress
didn't declare war like the Constitution Laws. So, what's he
going by then?, right?
True Blue American Jew
/ / When hundreds of millions are calling for the
extermination of the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie;
it is a blood libel. \ \
What is wrong with this ungodly stupid zionist demon nazi fuk
eh? Does he want us to think he has some secret club of
"ungodly liars" who could hide among themselves in a dark room
and not destroy themselves willingly? (The Devil's in the
details) I'm King of the Jews, and I'd kill bushite thieves
for America anyday, any REAL JEW who defends the lives of the
innocent, who the bushite targets for murder would do so
likewise.. I mean, come on, seriously, who wouldn't.
bushites are evil, and evil is dumb. A zionist THIEF is a
soulless enemy of Life, as a un-American, God hating, pro
Christian/Arab/Jew killer. In other words, Americans beware
of the Zionist in your midst who LIES to cheat and steal from
the innocent true blue American Jew included.
Now that atheist THIEF Israel has 'legalized' MURDER,
/ / "Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to
the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings
in the United States and other friendly countries, former
Israeli intelligence officials told United Press
International. \ \ The zionist criminal element can't call
OUR COPS we see... and with enemies like these... We should
don our stars an crosses, load our guns, and hunt to kill
every last 'escaped' first degree murderer zionist,
Johnny's Flying Jalopy
Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing
American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement
- God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting
freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably,
like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so
on preaches to real believers... While evil bushite liars
tell our children we're blaming the innocent as God's will for
their 'escaping' criminality. Murderous! Art Bell again,
told his viewers he didn't support starting the war against
the innocent in Iraq, but he did relentlessly. I survived
through that well recorded international challenge. The demon
forbade any discussions on the matter, but for a rare seldom
talk with someone who wanted to nuke somwheres else.
Bush signed the top secret war strategy, to ignore all
relevant evidence for a crime that hadn't just yet taken
place, on September 9th, 2001. [Jim at MSNBC] A top secret
criminal plan to close inquiries carried out after the
catalyst terror event of 911. The General who provided the no
evidence argument to the Taliban at Bush's request, was found
also responsible by the FBI for funding the same terrorist
offence in question. A terrorist crime that the bushmob has
taken a huge killing in GOD with. wAllah, George W. Bush is
the for real antichrist. No escaping it my friends, no
escaping it. Fight for Freedom, or die a loser to bush's
genius. Support me, or fail to recognize true wisdom when it
speaks to you of need for desperate change to save your dying
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."
Ahmad funded Atta
American soldiers are being terribly mislead by the Bush
administration to undermine freedom for Americans, by
suggesting an effective war strategy is to ignore all the 911
evidence, and go off instead to blindly blame bad Afghans or
badder Iraqis, is an insult to all honorable police services.
Services not left permanently perplexed by the onslaught of
repeatedly ignoring the same consequences where more innocent
people fall dead as bombing victims, while LIAR bushite
continue to charge/thieve from both, you as an American, and
me, a member of our victimized Humanity. You see, your demon
liar has ruled that all the Peoples of Earth have no legal
rights to exist freely in our public court rooms. Bad news
that is for OUR dying America my friend. Support my call for
an open dialog on returning a reason for believing, for
Freedom is Justice, not a censored world ruled by puppet
people in shadows without free will left un-accountable.